
Young Professor

"Good morning mama, how are you, long time no see you're getting more and more beautiful." Zayn greeted Leen at breakfast. While Leen was surprised by Zayn's current attitude, he was getting smarter, unlike before, who tended to be quiet.

"Thank you Zayn, you are also getting more handsome, it seems that the more dominant Ayya gene is in you dear, you are very smart like your mother." Leen replied to Zayn's words. People who miss each other, the time of six years felt by Leen was very long, he really missed his adopted son.

"How are your parents Zayn? Are they healthy?" Daniel spread peanut butter on his white bread, and then they had breakfast in peace.

"Thank God papa, they are all fine, they also send greetings to both of you, also to little Naya." Zayn looked at Naya with a loving look, and he remembered his sister Bikka.

"Mommy, who is this handsome brother?" little Naya, who is now five and a half years old, is the first time she met Zayn because when Zayn came home, Naya was still in his mother's womb.

"He is your sister dear, so you have to love Zayn's brother .."Leen introduced Zayn to Naya. The little one seemed to immediately like Zayn, and they immediately finished their breakfast.

"Zayn, let's go immediately, the campus is waiting for us, they will explain about your job, also talk about your placement, because maybe you will be asked to choose later which place you are comfortable in." Danial said goodbye to Leen and Naya, and Zayn, then the two of them immediately left the house. Leen was also getting ready to send Naya to school, then Leen was going to the hospital, at this time, Leen worked at a hospital in the city of Giza, and his position was also quite high, Leen became a director in the gynecology department of the hospital.

"Papa, will I be placed in Cairo University? Zayn asked about his job placement later. Danial just shook his head.

"That's all you will decide later Zayn, there are several universities that need a professor along with his education major, so after meeting with Doctoral Professor Hossam Mohamed Kamel, he will discuss something with you, then you will choose yourself later." Danial saw Zayn nodded his head.

The two of them have now arrived at the University where Danial teaches, and then they immediately met Professor Hossam in his room. They then talked about what they needed, and several criteria seemed to fit Zayn very well, one of which was needed by the University of Alexandria.

"So how is Zayn, have you decided which one to take?" asked Danial. The two men watched Zayn, who was thinking.

"It's okay, I'll take this .." Zayn handed the file from Alexandria University. He chose to teach here because Zayn thought it was very suitable for him. After Zayn decided to send his CV to Alexandria University immediately, Zayn officially became a professor in the university's first youngest computer science department.

"Then you have to leave today Zayn, later you have to report to the University, tomorrow you have to start your activities immediately." Prof. Dr. Hossam told Zayn while Danial patted his son's shoulder. They immediately left the room and back home to prepare everything, actually not too much trouble anyway, because Zayn's things have not been unpacked, so just put it in the car, and Zayn is ready to go.

"Zayn, why did you choose that university? Doesn't that mean you have to part with us?" Daniel was focused on driving, but also he couldn't contain his curiosity.

"Papa, I want to feel a different atmosphere, I have studied at this university, now I want to try in another place, I want to go back to where my parents used to study, besides, I will also occupy their apartment, too bad if unused." Zayn smiled. He understood his father's concern, he smiled.

"Papa, calm down, I can take care of myself, I will call you every day." Zayn smiled at Danial, a very confident smile, and it made Danial also determined to let Zayn go.

"But you have to tell your parents first, Zayn, even though we hope you will live with us." Daniel sighed a bit heavily, and he loved Zayn with all his heart like he loved his own son.

"Calm down, Pa. I'm not a student, now I'm teaching, so I can visit you anytime. I'll visit you often.

"Okay, we have arrived home now, you put your things in the black car, then you will drive yourself, papa will guide your way." Danial then took out Rafi and Ayya's car, which was entrusted to him first. Apparently, now he can give it back to his son, Zayn.

"Is this the car I brought pa?" Zayn was surprised. He saw an old car, even older than Zayn's own age, but still well maintained and smooth. It was obvious that Danial really loved this car.

"Zayn, this car is now yours, my task of taking care of it has been completed, now I will give it to the original owner."

"You mean papa, this is my car?" Zayn still couldn't believe it. Danial nodded and smiled.

"Zayn, actually, this car belongs to your parents, this car was a wedding gift from your grandfather to your parents, and when they returned to Indonesia, they gave it to me, but, now I will return it to you, take good care of it, son! This is yours now." Daniel then helped Zayn load his things. They immediately left and reported to Alexandria University, then Danial took Zayn to his apartment, then Danial immediately returned to the city of Giza. The distance between Alexandria and Giza takes about two half an hour, so as not to be late, Danial immediately said goodbye shortly after helping Zayn put his things into his parents' apartment.

"Dad will come straight home?" Zayn asked when he saw Danial get up and say goodbye to leave his apartment.

"Yes Zayn, your mother will be worried if I don't come home, besides tomorrow morning I have a teaching schedule, so do you, so now, you rest, tomorrow you have started teaching." Danial hugged his son's tall body, and Zayn returned his father's hug; he also asked Danial to apologize to Leen because they didn't get to meet earlier. Zayn also promised that if there weren't an event, he would visit them this weekend. Danial immediately left Zayn and came back. He didn't want to spend the night.