
Very Happy

"Haedar, is that right?" Ayya ​​again confirmed to her besan before she let out a sense of happiness.

"That's right Ayya, Rafi, if you don't believe me for a second I will give you evidence." Haedar disconnected the call and resumed the video call. When Ayya pressed the accept button, Ayya saw Zayn and Arunika together with Haedar sitting on the sofa in their apartment.

"Arunika, Zayn, why are you guys in Egypt? Shouldn't you be in China right now?" Ayya, Rafi as well as Kia and Zio were very surprised.

"Yes father, aunt Kia and uncle Zio, we were only on the island for two days because Alif told us that papa was sick because he missed us, so we decided to go to Egypt and now we are here." Arunika and Zayn also look very happy at this time, of course, they have been married for three years and when their marriage is in their fourth year they are believed to have a child.