
Haziq And Jeeva

The two of them met again at breakfast. Jeeva felt very awkward because last night she slept in Haaziq's room. Jeeva still thought that he was sleepwalking. Jeeva saw Haaziq's face turn pale and a few moments later Haaziq was unconscious.

"Haaziq, what are you doing?" Alif panicked and asked some Kang santri to help move Haaziq into his room. Alif then immediately asked Jeeva to take care of Haaziq because he and Najma had to go to Malang this morning as well. He then asked Jeeva to take care of Haaziq while they were not home. Unable to resist, Jeeva ends up having to take care of Haaziq.

"Gus Haaziq, if you could share your sadness with me. I will definitely replace you. I am willing to feel the pain you feel so that you don't suffer anymore like now." Jeeva wipes her tears. He then re-compressed Haaziq while waiting for Alif and Najma to return.