
Haziiq Hakeem

Zayn and Arunika's eyes widened when they both saw Haaziq's face. What Daniyal said all this time turned out to be true. Between Zayn and Haaziq are really similar, not similar but a photocopy. Arunika immediately looked at her husband with a suspicious look. Zay himself felt uncomfortable with Arunika's gaze, he then took his husband's hand and brought him closer to Ameera's doctor.

"Brother, tell me! what is your relationship with doctor Ameera? are you guys doing things that are not right behind my back?" Doctor Ameera and Zayn were very surprised by what Arunika said. How could they possibly do such a thing.

"Honey! Don't be crazy! How could I do something like that with Doctor Ameera. Do you think I'm crazy to do something like that with a woman who deserves to be my mother?" Zayn also did not accept. Doctor Ameera herself was very surprised that Arunika finally had such thoughts.