
Hacking Nasa Sites

Zayn is fiddling with his laptop, and he is alone in his room. Even Zayn missed his dinner, Ayya was very worried about her only son.

"Rafi, we need to send Zayn to Malang immediately so he has friends and can socialize with other people." Ayya ​​feels very worried about Zayn's psychological development. While Rafi just smiled.

"Relax dear, having a son who is a genius is indeed a side effect. Zayn will not want to play with his peers because they will not connect and it will be very boring for Zayn, so he is more comfortable alone right?" Rafi stroked his wife's head, then sat back in his chair, and they just had dinner together. While Zayn was still engrossed in his computer, he fiddled around whimsically, and moments later, he smiled triumphantly.

Zayn's curiosity about the world of technology, especially programming, begins with interesting stories from Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, who are successful in their fields. Almost every day, Zayn plays with his laptop, whether it's playing games or just fiddling with his laptop, and it makes Zayn's curiosity about computers and programming even higher.

"Why can this game be interesting, huh?" Zayn tried to fiddle with his laptop, he also searched on google, and it turned out that all of it was the result of programming. He's getting deeper into the world of programming, now he's trying to fiddle with his laptop again, and in less than three minutes, Zayn managed to break into one of the government's security systems. However, he soon exited the site safely so that his presence was not detected.

Zayn has not been satisfied playing. Through his skills, he has begun to sneak back into sites claimed to be safe and secure. Unbeknownst to the owner, now he has managed to break into a site again, but Zayn is not a bad boy; he is a very good boy. Therefore he informed the owner of the account by making a report to the owner of the account. Zayn also made a new security system that no one else can break into as an apology, and the account owner thanked Zayn instead. Zayn also managed to break into the stringent NASA [United States Aeronautics and Space Agency] site, but Zayn also immediately restored the site and left without the owner knowing. When he heard footsteps outside his room, Zayn immediately ended the game. He immediately returned his laptop to its place on his desk. Zayn now opened the book and read it.

"Zayn, don't lie to mom. You can't fool me honey, let alone pretend to read a book. That's a very old fashioned way, honey." Ayya ​​stroked her son's black hair.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I won't do it again. I also want to ask mom's permission to create another account. I'm interested in becoming a bug hunter ma'am, so I can make money and it's legal. So I won't hide forever, I promise will use a very simple identity and regarding my real account, I can guarantee it will be kept safe." Zayn pleads with Ayya, and Ayya grants her son's wish.

"But you have to promise to stay safe my dear and use your skills to help others and for good." Ayya ​​advises her son.

"Of course mom, won't you take care of me? Come on mom, don't pretend." Zayn turns to tease his mother now. Ayya ​​shook her head, and then she came out of her son's room.

"You naughty boy, oh yes dear, if you are hungry for food there is a cupboard. Then when you are finished, go to sleep. Oh yes, one more thing, when are you going to Malang, dear?" Ayya ​​asked; before Zayn answered, Ayya had left her beloved son's room. Zayn couldn't help but shake his head too. Then Zayn walked into the kitchen to eat. After that, Zayn went back to his room to sleep.

One week after Zayn left for Malang, he would live in a boarding school owned by his great-grandfather. There was also Kaif, the uncle he loved very much. Zayn is also very comfortable when he is with his uncle. Kaif is one year younger than Zayn.

"Father, Mother, I'm leaving first! Take care of your health, Assalamu'alaikum." Zayn then departs, accompanied by Fuad, a student who has served the Rafi family since Fuad finished his Al-Qur'an.

"Be careful, Fuad; when you arrive, let us know immediately. Zayn, don't be naughty there, okay?" Ayya ​​hugged her son, then Zayn kissed his parents' hands, and the two people [Zayn and Fuad] immediately left for Malang.

"Fuad, I'm sorry. Because of me, you have to take me to Malang. Because I feel sorry for mom and dad if they have to take me to my great-grandfather's place, that's why I ask you to take me." Zayn feels a bit bad about Fuad. Actually, Rafi and Ayya themselves were going to take Zayn to Malang. Still, Zayn knew his parents were very busy for that Zayn asked Fuad to take Zayn, even though Fuad actually wanted to go home to his parents. Fuad had not seen his parents for a long time.

"It's okay Zayn, it's my duty. After all, after dropping you off, I'll immediately go back to my house in Ngawi, right Zayn? hehe.." Fuad is already like family, and he has become a housekeeper Zayn's parents since Rafi and Ayya were still living in Rembang. Fuad and Rafi are almost the same age, but Fuad is still reluctant to get married. So Fuad also considers Zayn like his own son.

"Rafi, I hope Zayn can socialize with others like other children his age. Ayya really hopes that Kaif can be a good friend and companion for Zayn and distract him a little from his laptops.'" Ayya sighed, then she smiled at him. Her husband.

"I'm very sure honey, as Zayn gets older he will be able to live his days well. One day when he finds his soulmate, he will change. Believe me, now he is only ten years old," Rafi soothed his wife's feelings.

"Rafi, do you know what your son did last night?" Ayya ​​asked Rafi carefully and in a tiny voice. Rafi, of course, shook his head because he didn't know.

"Last night our son managed to break into NASA's website, luckily Ayya caught on quickly and he got out of the site before they even noticed Zayn's presence. That's why, even though Ayya still misses him very much, we have to take him to Malang immediately so that his mind is a little distracted." Ayya ​​is very concerned about the peculiarities of her son's brain. Although somewhat surprised that Rafi could immediately calm his heart, Rafi and Ayya immediately resumed their activities to help their parents teach them.