

"Hoaaammm..." The girl yawned quite wide and stretched her arms, and Zayn was almost hit by the girl's hand.

"Why did you fall asleep on my shoulder earlier? Now it feels so sore." Zayn slowly massaged his numb and sore shoulder.

"I'm sorry brother. I didn't mean to." The girl pleaded with sparkling eyes, very beautiful. At one glance, Zayn was sure that this girl was a mulatto. One of her parents was definitely Indonesian, but one of them might be it's just a middle eastern person, whether it's Turkish Arab, Dubai or Lebanese, or Egyptian. What is certain is that his face is unique.

"I'm sorry, but we haven't met. I'm Zayn, what's your name? Zayn really likes this girl, and he thinks he's fearless. And also a bit silly, but his behavior is very adorable. She talks a lot and is indifferent.

"Oh yes, introduce me, Arunika Derana." Zayn accepted the hand of the girl who claimed to be named Arunika Derana. Zayn immediately smiled.

"Arunika, the morning sun after sunrise, the warm light"

"Derana, endure and endure something, someone who is very strong, not easily broken heart and also not easily discouraged." Zayn ruffled the girl's long brown hair.

"Waaaoooowwww brother, my name is very beautiful right? You want to go to Egypt," Arunika asked with her innocent face. Zayn nodded, then he looked at Arunika with a smile.

"Where are you going alone, why are you alone?" Zayn was exasperated since he was asked why he was going alone but instead answered with other words unrelated to Zayn's question.

"I want to go to Egypt, to be precise, I want to go to the city of Alexandria." Arunika replied with a beautiful smile while blinking her eyes. Zayn pinched the little girl's nose.

"Why alone?" Zayn began to be curious; while the girl looked at her cellphone, her fingers danced on her cellphone. She then pressed the camera feature on her cellphone and pointed it at herself and Zayn.

"Ckrek." Zayn immediately glared at the girl who confidently took a picture of him.

"Arunika, why are you taking pictures of me, why don't you ask permission first, you naughty girl." Arunika just smiled while sticking out her tongue.

"Sorry brother, we will separate when we go down later, I want to save your photo, for memories, you are really handsome, can you?" Arunika pleaded with Zayn, but Zayn grabbed Arunika's cellphone. His fingers too very deftly pressing the buttons, and Zayn suddenly embraced Arunisa. They took a selfie together, not only a photo but also five or six photos that Zayn took. All were perfect, and then Zayn returned the girl's cellphone is looking at him with a twinkle of happiness.

"Thank you brother, besides being handsome, you are also kind, hopefully we can meet again someday."

"Cup" Arunika kissed Zayn's cheek spontaneously so that Zayn was surprised. Even though Arunika was a little girl, his body became stiff, but what she did was to make Zayn's heart flutter. Naturally, Zayn has never hung out with a girl this close, let alone this girl dared to kiss her. Instantly her white cheeks turned red. Fortunately, Arunika was looking at their photo earlier.

"Ouch, if mom and dad find out, we'll get married right away..." Zayn shook his head while Arunika looked at him in surprise.

"Brother why?" he asked with cute eyes. Zayn slightly kept his distance from the girl in front of him, and his chest was still pounding. Finally, Zayn pretended to be asleep, and he was afraid of another surprise.

Zayn's plane landed safely. The passengers immediately got off the plane and then headed to their respective destinations. Likewise, with Zayn, he immediately left the plane; at this time, he didn't see Arunika's whereabouts anymore, but Zayn was happy to be able to know the girl even though it was only for a short time, it was quite entertaining his journey which was very boring at first, Zayn immediately saw Danial who had picked him up, they finally immediately headed for his adoptive parents' house.

"How was your trip, son?" Daniel hugged Zayn tightly. Six years ago, his adopted son left him, and now the two of them meet again.

"Thank God pa, it was an exciting trip, I was sitting with a cute little girl." Zayn told Danial the truth, his father immediately teased Zayn, so they didn't realize they had arrived at Danial's house. Zayn immediately entered his room. Leen's mother was already asleep, so Danial told Zayn to just rest. They will meet tomorrow morning at breakfast.

"Zayn to the room first, okay, thank you for everything, and sorry, Zayn to bother you." Zayn then hugged his father for a while and went straight into his room, and he immediately threw himself on a very soft bed. Danial also immediately returned to his room. He also went to sleep, and tomorrow he will take Zayn to meet someone.

"Brother, see you again, thank you, fortunately there is you, so my trip is not so boring, your chocolate is very sweet and delicious, just like my love, you are also very handsome and sweet." The little girl smiled and hugged him, then she immediately ran and waved his hand, while Zayn just stared at the little back away while pulling his small suitcase, when he woke up, the girl had disappeared. Zayn smiled. He really liked this girl, for some reason? Happy.

"See you again Arunika..." Zayn woke up. Apparently, he dreamed of meeting the girl again; did he think too much about it? Ah, never mind, Zayn then saw the clock showed four in the morning, he immediately took a shower and performed ablution, then Zayn did the prayer while waiting for the dawn call to prayer, Zayn called his parents, he said he had arrived at Danial's father's house safely. His father and mother were relieved. Zayn also had time to talk to his sister Bikka who did not have time to say goodbye because he was still sleeping. Zayn ended his phone call when he heard the dawn call to prayer, he immediately did the sunnah prayer of dawn and the dawn prayer after that, then recited the Qur'an. He always did this every day.