
Arriving in Indonesia

"Arunika, you have to take care of yourself after I return, here, is a foreign country, so you must be good at getting along, find really good friends, I'm sure, you can take care of yourself, don't forget, often contact me." Zayn immediately entered the taxi that was waiting for him. Zayn should have returned to Egypt tomorrow. Still, there is an important problem that happened in Indonesia so that Zayn will return to Indonesia. He immediately flew from America to Indonesia, then returned to Egypt after finishing the business at home. He asked to please Arunika's father, Professor Haedar, to ask permission to Zayn's university.

"Brother, you also be careful, don't forget, let me know when you can turn on your cellphone, especially during transit." Both Arunika and Zayn are worried about each other, and they just haven't realized that they care about each other. For sure, when they are together, they both fight more often than get along. However, when they are not together, they both feel something is missing, so they feel incomplete.

Zayn immediately entered the taxi that was waiting for him with a heavy heart, so did Arunika. She waved her hand with a very gloomy face as if they were going to separate forever and would never see each other again. The two of them just looked at each other with worried looks. Arunika immediately packing up. She must immediately move into the apartment that has been provided for her. Starting tomorrow, her life will change, because without Zayn by her side, she loses her zest for life, then what is this feeling called?...could it be love? Or just a feeling a sister who was her brother, or a friend left, I don't know, let time prove where their relationship will take. After traveling for approximately eighteen hours and fifty minutes, tell Zayn finally arrived at Soeta airport. Then he transited to Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang. Ayya ​​and Rafi were already waiting for him at the domestic arrivals terminal.

"Assalamu'alaikum, Father, Mother" Zayn kissed the hands of his parents, who immediately hugged him tightly.

"Zayn, how are you boy?" Ayya ​​immediately asked for news about her son. Rafi just smiled seeing his wife, who always thought Zayn was still a child.

"Ayya, you saw it yourself right? Zayn is fine. He's grown up dear, don't worry too much about him. He's a professor now." Rafi hugged his wife and son, then the three of them went straight to Kudus. Asked Zayn was to return to his parents because his grandparents were having a rather complicated problem, so they needed Zayn and Ayya's help to solve Kirana and Hanan's problems were facing.

"Mom, what are grandparents really having? Why did Zayn have to come back?" Zayn felt a bit strange. Usually, Kirana alone could solve the problem. Now, the grandmother is even asking for help from her mother and herself. Zayn guessed this must not be a simple matter.

"Zayn, when I get home, I'll tell you everything." Ayya ​​then calls Kirana, informing her that Zayn is back, so Ayya asks Kirana to calm down.

After traveling from Semarang to Kudus for about an hour and a half, they finally arrived home. Zayn was greeted by his grandparents, Grandpa Bashori and Granny Hana. They really miss his grandson, and Zayn immediately kissed the hands of the parents, who looked more like his parents. Meanwhile, when together with Ayya and Rafi, Zayn looks more like their sister. In fact, Kaif, who is Ayya's youngest sister, is a year younger than Zayn.

"Grandpa, grandma, how are you two?" Zayn immediately went into the arms of the two parents. The three then went straight inside while Ayya and Rafi shook their heads. After meeting his grandparents, the son immediately forgot his parents.

"Brother, look at that son of yours! After meeting father and mother, we were forgotten." Ayya ​​was about to enter the house when Rafi pulled her, and then Ayya was already in her husband's arms.

"That means, we should have another son soon dear. What do you think?" Rafi looked at Ayya with a smile. He raised his eyebrows, Ayya went straight inside without answering her husband's question. He brought in his son's belongings and put them in Zayn's room. When Ayya entered her son's room, Ayya found Zayn in the room calling someone. Zayn seems very concerned with the person on the other side. Zayn's voice also conveyed concern for the caller on the other side.

"Zayn, who's talking to you? why do you look worried?" Ayya ​​asked Zayn shortly after Zayn ended the call.

"Mmmm, that's ma'am, Zayn is talking to Arunika. The girl hasn't slept this late yet. Even though she has to work tomorrow morning, she really likes to go on her own if Zayn doesn't advise her." Zayn is very upset, and he is very worried about Arunika. It's three in the afternoon in Indonesia, meaning that it's one in the morning in Seattle, and the little girl hasn't slept yet. While Ayya was smiling happily, seeing Zayn's attention to Arunika. That means his desire to match Zayn with his best friend's daughter Haedar will not be difficult.

"Zayn, do you like Arunika? do you love her dear?" Ayya ​​asks her son, and he will try to bring Zayn closer to Arunika. Even so, Ayya will not force Zayn to marry Arunika if Zayn and Arunika do not love each other.

"Of course, ma'am, Zayn already thinks Arunika is like Zayn's own sister, Zayn will surely love and protect her. Why is that?" Ayya ​​is a little disappointed to hear her son's answer, who turns out to only love Arunika like his sister! Whereas, Ayya hopes Zayn can love Arunika as a man to a woman.

"Zayn, is it true that you only love Arunika like a little sister?" Ayya ​​wanted to confirm Zayn's feelings early on. He didn't want to disappoint Haedar when he realized that Zayn only thought of Arunika as his sister. Meanwhile, Haedar really hopes that the two (Arunika and Zayn) can get married and become a loving couple. So Ayya really has to confirm how Zayn feels about Arunika. If indeed Zayn doesn't have any feelings for Arunika, Ayya will immediately tell Haedar so that he doesn't get his hopes up too much.