
Zaimokuza: The God Slayer

Zaimokuza Yoshiteru, endowed with memories from an alternate world, discovers insights into various anime storylines. Armed with this unique foresight, he embarks on a quest to obtain the powerful Prometheus Grimoire. Harnessing its power, he successfully vanquishes two Heretic Gods, ascending to become the seventh God Slayer in the world. [Oregairu] [High School DXD] [Campione] [Love Live] [Oreimo] [We Never Learn] and more.

REON_01 · 漫画同人
28 Chs

>9< Godslayer

Chapter 9: Godslayer

After resting for a day at the hotel, Zaimokuza observed the weather of Sardinia from the terrace. The island, known for its arid climate, was about to be engulfed by a violent storm due to the arrival of the Heretic God, Melqart.

Suddenly, a massive thunderstorm appeared, covering Sardinia, and fierce winds began to howl. In the distance, Zaimokuza spotted a bearded giant holding a club, seemingly searching for something.

The surrounding pedestrians, oblivious to the giant, hurried indoors to escape the rain. The mysterious nature of the Heretic Gods made them invisible to ordinary people, who dismissed the destruction caused by these gods as mere natural disasters, just like the previous boar incarnation.

Upon spotting Melqart, Zaimokuza quickly grabbed his backpack and ran towards him.

"O mighty god! Please halt your steps," Erica shouted at Melqart.

Melqart paused, looked at Erica with disdain, and said, "Do you, a mere mortal, dare to stop me? How absurd."

"Yes, please forgive my rudeness. You must be the revered Melqart, the god-king worshipped by the Phoenicians."

"Oh, someone still knows of my past glory. You are worthy of praise. I am Melkartus, the king acclaimed by all."

As Melqart finished speaking, a bolt of lightning struck his arm. However, it seemed to merely greet him rather than cause any harm.

"Such an impatient fellow. I must hurry," he said as he strode away.

"Please wait..." Erica tried to say more, but Melqart ignored her completely.

Erica quickly summoned her maid, Arianna, to drive and pursue Melqart.

Just as Arianna was about to start the engine, a plump young man opened the car door and got in.

"Wait..." Arianna began to protest.

"You are heading to stop the Heretic God, right? If so, take me with you."

"You... You're the one with the Grimoire," Erica exclaimed, looking at him in surprise.

"Fine, this isn't the time for introductions. Arianna, drive now," Erica commanded.

"Yes, Miss Erica," Arianna responded.

In the car, Erica questioned the young man suspiciously, "What do you intend to do?"

"Me? I'm going to slay the Heretic God and become the seventh Godslayer."

"What? Are you joking? You, a Godslayer? You must be delirious. Godslayers are the highest beings. How could you possibly...?" Erica ridiculed, dismissing Zaimokuza's claim as if it were a joke.

"It's possible. I've already challenged the war god Verethragna. There are only two outcomes: either I kill Verethragna and become the seventh Godslayer or die here, sinking with the entire island," Zaimokuza said calmly.

"You dare challenge a god?" Erica looked at Zaimokuza, astounded. Her goal on this island was only to repel the divine beast and inherit her uncle Paolo's title of "Scarlet Devil," as she believed that repelling a divine beast was the pinnacle for a mortal. However, here was an ordinary man, and not even a mage, daring to challenge a god. It seemed like a fanciful dream, yet Zaimokuza's unwavering resolve sparked Erica's interest in him.

Upon reaching a wide plain, the two Heretic Gods stood opposed to each other.

Verethragna, with a childlike figure, floated in the air, appearing minuscule before the giant Melqart. Yet, the unwavering momentum he exuded seemed to bridge the gap between them.

"It's been a long time, Melkartus."

"I've grown impatient."

"The wounds you sustained fighting against me haven't healed yet, have they?"

"Hmph, your audacity to awaken me just to battle a strong foe cannot be ignored."

"I look forward to it," Verethragna said, a whirlwind swirling around him as he raised his right hand to recall his remaining Ram and Raptor incarnations.

"Now, only the White Stallion incarnation remains."

Just as Melqart was about to wield his wooden weapon to strike Verethragna, a red magic circle appeared in the midst.

"I have a humble request: could you please cease this battle?"

Melqart looked at Erica and replied, "This place has become our battlefield. Give up, human."

Erica suddenly shouted with emotion, "Oh gods, I beseech your great mercy."

"Witch, your courage to defy the gods is commendable, but consider the circumstances," Verethragna said, summoning lightning to strike Erica.

Erica raised a shield to fend off the barrage of lightning. Just as another bolt shattered her shield and was about to hit her, Zaimokuza intervened.

"Go, White Stallion incarnation," he called out, raising a stone tablet to protect Erica. The White Stallion, sealed within the tablet, was released, countering the lightning and striking Verethragna, its flames spreading rapidly.

"Ahhh!" Verethragna cried in pain.

"Zaimokuza?" Erica was stunned, her heart racing, as she looked at the man who had just protected her.

Verethragna looked at his new opponent and began to laugh heartily. "Hahaha, entrusting you with the White Stallion wasn't a mistake. Warrior who dares challenge me, let me enjoy the thrill of this battle."

Ignoring the flames engulfing him, Verethragna launched lightning toward Zaimokuza.

Erica grabbed Zaimokuza and leapt out of the lightning's path.

"Phew, thank you, Erica. I almost thought I was done for," Zaimokuza said, exhaling in relief.

"No, it's nothing," Erica blushed.

"You're undoubtedly a warrior worthy of my recognition, but this alone does not satisfy me," Verethragna declared, raising his left hand as if to summon something, yet nothing appeared after a while.

"Hmm, what's happening? The Warrior incarnation should have returned by now."

"Are you perhaps looking for this golden sword?" Zaimokuza said, standing and facing Verethragna.

"Hm? Did the White Stallion's strike allow you to steal my Warrior authority? Hahaha, how intriguing! Zaimokuza Yoshiteru, let me relish more of this exciting battle!"

A massive club slammed Verethragna into the ground.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't ignore me! I'm also part of this war. Though honestly, I didn't expect a mere mortal to join this battle. How interesting," Melqart chuckled.

Zaimokuza ignored Melqart's taunt and began to wield the Warrior's authority.

"With my incantation, let the world's justice be revealed! This spell is powerful and compelling. It is the wise sword that calls forth victory."

A world filled with golden swords, akin to a bounded field, spread rapidly from Zaimokuza's feet, covering the entire plain.

"Hmm, you managed to manifest my authority to this extent. You truly are the warrior I took an interest in," Verethragna remarked, seemingly impressed.

"Verethragna is the ancient Persian god of war, the guardian serving the god of light, Mithra. Mithra, being the incarnation of the sun, ties Verethragna closely to the sun as well. Respected as a god of conquest and closely related to Heracles, Verethragna possesses ten incarnations: 'Gale,' 'Bull,' 'White Stallion,' 'Camel,' 'Boar,' 'Youth,' 'Raptor,' 'Ram,' 'Goat,' and 'Human Warrior Holding a Golden Sword.' Known in West Asia as the Guardian of Light and sharing an origin with the Indian god Indra, Verethragna is not only a god of victory but also a protector of kingship and the people."

As Zaimokuza recited the feats of Verethragna as if recalling from memory, Verethragna felt his authority being sealed.

"It's not over yet. I will merge the White Stallion's authority with the Warrior's authority to unleash a fatal blow. O glorious Lord of the Radiant Sun, Mithra, the praised one! To conquer all enemies, grant me the thousand lights and thousand swords!"

With Zaimokuza's incantation, thousands of golden swords transformed into beams and pierced Verethragna. With his Warrior ability sealed, he was immobilized and could only endure the onslaught of swords capable of severing divine essence.

As Verethragna's aura weakened, Zaimokuza coughed up blood.

"It seems that using divine authority with mortal power has its recoil," he murmured as his hair turned gray and his skin started to age.

"Zaimokuza, what's wrong?" Erica hurriedly supported the collapsing Zaimokuza, her concern growing as she saw him appear drained of vitality.

Verethragna, weakened by the golden sword barrage and nearing his return to myth, smiled at Zaimokuza. "Well done, splendid warrior, O Godslayer who usurped the god of victory's authority. Grow stronger than anyone else. Don't lose to anyone before facing me again." With these words, Verethragna turned to black dust and vanished.

Soon after, Zaimokuza fainted, slipping into a pure white space.