
Zaimokuza: The God Slayer

Zaimokuza Yoshiteru, endowed with memories from an alternate world, discovers insights into various anime storylines. Armed with this unique foresight, he embarks on a quest to obtain the powerful Prometheus Grimoire. Harnessing its power, he successfully vanquishes two Heretic Gods, ascending to become the seventh God Slayer in the world. [Oregairu] [High School DXD] [Campione] [Love Live] [Oreimo] [We Never Learn] and more.

REON_01 · 漫画同人
28 Chs

>12< Returning to Japan

Chapter 12: Returning to Japan

After slaying the second Heretic God, Melqart, Zaimokuza found himself completely drained of magic power and consciousness. He arrived once more in the mysterious white space.

"Well done, my child! To think you could slay two Heretic Gods in a single day and even provoke the true form of Melqart. You are the first Godslayer to completely erase a deity from myth!" Pandora said warmly, her eyes filled with pride.

"Ah, who are you?" Zaimokuza scratched his head in confusion.

Pandora's expression dimmed momentarily as she murmured, "It seems you've forgotten about this place too."

Just as Pandora was feeling a bit down, Zaimokuza placed a hand gently on her head, stroking her soft hair.

"Ah, I was just kidding! I remember everything, Mother!" he said playfully.

Pandora's cheeks puffed up like little buns at his words. She lightly tapped his chest, saying, "Honestly, you child."

"Are we starting the ritual now? This time, we can gain all of Melqart's powers!" Pandora asked.

"Mm, let's hold off on that for now. There's no danger outside anymore, and if we start the ritual, we won't be able to chat," Zaimokuza replied.

Hearing this, Pandora felt a wave of warmth. After all, being alone in this tranquil space without company could get quite lonely.

So, Zaimokuza began to share stories about his life. He learned many secrets about various deities from Pandora.

"How interesting! I never knew there were so many fascinating things in the Far East, like light novels, manga, and anime. I find them very intriguing!" Pandora said, her interest piqued by Zaimokuza's praise for these works.

"Yes, the 2D world does have its charm. Unfortunately, I can't bring those things to you, which is quite a regret," Zaimokuza said.

"That's okay. If you can, you can imprint your spirit in this space, so you can visit me anytime at this border of life and death," Pandora suggested.

"Really? It can be done?" Zaimokuza asked, surprised.

"Yes, because besides you, no other child can remember their memories in this space. So, I didn't suggest this method before; after all, they would forget once they left," she explained.

That made sense to Zaimokuza, who nodded.

"Well then, it's been a long time, my child. Let's start the ritual now. I've truly enjoyed our time chatting. You can always come to me and be spoiled; you are my most treasured child," Pandora said as she embraced Zaimokuza.

Feeling that soft sensation again, Zaimokuza couldn't help but think about her figure. A-cup? Probably not quite A-cup; it was more like an airfield among airfields.

Pandora's forehead twitched slightly, and in a surprisingly gentle voice, she said, "Oh dear, it seems my child is thinking some rather disrespectful things."

Zaimokuza broke out in a cold sweat and gulped nervously.

"Um, please forgive me, Mother!" He quickly bowed in a formal apology.

Seeing this, Pandora sighed, gazing at her flat chest with considerable dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, Mother. I'm quite the cute loli too. So, just relax!" Zaimokuza gave her a thumbs up in reassurance.

"R-Really? I'm cute too, isn't she?" Pandora replied, a hint of hope in her voice.

"Yes, yes, Mother is very cute, so it's all good," Zaimokuza affirmed.

Pandora took a breath and then forcibly redirected the topic back on track.

"Now, my child, it's time for the ritual. May you enjoy the travels that lie ahead."

"Mm, I understand, thank you!"

With that, the ritual began once again, and Zaimokuza received an immense surge of magical power. What had once been a magical energy the size of a lake transformed into an ocean of overwhelming force after absorbing the powers of the true god, Melqart.

Additionally, Zaimokuza gained all of Melqart's abilities: the powers of the sky, harvest, desolation, the underworld, enhancements of dragon-slaying, and the king's weapons, among others.

These enhancements resulted in a significant leap in his strength.

"Hmm, where am I?" Zaimokuza groggily sat up from the bed, taking in the sight of a lavishly decorated room.

"King! You've awakened! Are you alright?" Erica exclaimed excitedly, her eyes shining with concern.

Seeing Erica, who looked so disheveled, Zaimokuza couldn't help but smile gently as he stroked her face. "No need to worry too much, Erica. I feel more powerful than ever right now."

Erica felt the warmth from his touch, and her face flushed red.

In his hand, Zaimokuza emanated a rich life force, instantly healing Erica's injuries.

She gasped in surprise as she felt the gentleness coming from her king; a wave of relief washed over her.

"Erica, don't use formalities with me. Just call me by my name," Zaimokuza instructed.

"But… but…"

"That's an order from your king," Zaimokuza interrupted her before she could protest.

Erica didn't dislike the commanding tone; to her, it felt like Zaimokuza was showing her a sense of care and consideration.

"Erica, please take me to see the current state of Sardinia," Zaimokuza said as he got up and began to dress.

"Yes, Your… um, no, Zaimokuza-kun."


Arriving at the battlefield of the divine war, Zaimokuza surveyed the scene, which looked as if it had been scorched by a nuclear explosion. The ground was fissured, and as far as the eye could see, it was a desolate graveyard. This was the devastation wrought by the Godslayer and the Heretic God.

Zaimokuza had come here to test his new ability—Harvest. With this in mind, he focused on the area.

Activating the Harvest ability, a rich aura of life burst from him, rapidly spreading across the desolate landscape. Trees began to spring up at an astonishing rate, and the once-devastated land was reinvigorated with life.

Erica, witnessing this miraculous transformation, was stunned.

Seeing the scene unfold, Zaimokuza felt immense satisfaction with his new power.

"Thank you so much, my king, for bringing life back to this devastated land," Erica said, kneeling before him.

Looking at Erica, who was half-kneeling on the ground, Zaimokuza felt a touch of embarrassment as he helped her up. "Didn't I say you could just call me by my name? You could say you're my lifesaver. If it weren't for you sacrificing your life to buy me time during the ritual, I might have ended up dead at Melqart's hands."

"No, that's simply my duty as a knight. Please allow me to become your exclusive knight," Erica replied excitedly.

Seeing her serious expression, Zaimokuza smiled and nodded. "Sure, Erica, you can become my knight."

As he said this, he leaned closer to her ear and whispered gently, "We can even take our relationship to a closer level."

Instantly, Erica's face flushed red with embarrassment.

As Zaimokuza became a Godslayer, his confidence grew considerably. Once a complete outcast, he now possessed a handsome appearance and unmatched strength.

However, he understood that there were many in this world who could overpower him, far exceeding ten in number. Figures like the Infinity Dragon Ophis and the Great Red made him wary, preventing him from becoming blindly arrogant.

"Sorry, my king, my obedience does not represent the will of the entire Copper Black Cross," Erica said.

"That's fine; I don't mind. The Copper Black Cross is subordinate to the King of Swords, right? However, I do need all the magical tomes and records of mythic history from the Copper Black Cross. That request should be doable, shouldn't it?" Zaimokuza replied.

He was indifferent about whether the Copper Black Cross submitted to him; he merely needed books on the magical world to expand his knowledge, which he acknowledged was lacking.

"Yes, Zaimokuzu-kun, I will report your request to my uncle," Erica confirmed.

"Then please prepare a plane ticket for me. I need to head back to Japan to take care of some matters," Zaimokuza stated.

"Understood, I will stay here to handle the affairs of the Copper Black Cross. Please give me a few days, and I will come to Japan to find you," Erica assured him.

Zaimokuza nodded in understanding.

Finally, after obtaining numerous magical tomes, Zaimokuza boarded the flight back to Japan.