
Zahard in the world of Yggdrasil (Overlord)

What do you desire? Money and wealth? Honor and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends them all? Whatever you desire is here. experience it yourself the world of game that has never been before now. That's what Gotoh (our mc) read about Yggdrasil. Now what is waiting for him inside the game? failure? satisfied? adventure? or something that he never expected? This story background was about earth around 22 century where the earth is dying, most people live unproperly, and money is everything. everyone bow before company and people live means nothing. in this story, the game of Yggdrasil is a game that made to be explore, heteromorphic race will be hunted by other player, some even need to kill heteromorphic to open up their skill or class. and there will be many POV of other. so this story will be long. I'm not own overlord, TOG, or the picture. everything about them is being own by their own representative. I just typing my idea. I also lazy so the update will be take a long time depend on mood and I write this Fanfic for fun only

Tro_yuda · 漫画同人
8 Chs

Shinsu in This Fanfic

Shinsu in This Fanfic

Shinsu in this fanfic will have a different system work from Tower of God system. If the Shinsu in the Tower of God (TOG) was produced and created by the tower and can't flow or produced outside the tower, then in this fanfic, the shinsu can only be used by players or their descendants. How Players can use it and control it will be explained. One things you should know that in this fanfic, only those players who choose "Native of the tower" race that can use shinsu in the new world. For now, they only thought that they are using mana and magic because they still inside the game. Can be note that magic and shinsu is different.

Shinsu (shinsoo, literally "divine water") is a substance native to lifeforms, Shinsu is produced by player energy and flows through their body. Shinsu will always be produced, created and flowing inside or outside their body by their will. Shinsu and magic are individual concepts, and follow different rules. Of the two, the mechanics of magic are more commonly known and accessible, the shinsu user was very rare.

How Shinsu can be produced by inside their body is simillar to magician and their mana or Monk with their Ki and ninja with their Chakra. it's natural but at the same time is more complex.

Because Shinsu has no unifying laws. It flows and behaves entirely differently in different places, sometimes it become gas and other times it become liquid, depending on other various factors, like the area environment, shinsu density or concentration, and the Player shinsu qualities. The flow of Shinsu determines its qualities, allowing it to appear as water, fire, light, and other phenomena and materials. Shinsu has no singular property or feature and is rather the very basis of all energy and as such, similar to magic but also different because magic still has some laws, restriction and tiers while shinsu can make even a single bangs stronger than tier 9 spell because they can control the amount of shinsu they want. (for now shinsu power and result is fixed in the game)

Shinsu is normally not visible to the naked eye like air, unless it is highly concentrated, manifested in large amounts or is manipulated using a Shinsu Technique. There are exceptional areas within the domain of the player or by their will where Shinsu is highly concentrated naturally. These locations will appear as being submerged in liquid Shinsu, and can be hazardous to enter for those who lack shinsu resistance and adequate combat skill to defend against the shinheuh (native race summoning creature) that often inhabit there.

The players can create area full of shinsu in the area they want. By changing the mana or energy of the area around into shinsu or fill the surrounding area with shinsu. This is can be dangerous and not depend from the density of the shinsu around. Even if the level density of the shinsu is low, people must careful because shinsu changing the system of the world, as such, the air and energy around area become shinsu and so even if the density is low, it can be dangerous for people without shinsu, that's why Controlling Shinsu is like interrupting the role of god, because you are become a god itself. Or even beyond them.

Shinsu is essential for those players, enabling them to survival in multiple ways. For all of living memory, and likely prior to it, Shinsu has been an integral part of the native race, Strong or weak, ranker, regular. It fulfills the role of life energy for them as well as acting in lieu of oxygen for breathing. Shinsu can be utilized in a multitude of ways, given adequate knowledge, skill, resistance, and natural talent. Through Shinsu, one can attain eternal youth, extended lifespans, halt the aging process, control natural elements and, even attain the powers of a god or even beyond god.

Shinsu Manipulation (In this fanfic)

Shinsu is a very powerful, mysterious substance. It can be manipulated into natural element such as water, fire, light, darkness, wind, lightning, sound, Earth and ETC. To manipulate Shinsu into natural elements or unique forms, a person must find "Shinsu Qualities" that suits them. Shinsu can change in almost infinite ways. Controlling Shinsu is like interrupting the role of god, so it was considered to be very dangerous. There are people who can control and manipulate Shinsu because they were not bound to the rules of the world, they are called "Players". Because Players can use Shinsu freely, they were labeled as dangerous beings. All Players have a natural affinity with Shinsu, which leads to them being extremely powerful.

Shinsu Control

There are two ways to control Shinsu: control through an item or direct control. Generally speaking, when one says "manipulating shinsu", it usually refers to direct control.

Direct Control

Being able to directly control Shinsu is a very rare talent and it can be said that this talent itself is an absolutely necessary. Basically, most, if not all player have some degree of control over Shinsu, although this does not mean all can become skillful manipulators of Shinsu. While the Wave Controllers are very specialized in direct control, all Positions have to learn it eventually to fight successfully or to use it to strengthen their bodies and enhance physical abilities.

Through Items

Not all descendant of the players have good Shinsu control, so some will rely on specific items to assist them in battle like Wand which can produce shinsu independently, or Observers to reinforce their shinsu control and techniques. Controlling Shinsu through items require a long training in order to can use shinsu through items.

Shinsu Resistance

Shinsu Resistance is the innate ability to withstand Shinsu, allowing the individual to resist attacks consisting of Shinsu, move around in areas with certain amounts of Shinsu density and so on.

Man-Controlled Shinsu

there is a difference between natural Shinsu and man-controlled Shinsu. For example, one of Zahard natural shinsu qualities is the purest form of golden shinsu, as such he can materialize his shinsu into object like needle to strike down his enemy and give both magic and physical damage or making bangs and deal more magic damage. So it depends on how you use it.


§ Shinsu on each People has areas of varying amounts of Shinsu density, increasing with level or power. In lower concentrations, its density makes the Shinsu act like a gas, but in higher concentrations, Shinsu behaves like a liquid water. Give the other people pressure if they don't have shinsu resistance or at least magical resistance.

§ While the possibilities of Shinsu are said to be without bounds, limits still exist depending on the person who used it. Shinsu clearly cannot be used to swap the locations of the other without proper technique to do so. Shinsu can't be used to magically discover the blank area. It can't be used to change the species of a character, like changing other people into a giant rabbit or flying bat. As a result, Shinsu has close to no limits or no known limits. But in other situations, it is bound by several conditions.

§ Shinsu Manipulation is dangerous because if the strong shinsu user flowing out their shinsu to the outside, it can change the mana around him into shinsu and control it, disturb or even violate the law of the world because shinsu is alien for them, because they can't use shinsu and if they absorb the shinsu without the shinsu user to watch them, they will suffer because different mechanism of their body. The shinsu will eat their mana and organ body from the inside and can only be cured by taking out shinsu from the non shinsu user. But it will different if someone born with shinsu inside of them.

§ Shinsu and magic are individual concepts, and follow different rules. Of the two, the mechanics of magic are more commonly known and accessible. That's why people can't use shinsu even if they mana or magic is great. But the shinsu user can change their shinsu into mana. Because shinsu is dominant energy form itself, shinsu can become a mana and as such, user shinsu can control mana just like they control shinsu. But one must understand the way of mana work first. Then they can do mana control and magic. Because shinsu user can't heal someone if the wounded people don't have shinsu affinities, it will only hurt them more. One must change the form of shinsu into mana then using spells or skills so the shinsu user can help or hurt the other.

Shinsu and mana can change their affinities into element, but because shinsu is higher energy form, shinsu is stronger and as such, if both of the element is clash, shinsu element will win. If in the magic law water can win against fire, then shinsu fire can win against magic water. Then again, it depends in their power. (you guys can imagine it like in naruto where Uchiha Madara fire breath: Gokamekayku against more than 7 people shinobi alliance water style: water wall. They are equal because the qualities of the fire being hold by the quantity of the water. Fire is the shinsu and the water is magic style. The fire can win even though the element law is contradictory, but even if fire can win, the fire can also got hold or even beaten if the quantity of magic perform was greater. So it's depend on the situation and condition.)


-Tower Of God wikia and web.

-SIU the author of TOG