
Zahard in the world of Yggdrasil (Overlord)

What do you desire? Money and wealth? Honor and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends them all? Whatever you desire is here. experience it yourself the world of game that has never been before now. That's what Gotoh (our mc) read about Yggdrasil. Now what is waiting for him inside the game? failure? satisfied? adventure? or something that he never expected? This story background was about earth around 22 century where the earth is dying, most people live unproperly, and money is everything. everyone bow before company and people live means nothing. in this story, the game of Yggdrasil is a game that made to be explore, heteromorphic race will be hunted by other player, some even need to kill heteromorphic to open up their skill or class. and there will be many POV of other. so this story will be long. I'm not own overlord, TOG, or the picture. everything about them is being own by their own representative. I just typing my idea. I also lazy so the update will be take a long time depend on mood and I write this Fanfic for fun only

Tro_yuda · 漫画同人
8 Chs

How the Character Sheet work

Basically, Character sheet is similar to basic status in every RPG Game. which mean there are some number to count how the basic status work. first we must know what is the content in basic status in overlord. There are few content such as:

Hp = Health player (The amount of life essence inside the game for you to live. if your Hp reach zero then you died. Inside the game of course. )

MP = Mana Player (The amount of Mana essence inside the game for you to perform magic)

Physical Attack = The highest physical damage you can give to your enemy inside the game. it can be critical strike or just regular strike without critical. Depend on your character build.

Physical Defend = The highest physical damage you can reduced to yourself after being hit by it inside the game. The amount of physical defend you can have depend on your character build.

Agility = Agility has 2 factors to be count. Attack speed and Movement speed. to count this, you must add up Attack speed and movement speed numeral then divided it by 2.

Magic Atk = The highest damage of the player magic spell can give to the enemy inside the game. it can be critical strike or just regular strike without critical. Depended on your character build.

Magic Def = The highest Magic damage you can reduced to yourself after being hit by it inside the game. The amount of Magic defend you can have depended on your character build.

Resist = The amount of player resistance can get from four factor. (Physical and magical defend) + (Elemental Resistance) + (Non Elemental Resistance.) + (Karma point).

Special = Special is refers to a player character build in total. there are few things to know how a character can be categorized as special and how it can max the character 'special' numeric sheet. 1) The focus of the player job (racial and job class or the character job class only). 2) How special, Hard and rare their Job to achieve. 3) The karma points of the character and 4) Jack of All Trades or well-balanced in every aspect.

Note: Character sheet status can be also in the state of 'Beyond Measure' because the effect of items, skills (passive or active) Buff, but it also can be reduced for a while because the same effect from the enemy. 'Beyond Measure' is a state where your basic status exceed the limit statistic of 100. But even so the state of 'Beyond Measure' doesn't mean you're invisible. there's still risk or chance that you still can be defeated.

Now for the example of basic status character sheet level 100 player all maximum in every aspect are below.

Hp (100) = 3.000.000

Mp (100) = 2.000.000

Phy Att (100) = 350.000 critical. 125.000 non critical. Dan auto death by some skills by class (Assassin class character strike your neck character will be count as critical)

Phy Def (100) = 75.000 physical damage reduced. Can up the defense or reducing damage taken depend on items, passive and skills. Or even block all damage for certain time.

Agility (100) = - Attack speed: 100. With items, buff, passive skills it can strike even faster.

-Movement speed: 100. With items, buff, passive skills it can move even faster.

- Total agility = (100 + 100) : 2 = (200) : 2 = 100

Mag Att (100) = 1.000.000 from magic spell. or you can sudden death your enemy too. Magic class character are Op in some way.

Mag Def (100) = 75.000 magic damage reduced. Can up the defense or reducing damage taken depend on end on items, passive and skills. Or even block all damage for certain time.

Resist (100) = - Physical Defend + Magic Defend

- Elemental Resistance (Fire, Earth, Lightning, Wind, Water, Light, Dark)

- Non Elemental Resistance (Space/Void/ Reality, Time, Ki/Raw Shinsu/Raw Mana/Chakra)

- Good, Neutral or Evil karma points.

Special (100) = - For example. a heteromorphic Angel player focusing his class to be a seraphim focus for fight in the frontline. So he focusing his racial class to angel (15) then holy dominion (10) and finally seraphim (5). because of his race. His karma points must in the good side max 500+ and his job class must at least connected to the good karma and his role race. Something like Priest (15) then Holy Crusader (10) and perhaps holy father (5). then he will get a perfect score for build a special character.