
Zahard in the world of Yggdrasil (Overlord)

What do you desire? Money and wealth? Honor and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends them all? Whatever you desire is here. experience it yourself the world of game that has never been before now. That's what Gotoh (our mc) read about Yggdrasil. Now what is waiting for him inside the game? failure? satisfied? adventure? or something that he never expected? This story background was about earth around 22 century where the earth is dying, most people live unproperly, and money is everything. everyone bow before company and people live means nothing. in this story, the game of Yggdrasil is a game that made to be explore, heteromorphic race will be hunted by other player, some even need to kill heteromorphic to open up their skill or class. and there will be many POV of other. so this story will be long. I'm not own overlord, TOG, or the picture. everything about them is being own by their own representative. I just typing my idea. I also lazy so the update will be take a long time depend on mood and I write this Fanfic for fun only

Tro_yuda · 漫画同人
8 Chs

Chapter 3: Description?

<Tuesday, 1 January 2126>

<10.10 AM>

<Gotoh house>

-Knock3x. There is sound of knocking from my door. Then I heard a familiar voice from another people in this house. Another housekeeper then Tunaki. Her name is Maki. She says-

"Gotoh-sama, there is a packet for you. Waiting outside of the house. Should I accept it or leave it be?".

-After I heard what she says. I stand up from my bed, and answer her from inside my room by saying-

"Yes, I expect to get a packet today Maki-san so I think that's belong to me. Will you help me to carry it inside the house Maki-san?" -She say-

"Of course I will assist you if you need it Gotoh-sama. Anything for you."

The implication of her word can lead people to misunderstanding many things. But I used to hear it. So then I open the door, have a conversation with her asking her condition and some minor things. Then we arrived in another room near the kitchen. This is a tools room. A room for us to keep tools that important to house. One of the tool inside here was a full body jacket anti particle. This suit is the reason why we are come here. packet in the outside of the house have to be pick up to the outside while outside of this home is dangerous for us. That's why we using this jacket. To prevent us from being hurt.

Basically, this suit was similar to astronaut space suit but lighter. And this jacket is one of many other products from my office. And because of my Parent position, our entire member house at least has 2 for this jacket and device to filter or protect us from bad particles. So after we help each other to wear this suit. We go to the front door. In my home, there are 2 layer of door for every door that lead us to the outside. One is a door that lead us from inside the house to the room of filtering. A room where every bad and toxic particle will be neutralized by {Scanning} the room, then suck the air in this room for 30 second and then {Scanning}again the room and the people inside. If the scanning say we clear, then we can come inside the house. The second door is a door that lead us to the outside.

Then Maki open the door and we get inside the room. After we got inside and the door closed. There is a sound of machine that saying {Scanning}. Because we came from the inside of the house, usually there will be no air suck and we will be allowing to go outside. While being scanned, Maki open the conversation first by saying.

"Is amazing right Gotoh-sama?" - I heard a voice inside my suit and it continue-

"This suit, this home, this technology of filtering and many other things that your family have." -Maki says. I'm not surprised when I can hear Maki speaking as if he was inside my suit. This suit is also providing communication to another person who wear this suit with the same frequency. So I reply her-

"Yes, it's amazing. One of the few things I fell grateful for. And ma-" -My word got cut out by the voice of the scanner that say we are {clear to go} outside. The door opened automatically. So we then walk to the outside-

When you walk to the outside, the first thing you can realize is that the world is dark. Not absolute darkness because the street lamps or vehicles who run on the street help light up the street around our house but because the sky is clouded by dark polluted cloud. We can still see around us clearly but the source of light just came from around us not from the sky. According to scientist, our atmosphere is damaged and clouded by pollution around 80% of the whole world. The rest 20% still can see the sun, but places like that was being use to become one of the few electricity sources. But the percentage was decreased year by year. Also the result of this pollution is making the world colder because lack of the warm from the sunlight. that is why this suit is also cold resistance down to -35 Celsius degree.

And for the vehicles, we are no longer using Oil but instead, we were using electricity. And even now some public transportation is using electromagnetic to operated. And the people who deliver the packet to here is using electric motorcycle to come here. And my packet was just right in front of our gate. So we walk to go there. On our way, Maki says

"Gotoh-sama, may I ask you about a few things?" -Maki ask me. But we keep walking and I say-

"Yes, what is it?" -She say-

"Yes, actually I'm curious, what's inside that packet that you bought if I may know about it? -so I say-

"Oh~ it's nothing much, just my new device game." -she asks me-

"A new device game? what kind of game that you bought now?" -when I want to reply her, we have arrived to the gate. So we open it and take a look at my packet-

It's not that big, the carton package is using recycling material to wrap the packet. So we must carefully when open it. So it can be use again. I'm not fan of recycling but it must be done so yeah. Just do it.

"It's a new game base on a new tech. and the game I want theme was perhaps based on RPG." -So I lift my packet and bring it myself to inside the gate. It's not that heavy, in fact it's quite light. But then Maki state her discomfort by say

"Gotoh sama, let me help you bring it. It's my job to lift it and you're the one who ask for me to assist you in carry the packet." -Actually I don't mind carry it myself for this packet is not heavy. But then considering her job and her feeling, I just let her carry it instead and say-

"Well, if you insist to do so then here, take it"

She receives the packet from my hand and carry it. I will not let her do it alone if the packet is heavy. Then I say

"Thank you, Maki-san."

-and she look at me and smile while saying-

"you welcome, Bocchan." -I say-

"Hey, I'm 20 years old you know, stop calling me that. it's… inappropriate for someone around my age to be called like that." -Then she let a soft happy laugh out of her mouth and say-

"Owh, did this gentleman is ashamed to be called young master. But in the past, you will happily come to us every time we called you bocchan you know. owh~ time sure move fast"

And so we went together to goes inside the house.

<Tuesday, 1 January 2126>

<10.25 AM>

<Gotoh house>

"Now the question is how to operate it? Ok first let's read the manual."

'But since trees in this world is rare so it's obvious there will be no paper from the developer but instead they are directing us to the web for more information in their site using via barcode scan in the box of the game.'

"hmm okay, okay so I must transplant this round chip to my neck so they can make me dive to Yggdrasil. Then I must plug in this cable to the chip and then turn on this disk that I put in my head. Similar to Gun Gale I see. And I must lay down or sit down because when we diving, our brain focus to accept the signal and then make us dive and our real body become in state of 'immobile' until we log out."

~~~~~~~~~ 10 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~

"There, it's all done. Now let's dive in."

'so I plug up the cable to both socket and the helmet, then I put the helmet to my head, then I lay down in my bed, and put the chip to my after connect it to the helmet device. Then I wait for the machine to work so I close my eyes.' My consciousness bit by bit feels like being drag to somewhere. Then when all calm I open my eyes and I can see a white room all the way around. Then it appears the blank fill of question that asking about my personal data like my name, email, age, job, etc. It must be answer so I reluctantly type my personal data using digital keyboard inside the game.

Name = Gotoh Ichi

Email = Gotohchii@mail.don

Sex = Male

Age = 19

ID Card number = 3172-3001-2106

Date of Birth = 30 January 2106

Place of birth = Japan National Hospital

Habitation = New Tokyo

Job = worker

-And done! After I fill all the registration about me, then it appeared another blank fill about a brief inside Yggdrasil like rule and many things inside the game with their policy about playing Yggdrasil. There are few things worth to be noted. Such as:

1. Some act or creation which refers to 18+ situation is forbidden. Can be risk to be banned after three times warning. But we can still talk shit, dirty or cursing word.

2. Due to lack of facial movement, limited sense of touch, taste and smell in this game, Yggdrasil provide us emoticon in exchange for conversation.

3. Any bugs or malfunction system must be report to GM or any authorities in this game and you will be rewarded. if it's know that any player using bug and not report it will get condemnation. But if the player was using unintentionally. It be fine after a warning or two.

4. Creating a second character was strictly forbidden in Yggdrasil. So we can only play one character only

5. Any attempt to using cheat code or any illegal program will be banned immediately.

6. It is recommended that you play this game at most 16 hours. More than that and you will be forced to log out and can log in back after 8 hours later.

7. Please take a good care of Nanodrive device because Yggdrasil authorities won't be responsible for what happened to you.

8. You can record everything that you do inside this game from your POV or 3rd POV. It will be automatically saved inside your Nanodrive memory or you can save it to your online accounts after you log out from the game.

-After I finish read those rules, privacy, policy and anything important. I agree to those important things and start to log in the game. Then the game shows me the Intro of this game. The beginning of Yggdrasil trailer.

In the vast universe where many world is existing with many creature, mystery, knowledge and horror roam in this universe. One of many mysterys in the universe is there is a tree with roots spread wide that supposed to be impossible to exist. This tree is called Yggdrasil, and from its roots, nine realms was there. Nobody know how or when it was created or how its exist. What the others know is that this tree and its roots exits since eons ago.

Inside these nine realm, many creature roam freely and wildly. From humanoid with two legs and two hand. Then demi-human with their animal-humanoid traits to the monstrous form of heteromorphic. They always fighting each other, waging war, resources collecting, adventuring and many other things they have done. But one day it come. A great monster with it unsatisfied hunger and it gluttony know no ends. From a small creature who eat everything to be a big hideous world eater that we know with many name. some people called it Apophis. The other call it as Tam.

Only the creature of nine realms from Yggdrasil that can defeated this abomination that many failed to do so, can you become one of them and success to defeat it or fall to it victim and become Apophis snack?

After finish watch the Trailer, we move to the another section, a brief guidance inside this game. Basically, this game is almost the same with RPG theme game. Adventure, Mission, NPC, Raid, Monster, Items, PVP, etc. Some few things that worth to be note is:

1. Almost 95% of each realm are blank/unexplored. Only the beginner and around it was show. Explore the whole world to know the unknown. By finishing the mission or by adventuring those blank areas by yourself or with together with party.

2. There are 'racist' to specific race. Know it by yourself inside the game.

3. Three race inside this game with the unique trait of each race. Dragon can't be played to player, but there is Dragonoid. Available to play.

4. The mechanism of Job class, Racial class, karma, items and material grade.

-Now we move to the race list-

So there are Humanoid, Demi-Human and Heteromorphic race.

Humanoid Races

Humanoids also take all of their level-ups in Job Classes as they cannot have Racial Levels. Each race can take their Job class depend on what they want. Even as far as take 100 different job class on their own. They can do it. But it will so ineffective and ridiculous.

· Dark Dwarf

· Dark Elf

· Dwarf

· Elf

· Four Eye

· Half-Elf

· High Elf

· Hill Dwarf

· Human

· Quincy

· Rainbow Eye

· Sharp Horn

· Shinigami

· Wild Elf

· Winged Human

Demi-Human Races

Some races seem human-like but have obvious skin colors or physical attributes like Goblins, Ogres or Trolls. But some have partly upright postures with animal-like features like Beastmen, Minotaurs or Lizardmen; sometimes referred to as "Bestials." Demi-Humans have a balance of job to race class stats.

· Beastman

· Bafolk

· Bugbear

· Boggard

· Caben

· Centaur

· Giant

· Goblin

· Kobold

· Lamia

· Lizardman

· Merman

· Minotaur

· Magnatur

· Naga

· Ogre

· Rabbitman

· Snakeman

· Srush

· Tauren

· Toadman

· Tuskar

· Troll

Then I check heteromorphic race. And I amazed because there are many race in this class. Like Angel, death vine, Insectoid, Treant, Druid, Fairy, Undead, Demon even Soul basic race such as ghost, spirit, are here. And heteromorphic was more difficult from other race from their complex racial and job class.

Heteromorphic Races

Also known as Inhuman or Monster Races, most of these races have features that appearing only monstrous, and can only appear human from abilities and skills. They can dedicate leveling up to racial classes limiting their job classes, or vice versa. Some are types of undead or otherworldly beings with many naturally evil aligned; while some are, or can be good-aligned.

· Angel

· Adjuchas

· Automaton

· Birdman

· Brain Eater

· Chaugnar

· Death Vine

· Demon

· Djinn

· Doppelgänger

· Dragon

· Dragonoid

· Dryad

· Dullahan

· Elemental

· Fairy

· Genie

· Ghost

· Gillian

· Gnator

· Golem

· Half-Elemental

· Half-Golem

· Herdroper

· Hollow

· Homunculus

· Insect

· Irregular

· Lycanthrope

· Medusa

· Myconid

· Nephilim

· Plant

· Roper

· Skeleton

· Slime

· Spirit

· Treant

· Unborn

· Undead

· Vampire

· Vasto Lorde

· Zern

· Zombie

Must be noted that some race is only representative of their race. So there are many sub-race from it. For example, Undead is the representative race of Vampire, Ghoul, Zombie, etc. Now for the job class and the racial class.

For example, when you choose to become a magic caster class that special in Quick death spell or something similar with negative karma, you may choose an undead race with skeleton mage class that can be up to overlord that special to death magic. But in other to learn further or unlock other death magic skill you also have to be careful when choose your job class that will give you advantage in death magic. So in other word you must know what kind of class that you want to step in heteromorphic race because some racial class skill need to be unlock by taking some specific job class or some job skill need specific racial class to be unlock.

Of course that this is only an example. There are many other race with similar trait to quick death spell. Or if you wish to be a player with great durability, Nephilim can be your answer depend on your build.

I can't hold my excitement and I let out my happy laugh. "Hahaha great, this complicated race is interesting, now let's see the full list in this heteromorphic race."

And so an hour has pass for me to see many race, calculated pros and cons about it and then after 10 more minutes of uncertainty between undead, Hollow, Irregular or demon, then I pick Irregular. "Ok now what kind of Irregular I want to choose because I want to balanced my character so I can both became a frontline to backline player. Ahhhh this is so confusing for what I want and what I can". -So I read again the description about Irregular race-. "In here, it's says that there are many race in the tower that dominated part of the tower from ancient time. From the native itself to the outsider of the tower. But 2 the coolest for my opinion. One called 'native of the tower > Elemental Monster while the other called 'Irregular'.

It says that 'native of the tower > Elemental Monster are the residence of the ancient tower in long time, their affinities for element is so great that if in battlefield there is a native then the tides of the war can be change. And when they got strike by the same element, they almost immune by it. They appearance was a huge monster depend on their race. Even though each race was had their own affinities but 1 thing is clear that most of them have a great defense, tanky but also can be built as magician. Or combination between both.

"And the other race is 'irregular', it says that irregular are people or being that come from outside of the tower. They are being knows as a race who bring change whether is great or not. They the irregular are refer as god or as a monster because their power who against the law of the tower. Nobody knows what kind of fate of future that await when they on the move. Even 2 great race call 'Red witch' and 'Gray dwarf' who can see a certain future and path of the future become 'blind' because of them. They have great affinities to magic call shinsu with great body so they famous as 'master of all' when in battlefield.

Now then, which race I should choose?

"As the description say, I think Irregular will be great if for me and this race is unique. So I think Irregular will be a great choice. So without any hesitation I choose you my 'Irregular'." After I click 'Irregular' race there is another sub race I must choose. "Now in 'Irregular' there are 11 sub-race that specialist in their own. They name is gold Irregular, blue Irregular, giant Irregular, brown Irregular, black Irregular, red Irregular, white Irregular, green Irregular, silver Irregular, violet Irregular and orange Irregular.

"Each one of them is great in they own field but some of them can fit in any categories. Gold and Blue was great to be make balanced. Can be frontline or backline player. White, Silver, Giant, Black, Red, Blue, and Golden Irregular good to be frontline or tank. Meanwhile Violet, Brown, Green, and Orange Irregular great in support from backline and they being know great to combine with everyone. So this is their list capabilities.

· Gold = jack of all trades. Can be focus to front or backline because they shinsu (magic) is great for body strengthen or skill with true damage.

· Blue = jack of all trades. Can be focus to be front or backline because their spear is well balanced to be throw with element added in it like ice or lightning.

· Giant Irregular = frontline chara with great hp, great defense both physical and magical but slow, their agility and MP is small. Tanky.

· Brown = backline chara with great MP to be support, they skill as support is great for healing, or buff ally while debuff the enemy.

· Black = frontline chara is more recommend because their physical attack and defense for both magic and physical is great. Not as great as giant but this chara more link to monk class with body strengthen.

· Red = backline chara with fire affinities that can be both offensive or supportive chara because their fire skill was deathly with addition deal burn damage to enemy and heal ally. And fit for become a summoner.

· White = Frontline chara with sword as they main weapon. Their chara skill in weapon is great that has effect for each strike (mana required) like blind light so enemy hard to see and predict they movement. Their agility is top notch with medium defense for physical and magical.

· Green = Backline chara that using MP to summon many creatures to fight for them. They are weak in many aspects so they Mana is Top notch and their summoning can be both annoying and deadly because the variety of they summon.

· Silver = different from white where they chara was built more to be magic knight, using magic to summon weapon or to buff friend around them. While striking the enemy they don't have blind effect like white.

· Violet = are magic caster chara that specialist for destruction and give more damage to enemy. Because of that, their mana consumption rate is high. But promising. Their power of destruction is top notch.

· Orange = backline chara that fit as support because their skill in using tool that call 'light bearer' around them is great for support. They can use AOE debuff to the enemy around them (like weakened defend, slow, stun, etc.) while buff they MP or physical ally.

"Hmm each one of them is great and I confuse to choose between all of them. Golden true damage is sick but the other is cool too. 'Sigh' which one I should pick. What should I do?" Okay then let's check it out one more time then I choose it.

~~~~~~~several minutes later~~~~~~~~~~



After the notification came in front of me ask me like this, I think I will not regret it. So I click YES.



'Hmm, for a character name huh? let's see from my memories a cool character with a cool name, hmm there are so many of it like, Sousuke Aizen, Cadiz Etrama Di Raizel, Ashul Edwaru, Phantasma, Zahard, Lucifer, Michael, Yhawch, and many other cool name.' -there are so many cool name from many story and I like them all. It's difficult to choose between. But I think I will use his name for obvious reason the same race and character from one of my favorite manhwa. It looks like I found it, a simple name but bring a great influence, a simple name but his word is absolute, a simple name but his presence demand respect and also fear. Then I type it


After it confirm that this name is not being use by other player then I start the game.

(11.30 Am. In outside world.)

Character Stats:

Name: Zahard

Race : Irregular > Golden Irregular.

Level : 1 (0/50)

Alligance : neutral – evil (-50)

Racial level :

Regular : 1 (1/15)

??? (Lock)

??? (Lock)

(other) (lock)

Job level :

??? (lock)

??? (lock)

??? (lock)

(Other) (lock)

Chart Ability: 1 - 100

Hp : 0,1 (2700/3000)

Mp : 0,01 (200/200)

Phy atk : 0,2 (40)

Phy def : 1 (160)

Agility : 1 (4,5)

Mag atk : 0,1 (75)

Mag def : 0,1(18)

Resist : 0,1(110)

Special : 1 (1/???)

Racial class: Regular (1/15).

Description: Regular are 'nickname' for those who has just begin to climb or for those who not yet to reach the top of the tower.

Unlock skill:

Basic Shinsu Magic: unlock shinsu art and unlock bang (like magic ball). Magic cost for each bang is 50 and deal 75 Magic damage.

Basic Strengthening Shinsu Body(on/off): phy att, def, and agility +1 (+250) (+200) and (+5) according to level. (for each 3 level up +1 effect.) with each 10 second consume 100 MP). if you reach max level then effect +5 for Phy Att, Def and Agility.

"Hmm, I don't know whether my basic stats good or bad, after all, really? 0,1 for almost all basic stats? And this mana cost for my shinsu is so high. So the system that warned me is telling the truth. But then again I wanna have fun. I want to adventuring this game to the heart content and no one can stop me."

then I ready to go and so the system given me choice which world you choose to go? There are 9 worlds in Yggdrasil and each one of them have they own condition. This is their list:

9 World in Yggdrasil

1. Asgard = an advanced world where many gods and goddess residence in it. There are city and village with still many blank map in this area.

2. Niflheim = the most colds world in Yggdrasil. Residence of many monsters that have affinities of ice and water. Realm that has unstable climate with still many blank map in this area. This world is mostly dark and rarely got a light unless when parallels of 9 worlds is happening.

3. Muspelheim= the most hots world in Yggdrasil. Residence of many monsters that have affinities of fire and magma (mostly demon). Realm that has many active mountains with unstable geography with still many blank map in this area.

4. Midgard= the world that has the most variative citizen where monster, human and demi human are the most populated. Many part of the map is blank. Many natural disasters happen here.

5. Jotunheim = Big monster giant type is roaming in this realms, other information is rumor or unconfirm because this world still unknown to certainly area.

6. Vanaheim= another world where some god and goddess residence in here. But still hold many mysteries cause they unexplored land.

7. Alfheim= the prospect world where fairy and spirit roam free. They don't like intruders or another people. Many parts of the map still blank.

8. Svartalfheim= realm of mountains and dwarf stay. Many dragons stay in this realm.

9. Helheim= poisonous swamp with many insectoid monster or plant type monster is here and the sky always grey and rarely got a light unless when the parallels of the 9 worlds happen. This world map is mostly blank.

And so after I read it, I choose to go to Midgard. After I confirm it I then being transfer to the world and sight that waiting for me make me hold my breath. I am in the middle of forest and land that still so green. Grass, woods, tree, the sound of animal in the jungle. Everything about it make me remember the picture in the internet about world before now. And I must admit this is beautiful.

"Oh my this is amazing, great, awesome. I love it, this game already made me fallen in love."

Oh btw Zahard appearance is like monster (reference in webtoon TOG season 2 eps 306 when Zahard descend to data floor, he pierced blue hair guy in the chess, that's Zahard appearance looks like with tentacle color is red, he stood up around 175 cm with thin body with 2 red tentacles as a foot, 2 gold tentacle as a hand one gold tentacle as a head, in the head there is 3 shining golden circle in head that looks like eyes.)

then I check my inventory and got 1 basic sword, 10 gold, zero cash, and a robe. Money in this game is gold.

And after I done checking everything, I'm walking in the middle of the forest but then I saw monster that look like mushroom. There are 3 of them.

"let's see the information about them. 'Enemy status'."

Enemy status is a skill that allow us to see enemy information. But it can be blur or blocked by using items or skills.

"Mushroom of Yuty forest, a level 1 monster with 150 hp and zero defense and good karma. Ohh so I can see their status and they are weak."

And so I move to near them. But they just ignoring me.

"And monster will not attack you unless you strike them first. Ok, I got it."

So I strike the first mushroom even though these monsters look so cute like mushroom in dragon nest. I need them to be my foundation of my level so I strike the first by using a sword that I got from inventory and I slash the first one. They look at me with angry pout face because suddenly being slash like that and it Hp only left 1/4. So I slash again and the first monster death. The other two also looks angry with cute pout face and charge themselves to me using their head. I sidestep them and then I attack them three time. The last strike is critical that make it death with one strike.

"Let's see what I got from these monster."

- Spore of the yuty mushroom 3x. they can be used as a food or sell for 1 gold each one.

- 3 Gold

- Total Exp + 15.

"Ok, I need 50 point exp to level up and I got 15, just need another and I level up. Ok then it's hunting time."

And then I start a similar monster to be hunt. For the next 2 hours I killing 100 (500 exp) mushroom and 65 (490 exp) living grass (a level 1 plant monster type that just stay in the one place then make a 'la la la' voice but if you hear it you can be damaged even if you do not provoke them) monster and got level up plus some looting. This is the list:

- spore of the yuty mushrrom 179x

- green grass of living grass 97x. they can be used as a basic potion making or can be sale for 2 gold each one of it.

- 347 gold

- Exp + 990

- 5 point to level up racial or job class.

And so I then level up to five level, and so now my character level is level six. (to level up you need 50 then 100 then 150 then 250 then 400. If we total it all then we need 950 exp.

"I think I will spend 4 point for level up my wave controller skill first for the mana reduction." Then the rest can be used later."