
Zahard in the world of Yggdrasil (Overlord)

What do you desire? Money and wealth? Honor and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends them all? Whatever you desire is here. experience it yourself the world of game that has never been before now. That's what Gotoh (our mc) read about Yggdrasil. Now what is waiting for him inside the game? failure? satisfied? adventure? or something that he never expected? This story background was about earth around 22 century where the earth is dying, most people live unproperly, and money is everything. everyone bow before company and people live means nothing. in this story, the game of Yggdrasil is a game that made to be explore, heteromorphic race will be hunted by other player, some even need to kill heteromorphic to open up their skill or class. and there will be many POV of other. so this story will be long. I'm not own overlord, TOG, or the picture. everything about them is being own by their own representative. I just typing my idea. I also lazy so the update will be take a long time depend on mood and I write this Fanfic for fun only

Tro_yuda · 漫画同人
8 Chs

Chapter 2: A Story from The Past

Chapter 2: A Story from The Past

<Tuesday 1 January 2126>

<07.00 AM>

<Gotoh house>

-Alarm ringing from the phone- "hmm, what the heck. It's still seven in the morning." - I hear the ringing alarm from my phone so I turn it on, look at what time is it, shut it and went back to sleep. But then I realize why I set my alarm around that time. So I force myself to wake up and sit in my bed- "Oh yeah I remember, today is the day when my packet will arrive. If I not wrong, then it will come around 10-11 AM." 'Usually I go to my workplace around 08.30 AM. But today I will use the power of my parents love and power to off the work just for today. In order to try a new game that I bought yesterday. But what am I supposed to say to my parents so I can get off the hook and stay in the home?

"If I reasoned that I indolent to office, then I will be death hearing a few hours of lecturing. How about sick? Of course it will work, just stay in the bed and told them my body fell unwell and they can give me a "rest" to make me feel better. As usual, this reason will never get old. But the other problem was the housekeepers. How can I smuggle the package into the house without them finding out? How can I convincing them to not snitch what I gonna do if I got found out?"

'Actually both of them is nice, kind, caring, and always call me -bocchan/Young master- like some kind of kid. Sometime even now. It's embarrassing. But sometime they can also be irritating with their lecture for this and that. I feel like have a second parent. No, more like older sister. Well when my parent still working in the office, Tunaki and Maki will be the one at home when I back home after school so they also dear to me. Both of them already work for our family as long as I can remember. My mother said that both of them is working for our family since she was pregnant. So they are trustworthy like family members despite they position.'

"Okay, I bought this game, and I will play it, even goes as far ask for furlough in reason for sick. And for pick up the game, hey wait a minute, why make it so difficult. After I told my mother that I sick, I can just tell Tunaki or Maki to pick it up then put it outside my room after father and mother go to office. And for the question just say that I bought a new game and the package come today. And just hope that she will not check my funds."

-sigh- 'I think tomorrow my job will be double, so much just for testing a new game. But first before this all, let's tell her first to know that I gonna absent for today. I hope she will be fine without me there. Who am I kidding? Of course she be fine. Ok let's chat her first.'

<App chatting in phone>

<Personal Chat: Sonohara Anri>

<Good morning Anri, how are you today?> <07.08 AM> <Online>

<5 minute later, still not yet be read> <07.13AM>

'Ok, it looks like she is away from her phone or perhaps still sleep. Usually she woke up around 07.30 AM. So I think yes she is sleeping. Now, how I told my mom about my 'Unwell' condition body? But lying is not good and I feel so bad lying to mom.' -sigh- "I think I speak to dad first. after all, only once in a whole last year that I taking my furloughs. He's tolerate more than mother when it came to something like this. Ok let's do it. Search him first."

So after thinking and planning for a while, I stand up, stretch my body then go to bathroom to wash my face, look at to mirror and fix my hair so to not look to messy. Then I go out from my room to search my father. I go to down stair and glance around the house. I know he is awake and probably he is in the living room watching TV. Looking for news. So I go to the living room but then I spot Tunaki in the kitchen preparing ingredients for cooking. So I greet her first.

"Good Morning Tunaki-san" -Tunaki who hear me look around and then smile while greet me back- "Good morning too Gotoh-sama. How unusual looking at you awake around this time. How can I help you?" -after she say that, I just shake my head, smile back to her and say- "No, I fine Tunaki-san. I just awake earlier today. By the way, are you perhaps know where my father is? I want to talk to him."

After hear my question, she answers me directly without delay by say "Ah Goroh-sama, I see him on the living room bocchan. Is there anything wrong?" -I replied her by say- "No, there is nothing wrong Tunaki-san. Thank you, and prepare delicious breakfast for me okay?" -when she hears me say that, she smiles even more and say with cheerful tone- "Of course! For bocchan, I will always prepare the best dish!"

After that I say goodbye to her and go to the living room. Then in the living room seat, I spot my father watching TV about news as usual. After that I freeze in my stand awhile because for some reason my head turn blank. Many thought swirl around my head like 'what am I supposed to say' or 'should I just lie to him?' 'No Gotoh, you will tell him the truth. Be a man and face him. Speak what you want even if the consequence of your wish is bad.' -after convince myself to talk with my father. I spot a seat then 1 walk behind him to sit in a different seat in his left. My father who look at me raise his eyebrow for a while before ask me- "how Unusual for you to wake up in this lovely morning. Tell me, what happens to you so you wake up earlier than usual my son?" -He finish his question with a smirk in his face-

When I heard his sarcasm question then his smirking mouth, my left eye twitched a little because annoyed. Is that really unusual for me to wake up in the morning? To even make 2 member of the house have to say 'How Unusual'. I admit that I love to sleeping more because I love sleeping. But before I working on the company, I used to wake up around 07.00 AM so I will not get late to school. But after I work in the company, my sleeping time become more longer than before. Ok I admit it that I sleeping a little longer recently but it just a bit. But then I smile a bit from their remarked. Truly they know me so well. Because they know that I will not wake up until mother go upstairs to wake me up (I told her to stop it but this is become her habit to wake me up until now) or I wake up on my own because there is something I 'must done' or 'need' (for example like must go to school earlier because of some events there).


Realize that I lost in my mind or perhaps spacing up. My father just sighed and shake his head while thinking 'My son lately like to lost on his own mind. What kind of topic that he wants to discuss so he has to be like that? He is not a bad kid like most other kids who were born in the same position or even slightly above the others. No, he is the best son I can hope for. A smart, polite, kind, and lovely boy. I have face many children from many wealthy families and I can say from experience that most of them was a spoiled little brat who think that they are the best and can do everything they want. And it's not help either that their parent spoiled them rotten. Me and my wife was also spoiled our son, love him, checking his development, ask him about what he want, this game or that toys. But he is different.'

'He can open a proper and polite conversation, different from those brats. rarely ask for anything outrageous, different from those brats and wasn't a spoiled child even when he just a child, different from those brats. sometime when he wants some new games, then he will ask me or his mother, even that won't be an imposition, not forcing his will. different from those brats. And I proud of him. School does open his eyes to reality. But sometimes I like to make a joke or two in order to make him feel irritated. His face when feel annoyed or irritated was a fun sight because I know he can't retaliate me. Much to my wife disagreement. But hey, what kind of father wouldn't joke with his son. Even I know that he learns one or two thing from me in other to piss off other people. I taught him so even when he just a little boy. We are men after all. Now better slap his leg to wake him up.' -so Gotoh father with his good intention, slap Gotoh thigh a bit hard and raise his voice while say. "Wake up boy!"


Shock by sudden slap on my thigh, I cry out a bit "Akh!" and then I glare to my father while say "Hey! What was that for!?" -he pointed his index finger at me and said- "That is for wake you up from the 'unclose eyes sleep mode' that you do it recently. Stop spacing out like some kind of idiot and say what you want to speak about, son!" -he emphasized the word son to me with his deep voice-

Realize that I was wrong to make him waiting and my mind wanderer I know where, I just chuckle, scratching my head back and say "Ahh yes sorry dad hehehe. What I want to talk about isn't important but a bit dullish. Don't angry okay?" -I end my sentence and my father reply is- "Okay, go on, I can't read other people mind so speak up what you want."

"Yeah, so you know, there is a new release game call <Yggdrasil>. That new game was release today with a new device model and more advanced type from it class. Hmm, I don't ask you to buy it because I book it yesterday and the package will come today. What I want to say that, can I not go to office today? Just for today? Please. And please father, don't tell mom about it. Really, don't tell her about this. Really please." -when I done let it out all my words to him, I feel relieved, I felt as if a great weight had climbed off my chest. Still, I feel a bit anxious about his decision but most of my feeling now is relieved. I just hope at least he will not talk about what I say to my mother. Oh no please no. don't make me got forced to hear her lecturing about what I do. Being denied to off the day is fine but just not that. I don't want it.


'Hmm, actually it's not a big deal, he can take his day off today. And at least, he still honest about his reason. And I don't see any problem, after all he has his friend as his vice leader to do his job in his division so the work will do just fine. Every people is also need some refreshing from their daily activities. But I don't want him to make excuse like this again in the future or he will become one of those stupid full of excuse annoying shitty brats or even worse. He got addicted to games and potentially lose his job just because he prefers to play games instead of working. Some of my friend in the past was also the same. I know how fun playing games is for I was a gamer too in my young life. But I also saw games make people forget the real world and choice to play games even if it cost they life. Some of my friend are few from those people. It's been a long time since I hear they news. They now either become beggars, worked in black company or even died from hunger. Every time I remember those fools, I can't help but be sad, disappointed but also miss them. No matter what they are now, in the past, they were a great friend and nice companion that I have. I will tell him a bit of story I think. He owes me one for this'

"Son, before I give you my answer, I will give you a little story from the past, won't be long so hear me out. Okay, first you know that me and your grandfather wasn't in a good relationship. In facts I hate him. He's a strict, not fun, rigid, abusive and a paranoid man. different from me if you want to compare. And I with my rebellion act wasn't help either. In the past you can say that my life is unrestrained. He told me, no. ordering me 'You must do that', 'don't do this' and bla bla bla. And if that wasn't enough, he will use his hand to slap me in the face If I do something wrong from his views. Now I know he do that because he just wants me to have a good live. But me and my teenager hormone just don't want to listen to him So I in the age of 16 rebel and go from home. My mother died in my youth because of the incurable disease. So she left me alone with him and one hand-maiden."

"So I go traveling to the low class district in order to hide and searching for job because I take my father money that just enough for a few months. Then I heard there is a Cyber cafe. A place to playing games for low-medium class people. I was born in the age of 2080. So when I was away from home the year is around 2096. That era was still in chaos and unstable you know. Government still in chaos because the effect of war and nuclear. Point system was just created outside this country, inflation, new plague, unstable political and economic situation and many other problems. After some time, I work on that Cyber café. Easy for me to get it because my social skills. By the way I work there so I can earn some money and playing games at the same times. Fighting, robbery, dirty word, dark business and many other bad things happen around the café so I must hide my profile not just from those thugs but also people and internet or I will get caught and taken to home or got kidnaped."

"But you must know, even in that kind of place, we may find our companion. One day, there I meet four people who playing the same games just like me. At that time, we were playing 'Battlefield 6: Nuclear War'. Accidentally, we got the same server in the same room. I was they opponent but we don't realize at all and so do I until one of them yelling at my username for too good at game and call me cheating. I, who hear it, got piss by his accusation. So I yell back to him that I was here. he and the other three stand up and me fight inside the café. I was beaten but lucky the café owner helps me up and fight those bastard. Of course I win" - Goroh say it while scratch his right cheek while avoided eyes contact with Gotoh for a while. Then he resuming the story-

"In the next day, when my shift is come, I meet them in the café and they apologize to me. The café owner act as mediator wants me to forgive them because they still customers and the customers bring money to the café. So I reluctantly forgive them and they ask me to play together with them. So we party together in the game. at first it was awkward you know. But as the game goes on, our communication and synergy was made and we win our first match. And that's the beginning of our glory in the game."

"But one day, the police find me and bring me back to home. My father was furious and we have a great 'conversation'. Short story, I log in from using my own pc and we play again together. We laugh together, sharing our story life, win in game, lose in game, and that's was a good old time. But then time move on years later. We all grow up and legally can search for jobs. I lost contact with them because my busy life after I got my own job in the same company now I work for. And now all of them has a hard life. One dead for over-playing and a synthetic drug user, the other two work for black company as janitor and you know how cruel black company treatment to the workers. They don't give a shit about the condition of their worker, being force to work work and work until no longer usable and then the new one replace them. And the last one was unknown. Gone missing because he was a fugitive. Wanted for felony theft and mounting debt for his games. And this is real son for I who experience it." -Goroh close his eyes and take a breath. There is a silence for a while before he continued it-

"What I want to tell you is that it's fine if you want to play a game. I was young and I know the thrill of games too. So I not blame you or forbid you to play some games. No, I will not do what my father do. What I tell you is the same thing I say when you just a little boy. First, be careful when you seek for friends and second, know your priority. Games is temporary. But struggle in the real life is eternity. At least until we death. Don't repeat what my friends has do in the past. Don't Get addicted to games. Okay?"


After I heard his story. I feel emotions. From awe, pride, sadness to sympathy. I know my parent hard life and experience. But this is new. A wisdom from an elder if you want to say. Another proof that he cared for me by telling this story. Even his voice sometime changes when he telling his story. Sounds sadder. Especially in the last part. He must be feel hurt after remember his friends in the past. But still force himself in other to make me become wiser. Suddenly my mood to test drive my new games is almost gone. Note the word 'almost'. But still, I understand what he wants. Shit, I feel bad for him. Ok Gotoh, assure him that you be fine and will not make him worry. Give him a proper answer.

"Yes, I understand dad. You know me, I will not get distracted just because some games. You know it. And I'm sorry. That must be hurt for you." -And Goroh reply him by saying- "Yeah it made me feel horrible. I can't help them when they in need because they don't have a sufficient education and insider to take them for a work. And when I got this position, a power to bend some opinion like I did to you so you can work in the company. But, it's too late. They were already… down." -I who hear what he said got speechless. His eyes were glazy, on the verge of tears but he held it. So I try to comfort him by hug him, pat his back and say-

"It's okay father, at least you try. You can't change what happen to them. You try and you know you did it. Not everything can go as we planned. Just let it go." -after a while, we part away and my father say- "Thank you, son" -I answer it by say- "You welcome dad, by the way. What happen now to my request? Don't want to ruin our son-father time but I come here for a reason you know." -my father say- "Yeah-yeah you got your furlough this month for today. Now go if your business with me is done."

I'm happy when I heard he allow me to get furlough today. Oh yeah this will be good. But wait. What about mother. Yeah what about her? Oh no I have to make sure she cools if I not work today. But what I must say to her? Let's ask dad about how to talk with mom.

"Actually dad, I still have a business with you." -my father when hear my word, lift his head from TV show to me and ask- "And what is it?" -I say- "Umm, it's about mom. You know, her reaction if I not gone to work today. What am I supposed to do?" -My father who hear my reply got snicker and then laugh. I, who got annoyed by his laugh because I know there must be not a good reason behind his behavior ask him- "Hey, why are you laughing? What's wrong if a son doesn't want to made his mother worry?" -My father immediately say- "More like scared from his mother anger" -then he continues his laugh even more. Much to my embarrassment and annoyed. After that he stop then he said-

"If this about your mother, don't worry about it. I will talk with her and you can enjoy your game to you heart content today. Just give me your review about this new game. perhaps even let me borrow this game sometime and we are even. How about that? deal?"

'Hmm, if I think about it, his offer wasn't bad, in fact it's acceptable. In my life, I rarely see my mother upset or angry to him. And my father sometimes gives her a 'sweet word' according to him many time. One of few secret from him to maintain they marriage relationship when in this era where divorcing was common things. So if he says he can convince her then I got nothing to say. Give him my review about the game? easy. But how he will convince her? Better ask that first.'

"It will be a deal if you can tell me how you will convince her? I mean I'm curious -My word got cut by footsteps come from outside family room. The voice become more and more close. Then another voice come from family room. My mother voice. She looks at my father and say- "Good morning honey~" -then my mother gaze come down upon me. Her face show that she is a bit surprised that I'm here. But then she smiles and say- "Oh my, good morning son. What are you doing here?"

'Oh no she's here. what am I suppose …' -My think got truncated by my father respond to my mother he gets up from his seat, walk to her and kiss her in the cheek while saying- "Good morning too my sunshine." -my father then glanced at me and say- "Gotoh just get up earlier and come down. Then he talks to me about you know. Man stuff. Anyway my rose, don't you want to help Tunaki in the kitchen? I think she will be happy preparing the breakfast with you." -then my mother silent for a while before flash a smile to my father and then said- "Man stuff huh? Who knows my little baby now will be a big boy now. Hihihi." -she giggles after hear my father choices of word. Then she talks with father for a while before kiss him in the cheek and go to kitchen. Then my father say- "you welcome son, you welcome."

'Well, just follow the flow' - I say to myself. Then check on my phone while tell Anri that I will not come to work today while give her few things that supposed to do today. While I go upstairs, I'm tell my parents and housekeeper to go take breakfast first because I'll take my breakfast later. For now, I want to take a bath, and watch some news in my room before I eat and accept my packet later on-