
YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Reborn into the world of Yugioh, it's natural if my goal is to become the best duelist! Source to image: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/101119954126175624/ SpecialThanks: kisaraizdabezt

Yellow_Duck_Toy · 漫画同人
99 Chs

Soul Room

[Yuna's POV]

Once the duel was over, the light turned back on, revealing our mess. Cards were everywhere, and several decorated vases in the room were knocked over, crooked paintings and dark marks staining the walls. I turned to Pegasus, still staring at me in a daze.

I nervously cleared my throat, and he snapped out of his thoughts and blinked his eyes in astonishment. Pegasus then pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply, and I felt his pupils glaring into my soul.

I fidgeted in my seat as multiple strange thoughts entered my head. No way he's not completing his end of the bargain, right? What if he took my soul anyway?! I don't want to die!

Noticing my thought, Pegasus and I stared at each other in an uncomfortable silence. Eventually, he burst into laughter.

"Ah, Yuna Sano, it's intriguing how you have such absurd imaginations." He said and wiped the tears from his face.

"There's nothing to fear, despite what you think of me. I'm a man of my word," Pegasus assured while picking up the cards on the floor.

He grabbed the Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand with curiosity: "To think a card like this existed, it's truly a mystery."

Thankfully, he returned the card, and I swiftly packed my deck away: "Now that it's over, you must be wondering why I did all this?"

When I didn't respond, Pegasus told me about his past passionately. At a young age, he fell in love with a woman named Cecilia. According to him, it was love at first sight, and Pegasus was sure they were soulmates. However, tragedy struck when Cecilia died due to an illness right after their marriage.

Distraught, Pegasus tries many ways to resurrect his past lover, eventually obtaining the Millenium Eye. He didn't delve into the details, but watching the anime, I know that in Egypt, Pegasus encountered a man named Shadi, later revealed in the show as a ghost that guards the Millenium Items.

Recalling Shadi, I remember that he will appear today at the end of the tournament. Then Shadi will use his Millenium Key on Yugi to search his mind and stuff. I hope he won't go after me, and I got too much embarrassing stuff that needs to stay hidden!

With the discovery of Shadi and the Millenium Items, Pegasus began studying Egyptian Sorcery and learned that he could revive Cecilia. Still, he needed something called Spirit Energy, which can be found in souls. Pegasus also needed the Millenium Puzzle as well so that's why he created this tournament.

"Nonetheless, that's the end of my story. I must thank you for not interrupting me until the end," Pegasus said gratefully.

I nodded while awkwardly averting his gaze: "W... what now?"

He smiled and stood up, and I complied in doing the same. Pegasus then gracefully bowed: "I should congratulate you on winning the duel and earning yourself the title of King of Games."

I felt my lips loosen and form into a smile, causing Pegasus to chuckle and straighten his tie: "This was a very entertaining duel, and I hope we can battle like this someday. Of course, without the consequences of Shadow Games."

Pegasus reached into his shirt pocket, revealing the two soul cards of Seto Kaiba and Solomon Mutou. His Millennium Eye emits a bright glow, and the picture on the cards becomes blank: "I have released their souls as promised. They should wake up shortly."

"Tha... thanks," I said, and he shrugged.

Pegasus turned his back towards me and quietly walked to the other exit across the room: "Oh," he stopped: "The check for the prize money will be delivered to you later."

"Wa... wait..." I hurriedly stopped him and stared at the floor.

Remembering what happens to Pegasus soon after he leaves, I suddenly felt inclined to do something about it. Bakura, one of Yugi's friends and the user of the Millenium Ring will be possessed by the spirit living inside the ring.

Then he would challenge Pegasus in a shadow game and eventually take his Millenium Eye. In the anime, Pegasus falls into a coma, while his fate is much worse in the manga. So shouldn't it be best if I at least warn him? It wouldn't be so bad to have the President of Industrial Illusions, the creator of Duel Monsters, as an ally.

"Be... be careful," I muttered, pointing at his Millenium Eye: "In danger."

Pegasus heard me and smiled wryly: "I wonder why you say something like that?" He tilted his head and laughed: "Very well, I will keep your warning in mind."

Also, I asked him about the woman I had seen in the middle of the duel. However, to my surprise, Pegasus was confused and said he hadn't seen anyone else. He deduced that it must be my hallucinations during my soul momentarily detaching from my body.

His hypothesis sounds believable, but the woman looks way too real...

[3rd POV]

In another part of the castle...

Mokuba pranced around nervously in the waiting room, Yuna had left to duel Pegasus an hour ago, but he still hadn't heard from her. Yugi and his friends tried to comfort Mokuba, but he was cautious as the child had never interacted with them.

However, their friendly and warm atmosphere allowed Mokuba to relax, and they convinced him that Yuna would not be defeated. Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and Yuna entered while gasping for breath as she had run all the way there. Instantly, Mokuba threw himself at Yuna, and she caught him in her embrace.

"Big sister!" Mokuba yelled with relief: "If you're here, you must have won, right?!"

Yuna nodded, and Mokuba finally burst into tears: "That means big brother will be fine, right?!!!"

"Yes..." She answered timidly.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" He said with enthusiasm: "Let's go!"

Mokuba sprinted out of the room at an unimaginable speed and left dust trails behind him. Yuna sighed tiredly, knowing she would be so exhausted chasing the boy.

"Wait, Sano-san," Yugi suddenly called to her: "Is my grandfather alright?"

She nodded, and Yugi's tense expression finally loosened. Just like Mokuba, he was extremely anxious about the outcome of her duel, as Yuna had promised to save his grandfather beforehand.

"Thank you.." Yugi said with sincerity.

Yuna merely smiled as Yugi and his friends blushed: "Ahem, we shouldn't keep you here any longer." he said awkwardly, averting his gaze.

She waved goodbye to Yugi and his friends before fervently chasing after Mokuba. Yugi smiled as he watched her leave. Interacting with Yuna despite her aggravating reputation at school was welcoming.

Well, as they all say, you will only know one's real personality with a duel!


Yugi glanced at Tea, pouting with her arm crossed: "So, you're into big chests, huh...."

"What are you talking about?!" The boy stuttered in shock.

However, Tea didn't answer and walked away while huffing with anger. Joey and Tristan sighed, leaving Yugi even more confused.

Joey: "Geez Yugi, you really messed up..."

Tristan: "Yeah, even I won't fail that bad."

Yugi: ?????


Remembering the direction of Mokuba's room, Yuna moved hastily, not wanting to keep him waiting any further. However...

"Big Sister!!!" Mokuba's panicky voice echoed in the castle.

Hearing his scream, Yuna dashed towards the sound and eventually found Mokuba in his room. Beside him was the motionless Seto, and seeing this scene, Yuna realised something may have gone horribly wrong.

She knelt beside him with a troubled expression as Mokuba trembled in fear: "When I got back, big brother still hadn't awakened, and I couldn't feel a pulse!"

Yuna frowned and felt a sense of crisis. Has Pegasus lied? Seto was breathing before, even without his soul, so what's happening? Whatever, it was, Yuna knew that right now, she must get Seto's heart to start beating again.

She took a deep breath and suppressed the rising anxiety as Yuna crawled towards Seto and placed her hands over his chest. Following the instructions she had read online, Yuna began to perform chest compressions.

Yet, after performing CPR for a few minutes, Seto still showed no sign of recovering.

"Big Brother..." Mokuba cried as he watched helplessly.

Yuna didn't give up and continued her efforts. She stared at his mouth, then glanced at the whimpering Mokuba. Gritting her teeth, Yuna hesitantly opened Seto's lips and gulped.

She nervously brought her face towards Seto's, and as she was going to blow oxygen into his lungs...


Seto's eyes snapped open, and he sat up with energy. However, he felt something soft pressing down onto his lips, making him difficult to rise. When Seto's pupils became focused, he froze in shock.

Yuna and Seto gazed at each other silently as their lips firmly pressed together. Yuna's mind went blank, and heat rushed to her face.

Seto: "Wha...."

"KYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAA" Yuna screamed and impulsively raised her hand.

At that moment, a single word flashed before Seto's eyes as a fist approached him in slow motion.

Death... [1]


Seto fell backward and went unconscious before his head hit the floor. Mokuba felt stunned and stared at Yuna, squirming in embarrassment. Finally, her brain overheated, and she collapsed beside him.


Suddenly, the door to his room opened, and he frowned: "Hello, who's there?"

A young man stepped in, and Mokuba stared at him suspiciously. The man has brown skin and blue eyes. He wore a cream robe and a turban on his head. While around his neck was a large ornament that looked like an Egyptian Ankh.

The stranger grasped the Ankh by his chest and pointed it at Mokuba: "Sleep."

Mokuba's eyes rolled towards the back of his head, and he collapsed with a thud. The man approached the three unconscious individuals with an indifferent expression.

He glanced at Yuna and frowned: "She's the one that defeated Pegasus..."

After detecting the disruptive energy of two Millenium Items clashing, the man immediately arrived to investigate: "The battle was between Maximillian Pegasus and an unknown individual that owns the Millenium Ring. This woman is the last known witness with him."

Thankfully, with Yuna's warning, Pegasus managed to survive the ordeal, and he's currently resting in his room. Shadi gently pressed his Ankh on Yuna's forehead and spoke forebodingly: "Take me to her Soul Room."

The man closed his eyes as his surroundings changed. When he reopened his eyes, the man found himself in a dark corridor. The walls were made of ancient limestones, and torches dimly lighted the entire building.

He starts to walk on a straight path, searching for any clues of Yuna's true identity, not knowing the danger he put himself in. After walking for an hour, the man discovered a large vacant room.

It was completely pitch black, and the only light he could see was the torches at the room's exit across from him. Using his artifact hanging by his neck, he made a makeshift light source and carefully traversed through the room, careful of any traps that may hinder man.

Suddenly, the man swung around when he heard a sound from behind. However, he couldn't see a single thing. Sweat trickled down his chin as each second passed while being in this room. He felt the lingering gaze of someone getting more intense.


The man threw himself against the floor as sharp claws swiped the area where he previously stood. He gasped in shock and stared at the monstrosity that ambushed him...

It was a dragon with green scales and a purple carapace built around its body. A slimy and fleshy sound echoed across the room as its joints lit up with yellow and red bulbs like a plant revealing its fruits.

Its scythe tail dragged across the floor, creating sparks, and the man's expression turned pale. With a speed unbefitting of its massive frame, the dragon leapt into the darkness and vanished from trace.

The man instantly stood up and sprinted towards the exit. By observing the monster's actions, he knew it was toying with him, and his body trembled at the malice extruding from the creature.

Unfortunately, before escaping to safety, he was tripped by the monster's tail and thrown across the room. His back hit the wall, and he groaned in pain. The creature revealed itself and pressed its claws on his chest.

Blood stained his clothes as the sharp nails dug into his skin. Anticipating death, the man closed his eyes. However, death never came. He hesitantly lifted his head and saw the monster growling at another entity in the room.

It was another dragon, and compared to the menacing aura the first monster emitted, this one had a divine feeling. With gold scales, huge pair of wings and red pupils, its appearance was truly awe-inspiring.

The dragon roared at each other as if they were arguing. Reluctantly, the first dragon backed down and removed its restraint on the man, allowing him to breathe.

"Are you alright?" A voice asked, snapping the man out of his daze.

Between the two dragons stood a woman. She wore an elegant white dress, matching her snow-white hair that flowed down her shoulders. A shawl covering her face's upper portion gave her a sense of mystery.

"I apologise if Starving Venom Fusion Dragon have been too rough with you." She said apologetically: "May I ask who you are?"

"My name is Shadi Shin," The man responded honestly, allured by the beautiful voice.

"It's nice to meet you, Shadi," The woman said with a smile.

She glanced at the artifact Shadi dropped a couple of feet away and stretched out her hand. To Shadi's amazement, the item flew into the woman's palm, and she rubbed her finger along the gold exterior: "This is the Millenium Key, correct?"

Still stunned, Shadi nodded haphazardly, causing the woman to giggle: "I haven't seen this item for a long time. It must be fate for me for the key to fall into my hand once more."

Listening to the woman's words, Shadi became solemn and laughed even louder: "Don't worry, I don't plan on using it." She explained and willingly returned the Millenium Key.

Shadi tightly clenched the Millenium Key, and many questions surfaced in his mind. However, despite the rising urge to ask, he understands he has no authority to interrogate her.

Noticing his unease, the woman smiled kindly: "There's nothing to be afraid of, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon won't harm you under my watch."

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand grunted and lowered its head. She patted the dragon affectionately, and it wagged its tail like a pet. The woman then scratched the side of Starving Venom Fusion Dragon, and the beast snorted but didn't move away from her touch.

"You must have many questions; please come with me." The woman said and quietly walked towards the other end of the hallway.

With no options, Shadi followed, and he nervously passed the two intimidating spirits. Starving Venom Fusion Dragon gnashed its teeth while Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand paid him no attention.

As they walked side by side, only footsteps could be heard. Eventually, gathering his courage, Shadi asked: "Who are you?"

"Fu fu fu," The woman chuckled: "I'm merely an echo of history, a remnant that wanders in this realm."

He frowned at the lack of an answer: "Then what's your purpose here."

"My purpose," The woman muttered in thought: "I have been sentient for longer than I can count. However, all I'm doing now is to keep this place from falling apart. Ah, speaking of.."

A massive earthquake shook the hallway, and Shadi leaned against the wall for support. The floor beyond them cracked and split apart, revealing an endless void of darkness. The woman spreads her arms, and a wave of white light emits from her body.

Gradually, the earthquake became milder, and the structures repaired themselves. Shadi sweated anxiously as he stared at the walls: "I have heard of this phenomenon... This only meant that..."

"The soul is fragmented and broken." The woman affirmed with a sad smile: "Eventually, the damage will be irreversible."

"Come on, we're close." She continued, leaving Shadi speechless.

The two continued to walk until they reached a door. The woman opened it and gestured for Shadi to enter. Inside, he held his breath at the majestic scene. It was an open landscape with a clear blue sky with soft grass beneath his feet.

The woman walked towards the centre, where a figure lay there peacefully surrounded by white and blue roses. Shadi approached the sleeping individual and noticed the familiarity: "Sano..."

The woman nodded and gently held Yuna's hand: "I don't know how long she can live for... As you know, it was only a matter of time before her body succumbed to the damage of her broken soul."

"How much time does she have?" Shadi asked.

"Two more years at most..." The woman smiled bitterly.

"But I have faith," She said: "I believe Yuna'soul can repair herself before the worst happens."

Shadi: "Why are you so sure?"

The woman merely smiled and said nothing. Shadi was momentarily at a loss and remembered the purpose of his visit: "Recently, I sensed two Millenium Items clashed with each other. Do you have any knowledge on the matter?"

She shook her head: "Yuna isn't the one you're looking for."

"I understand," Shaid responded when he deemed the woman wasn't lying: "My purpose here is accomplished; I will be taking my leave."

The woman smiled and stood up: "That's a shame. I wish we could talk longer."

Shadi nodded and, reactivating his Millenium Key, his body lit up and became transparent. The woman waved in farewell, and Shadi left Yuna's mind. Once he was gone, the woman returned to kneeling by Yuna's side.

"It would be hard, but I have faith you can make it." She whispered and gently stroked Yuna's head: "Please live, for all our sakes..."

[Yuna's POV]

A few hours later...

I opened my eyes and groggily sat up. I noticed Kaiba was still unconscious, and my face instantly heated up. I clutched the side of my head in released an inward scream. I can't believe we did that!!! It was supposed to be a simple CPR in which I would blow oxygen into his mouth, but he had to wake up at that moment?!

While kicking the air in embarrassment, there was the sound of groaning beside me. I turned my head and saw Mokuba also waking up.

"Big Sister," He said while rubbing his eyes: "What happened?"

Huh, hold on, shouldn't I be the one to ask that question? First of all, why were you asleep, Mokuba? When I inquired about this, he said he couldn't remember. Something else must have been at play, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly what.

At this moment, Kaiba also woke up, and Mokuba hurriedly sprinted towards him. Like the worried brother he was, Mokuba scolded Kaiba harshly, forcing him to apologise for doing something so foolish, and Kaiba could do nothing but nod.

Kaiba glanced at me as he calmed Mokuba down, and I instantly averted my gaze. I wish I could crawl into a hole and never come out. I can't even look at him without thinking of what happened beforehand.

"Why are you two acting so weird?" Mokuba said, "Come on, let's get out of here! I can't stay in this dreadful place any longer!"

With Mokuba in the lead, we followed quietly out of the castle. Guards were waiting outside, and they guided the three of us back to the port where a large cruise ship was docked. Yugi and his friends were already on the ship, waving at us and standing by the entrance was Pegasus.

"Ah, Kaiba-boy, I'm glad to see you well," Pegasus exclaimed as if he wasn't the one that took his soul in the first place.

"I hope it wasn't that much of a surprise. After all, returning one's soul made the person's body temporarily shut down like a fresh corpse before their heart restarts automatically."

Wait, I froze. Did he say what I think I heard? I don't have to do all that? Kaiba will wake up by himself? Oi oi, I lost my dignity because of you. Pay it back with a thousand cuts!

"Anyway, here's the prize money I have promised," Pegasus said and handed me a check note.

I read the numbers and almost collapsed onto my knees in shock. There were six zeros! A whopping three million dollars! Look, it's not even in Yen but in American USD! If there weren't other people here right now I would've been dancing with joy.

Fine, I guess I would let you off the hook for now! I thought and glimpsed at Pegasus who was smirking at me.

"The announcement of your victory will be posted later and I hope you had fun." Pegasus said: "It's time for me to go now, I still have other matters to attend to. Goodbye."

He soon left with the rest of his bodyguards, leaving us alone. The horn of the cruise sounded, signalling its departure and we quickly came aboard. I watched with bated breath as the ship slowly sailed away by the majestic site that was the Duelist Kingdom.

These two days have been short but the events were crazy enough to last me a lifetime. Now, all I can hope was that the future would be kind to me, yet I already knew how unlikely that would be.


[1] Imagine the scene in One Punch man with Saitama's death punch on Genos

I hope you enjoy