
Yugioh Arc V Lost Pendulum

The pendulum will continue to swing, only they will decide where it will move, will they be consumed by a past they lost or will they find a new path in their lives?(A fusion between anime and Arc v Manga, with some new elements in it)

Romadro8975 · 漫画同人
8 Chs

Chapter 3: Awaken of the King of Justice part 3.

There was no clear answer about what had just happened to Yuzu. One minute she was fine, the next everything had changed. That light had transformed the cards in her deck into something totally unlike what she'd taken to the arena today. How was she supposed to compete like this, especially with who she was going up against now?

Her opponent noticed her confusion, scoffing at her bewildered expression. "Afraid? Where's all that confidence from before?"

Despite her taunts, Yuzu gave no reaction. "Mocking your opponents doesn't do anything to prove your skills," she said. "Talk like that after you've won, but until that point you're just being rude."

"Settle down," she sneered, waving a hand at Yuzu. "Can't you take a joke? Do you even know what one is? I thought you were a performer." Jumping up onto a platform made of shadows, Dark Diva started her turn to begin the duel. "We've kept them waiting long enough."

She didn't look to be pulling any punches even from the start given the card she revealed next. "I'll start with this card, Fusion!"

The crowd's excitement at seeing the card was matched only by Yuzu's own apprehension. "But only LDS is supposed to be able to Fusion Summon. How can you use a card like that?"

"Everyone has their secrets," she said, taking a superior tone. Sliding the card into her duel disk, she revealed another two cards to use as material. "I fuse Deus Ex Scathach and Deus Ex Zorro to create a new monster."

Both monsters appeared in shadow only briefly before transforming into red and blue energy, swirling into a vortex behind their owner. "Recreate the visage of an angel as you take to the stage! Fusion Summon! Com forth, Level 4. Deus Ex Dominion!"

Emerging from the vortex was a gleaming golden angel, dark hair flowing from its head as silver armor and sword shone in the light from the dark sun overhead.

Deus Ex Dominion ATK / DEF: 1500/0

"I will use my normal summon to summon Deus Ex Orpheus to the field." A strange puppet appears in the field of the Diva. "The effect of Orpehus allows me to bring his friend Zorro from the cemetery." A very strong swordsman dressed in a black suit and with a hat appears in the field.

Deus Ex Fox ATK / DEF: 1400/1000 = ATK = 1900.

Deux Ex Orpheus ATK / DEF: 1300/1000 = ATK = 1800.

"I finish my turn, it's your turn, Princess Juno, kukuku." She laughed and then, like Yuzu, she started running across the field. Her goal was to look for an action card.

With a few jumps, Yuzu was able to reach one of the Action Cards that was on a balcony. Although it was difficult, because of how narrow it was to walk through the huge castle, she smiled, it was necessary in case her opponent's monsters had more effects.

She put her hand on her deck, she drew the card from her deck and addressed her audience. "I'm sorry for taking so long, but now I have what it takes to start the duel."

The audience applauded, anticipation of what she had prepared growing. The announcer joining them. "Apparently the young duelist will now show us her full potential, but will she be there for the legacy of Sakaki Yushou?"

"I will activate the Trade-in magic card! By discarding my level 8 Mozarta, I can draw two cards from my deck." Apparently the Ace monster of Juno, like the other cards, also changed.

She looked at the new cards she had taken. They seemed so complex to use, but at least the effects were understandable at least. The question now was, would she have the skills to execute it well enough to win, since she had no real idea how to play with them.

"I will activate the Magic Card Angel Reinforcement, if I don't have monsters on the field, I can pay 2000 Life points and summon a Majestic Knight monster from my deck in defense mode, I summon Majestic Knight: Harmonious Nympha in defense mode." A torrent of water appears behind her. Within this, a maiden with a blue armor broke through, carrying a trident in her hands.

Yuzu LP: 8000-2000 = 6000

Majestic Knight Harmonious Nympha ATK / DEF: 1200/1000

There was lot of murmuring in the audience immediately, some disapproving, while others praised the design, perhaps due to its beautiful design, which many girls in the public loved or perhaps how it materialized. Anyway, the duelist was winning them, she was relieved at least with that.

"Don't worry audience, because she will bring one of her friends. I activate Nympha's effect that allows me to bring another "Majestic Knight" once per turn but I must not have another card on the field. I summon Majestic Knight Loyal Steed to the field." The maiden joined her hands and with one of her majestic songs she opened a portal, cavalry with golden armor appeared on the field, gallops next to the Nympha and the duelist.

Majestic Knight Loyal Steed ATK / DEF: 1300/1300

"Nympha's second effect also gives 200 attack points to each of my Majestic Knight that I control on the field." Nympha began to sing, voice like a wind chime reciting the incomprehensible language monsters seemed to speak at times. Regardless, the meaning of those notes rang true, Loyal Steed empowered by a blue aura as the crowd cheered on.

Majestic Knight Loyal Steed ATK: 1300 + 200 = 1500.

The horse approached Yuzu, under his head, waiting for something from the duelist. She didn't know what to do at first, she raised her hand with a feeling of interest and began to massage the horse's head, he received it well. "Incredible, this Solid Vision makes the monsters look so real. "

The horse asked her to get on his back and she did, she had already mounted monsters in Solid Vision before but she kept thinking about how incredible it was.

"You're a good boy." She hugged him, starting to rub the horse's hair to congratulate him. "Now let's give the audience more." The steed responded with a shout. "Finally, I summon Majestic Knight: Royal Breaker to the field." A new monster appeared on the field, she was a woman in green clothes who carried a large hammer in her hands.

Majestic Knight Royal Breaker ATK / DEF: 1900/1300

Majestic Knight Royal Breaker ATK: 1900 + 200 = 2100.

"Impressive, you summoned a lot of monsters to your field." The Dark Diva mentioned in a mocking tone, she was back from searching." will they stop my servants?"

"Very good question Diva, but I see that you are too confident, that will not lead you to your victory." The duelist said. "Let's finish our friends debut, start the battle phase!" The loyal horse began to roar. Creating an aura around all Yuzu's monsters. "When the battle phase begins, Steed's effect allows me to increase the attack of all my monsters by 300."

Loyal Steed ATK: 1500 + 300 = 1800.

Royal Breaker ATK: 2100 + 300 = 2400.

Nympha ATk: 1400 + 300 = 1700.

Yuzu rode on Steed, her other monsters following by her side. "Let's do it my servants."

"I'm sorry, Juno. First you will have to defeat my Fox first. " The Diva exclaimed.

Yuzu replied "I know that, but first I will need more help."

Without knowing what the duelist said; the Diva opened her eyes for what was a matter of second smile, excited to know what was the intention of her opponent. The first thing Yuzu did was get up from her horse, leaving the spectators to gasp, the Diva too. "Have you gone crazy?"

Yuzu didn't respond, she merely looked at her monsters beforehand, just nodding to Nympha and Breaker as a kind of code, and as if they had read their thoughts, Yuzu was safely in Royal Breaker's arms.

"The skill of this girl is amazing. But what will be the reason for this? " The MC mentioned to the audience.

"Nympha, I need your water powers, Breaker throw me to that tower." Both monsters accepted, with their great strength, Breaker launched Yuzu with great power.

The audience was open-mouthed. Even the Diva stayed with an open mouth. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Yuzu?"

Yuzu began to lose altitude, but everything went according to plan, the public seemed equally to notice, so she observed. 'Well I'm creating drama, now let's continue.' She told herself.

"It's your turn Nympha!" Nympha joined her hands, began to recite a song, creating a kind of sound wave, which began to generate ice towers in which Yuzu landed safely, now with the other pillars, she arrived at this tower where there was a Action Card.

The audience felt relief when the girl arrived safely. Best of all was that in the position she is in, she has already been able to spot five action cards on the field.

"Incredible!" Some murmurs in the audience sounded. It looked like she already had the audience in her hands, which was important in her first presentation, now, towards victory.

Yuzu looked at the cameras that focused on her and thought about someone. 'I hope you are seeing this, wherever you are, you will see how Dad and I still protect the school. She murmured. "Also you Masumi."

"Ok, let's start Loyal Steed, you start the first attack, attack Zorro!" The horse went straight to the monster, with great speed, activing its horn and readying to ram Zorro.

"Not so fast heroine, I activate the effect of Zorro." She mentioned in her seductive voice. "You have a choice, you discard a card from your hand or suffer half of my monster's attack, so which route will you take?"

"It would be dangerous to let my life points drop, but it would also be worse if I lost a card from my hand. So I choose to suffer that damage!"

A devilish smile grews on the face of the Diva "Why don't you fulfill her wish, Fox?" At the time of giving the order, Zorro disappeared from the side of her owner, to appear a second later behind Yuzu and attack her from behind with her sword.

Yuzu LP: 6000-850 = 5150

"Ahhh !" Yuzu shouted in pain at the attack, but at least she was sure that her plan was still underway.

Fox returned to the Diva field. "I have another plan yet, I activate the effect of my Dominion and I can change the position of my Deux Ex monsters that I want." She proclaimed, the knight raising his sword towards Zorro to change it into defence.

"That won't work, because I activate my Action Card, Detour. That allows me to negate the effect of a monster in the field of my opponent and at the same time cause 500 points of damage to it. "

"I see, either way tou would have found a way to get rid of Zorro. I congratulate you." She said applauding the duelist's strategy. As unpleasant as the static felt.

Dark Diva LP: 8000-500 = 7500

"Now remove it Loyal Steed !" The attack made a direct hit producing an explosion, the Diva had to cover herself

Dark Diva LP: 7500-400 = 7100

"Since I inflicted damage on my opponent, Majestic Healing gains a counter and I can earn two hundred life points at the same time."

Majestic Healing: 1 Angel counter.

Yuzu LP: 5150 + 200 = 5350.

"Now the effect of Steed is activated, letting me excavate the first three cards from the top of my deck and if it's a magic card or trap I can add it to my hand." She watched them and added the only trap that was in the amount, at least this carf would serve for the next turn. "I activate Royal Breaker's effect, when I earn life points, I can select a magic card or trap my opponent controls and destroy it."

The Diva reacted to this. "I activate Reckless Greed and with it I can draw two cards from my deck." She could not prevent the destruction of her card but at least took advantage of activating it before it was destroyed. " The only problem is that I can't draw cards in my next two draw phases."

"Then I continue with my turn, get ready to attack Breaker, attack her Dominion." The woman was ready to strike the blow of glory with her hammer.

"I will activate my Miracle Action card, this prevents the destruction of my monster and at the same time every damage I suffer is limited to half." An energy shield protects Dominion from being destroyed by the hammer.

Dark Diva LP: 7100-450 = 6650

Majestic Healing: 2 Angel counter.

Yuzu LP: 5350 + 200 = 5550.

It wasn't enough damage. Not nearly what she wanted but it was something at least and at the same time at least it seemed like she would be able to cope with the duel, even if she didn't know this deck.

Breaker and Nympha lowered her to the ground. "Thanks friends." She said "I leave a card face down and end my turn. Due to the effect of Nympha, Loyal Steed returns to my hand."

Royal Breaker ATK: 2100

Nympha ATK: 1400

"Well done, Juno. But I see that you're too ignorant of the situation in general." The Diva mentioned, which intrigued Yuzu.


"No, no, I can't reveal that right now and you won't survive to see it. For now let's continue. "

Her opponent was an enigma, she couldn't even recognize who exactly she was. Maybe she came from some different school? Because she didn't seem to come from the dueling circuit either.

"Since the effect of your Action card is over. I will activate the effect of Dominion, changing the position of your Nympha to attack. It's not only that too, since my monster also causes your monster to lose 500 attack points. " Yuzu bit her lips, already knowing that effect.

Nympha ATK: 1400-500 = 900.

"And that's not all, I will now preform another fusion but this will be different from any seen before."

"What do you mean? What kind of other fusion?"

"You'll find out now." With her next move she inserted the card into her dueling disk. " I will activate the Magic Card Deus Ex Actor Change ! Yhis is how this card works, I can usually use two materials to summon a fusion monster but..." She smiled with a sinister feeling as she said that last word. "If I have a fusion monster in my field I can use it instead."

The duelist heroine was left with her mouth open and shocked by her opponent's card. "Impossible, just a monster as material."

"Glowing rose of the abyss, resurge between that dark abyss and subjugate those who stand in your way, come forth Level 5, Deus Ex Carmen." A new monster emerged from the vortex, a woman who had a red dress embroidered with roses.

Deux Ex: Carmen 2300 ATK / 100 DEF

"We now enter the battle phase, first I will attack your Royal Breaker with my Carmen." Carmen threw herself against Breaker, destroying the warrior in an explosion.

Yuzu LP: 5550-200 = 5350.

"When a Majestic Knight monster is destroyed I can put an Angel Counter in Majestic Recruitment."

Majestic Recruitment: 1 Counter.

"Carmen's effect is activated! When she destroys a monster in the field, I can summon a Deus Ex monster from the graveyard, I summon Dominion back to the field." The angel returned again, the aura that Dominion produced again effecting the monsters of the Diva.

Deux Ex Dominion: ATK: 1500 + 500 = 2000.

Carmen ATK: 2300 + 500 = 2800.

Orpheus ATK: 1300 + 500 = 1800

"Remember Carmen can also make a second attack."

"You can attack twice?" Yuzu remarked with fear, she was too late to change anything. Moments later, the monster destroyed Nympha with a single blow.

Yuzu LP: 5350-1900 = 3450.

Majestic Recruitment: 2 Counter.

"That's not all, I activate the effect of Deux Ex Actor in my graveyard. I can banish this card from my graveyard to activate its effect. After a Fusion Monster has done damage, I can return it to my extra deck to summon a new Fusion Monster."

When Carmen was returned from her extra deck zone, the Diva took another card and inserted it into her dueling disc. "Reign in chaos, make your victims suffer with your dystopia, come forth Level 8, Deux Ex: Arsene."

Deux Ex: Arsene 3000 ATK / 0 DEF

"3000 attack points." Yuzu said with eyes wide in fear.

"What's the matter, beautiful hero? Scared by my monster?" The Diva licked her finger while looking at Yuzu with a sinister gaze. She had always enjoyed seeing the suffering of others. "But could you cry when I defeat you? I don't want to ruin the moment." The Diva's spiky hair came out, her opponent already showed herself to act strange but now she really looked like a madwoman.

Yuzu was armed with courage nevertheless. She remembered the location of the nearest Action Card and began to run towards it.

"When Carmen leaves the field, all the Deus Ex monsters get a 800 attack point boost."

Arsene ATK: 3000+ 1300 = 4300.

Orpheus ATK: 1800 + 800 = 2600.

Dominion ATK: 2000 + 800 = 2800.

The Diva grinned sadistically. "Let's do this slowly! You start first, Orpheus." Orpheus took his sword, swiftly heading towards Yuzu. "Kill her!" Orpheus was behind Yuzu and with a single blow struck her back.

Yuzu LP: 3450-2600 = 850.

The Diva widened her eyes though when she noticed Yuzu smiling. "Why?" Yuzu then showed her the card she took. "Oh no."

"I activate the effect of my Action Card called Damage Draw, if I suffer more than 2000 points of damage from my opponent I can draw two cards from my deck."

The Diva bit her lips, frustrated. "Finish this once and for all Arsene!" The monster spread its wings and flew straight towards Yuzu but an energy shield protected Yuzu alongside a woman in a white dress with a golden staff, the shield lasted until the mystery monster materialized fully on the field.

En-Angel White Carnation ATK / DEF: 1200/800

"I activate the effect of En-Angel: White Carnation in my hand, if I am about to receive a direct attack, I can summon it to the field and if I suffered battle damage this turn, that damage is added to my life points."

Yuzu LP: 850 + 4300 = 5150.

"Unfortunately for you, I can still deal damage. Because it dealt damage, my Arsene can cause 300 points of damage to my opponent by the level or rank of a monster I've destroy this turn."

"Don't!" Yuzu muttered as swords materialized above her that went straight down her back. "Ahhh!" She screamed as she fell to the floor.

Yuzu LP: 5150-2100 = 3050.

"I leave a card face down and end my turn." A card materialized in the field of Diva.

"I activate my Trap Card Angel Penance, which is activated at the end of the turn when I suffer damage to my life points, I can summon two monsters from my deck with combined attack equal to the damage I suffered in battle, I will summon Majestic Knight Percival The Brave and Flower Magician. "

Majestic Knight Percival the Brave ATK / DEF: 1600/1000

Majestic Knight Flower Magician ATK / DEF: 1200/0

She didn't have the cards in her hand to beat her opponent. The stadium looked at her in anticipation for her next move, her opponent had too many monsters in her field. The tension that this created made the duelist freeze in fear, time stood around her. It was entirely possible that she would fail, maybe she would never prove that her father's school could still be worth it without Yusho. This could be the end, her head was filled with negative thoughts. Things couldn't end like this.

"Can I tell you something?" The Diva asks her, Yuzu looked at her in fear that she wouldn't be able to give a clear answer. "Give up. When fate is against you and you have no way to stop it, the best thing you can do is just continue with your life. Accept your defeat."

For the first time since the duel began, the Diva spoke without a somber tone in her voice. Rather she seemed to understand what Yuzu was going through for some reason. Maybe she should listen to her, in the end, coming here was a dumb move.

"I'll show you why now! It's true that these monsters aren't enough!" She had two more cards in her hand, equal to those on her field. Her opponent raised her eyebrows. "I set my pendulum scale with the guardians of lost love, Majestic Knight:En-Angel Amaryllis Scale 1 and Majestic Knight: En-Angel Anemone Scale 9!" Two pillars of light appeared on the field. One of them was a woman with yellow skin, her wings had a similar color, but she had a mask on her face this was Anemone. The other had pink skin and pink wings, her name was Amaryllis.

Every screen showed the cards, cards that nobody had ever seen before. Its design didn't seem normal at all, a strange hybrid between a magic card and a monster card.

"Thanks to Anemone being on the pendulum scale, Pendulum Light Monsters receive 200 attack points. Remember Healing on my field as well."

Majestic Knight: Flower Magician ATK: 1200 + 400 = 1600

Majestic Knight: Percival the Brave ATK: 1600 + 400 = 2100.

"Those monsters also became pendulum cards?" Asked the Diva, surprised.

"Apparently, Yuzu has summoned a new type of monster!" Nico Smiley says exclaimed, also having no idea about this new type of card. "Maybe she planned this move all along!"

Was this the new power that Akatsuki spoke to me about? The Diva thought immediately, but she wasn't afraid. She still had the advantage.

"Before using these cards, I activate Majestic Recruitment's effect! By removing two counters from this card I can summon a level 3 or lower monster to my field from my deck. I will summon En-Angel Gladiolus." A red-haired girl with red wings while holding a bow and arrow in her hands descended to the field.

EN-Angel Gladiolus ATK / DEF: 600/500 = 800 ATK.

"Now I will Pendulum Summon from my hand using my monsters on my pendulum scale." A portal opened in the sky itself. "The doors of the dimensions will open again." Yuzu Said."The power in the bond between the separate lovers." A huge pendulum swung between the two monsters on the pendulum scale. "Loyal Steed comes to the field first." Yuzu's horse materialized on the field.

"The same monster?" The Diva asked.

"A hero King." The last statement left everyone disoriented in the stadium. "Heavenly Guardian, protector of the helpless and the one protector of harmony, come forth! Level 7, Grand Knight Pendulum King of Justice! " The pendulum stopped at the exact moment in the center of the sky, the color changing to red. Out of the portal came a huge knight came with red armor, it also had some green wings materialize behind it, creating numerous feathers flying out in the field.

Majestic Knight Pendulum King of Justice ATK / DEF: 2500/2000

Majestic Knight Pendulum King Of Justice ATK: 2500 + 400 = 2900

Reiji smirked when spying at Yuzu's monster through his screen. When he saw that card he raised his hand and closed his palm to the screen. "I will have more power than ever before, it won't happen again this time."

Returning to the stadium, the Dark Diva and everyone else's jaws were firmly on the ground. If all they could take away from this duel was this, it would be this turn. All these surprises had only made it more difficult to judge who of the two duelists could succeed in this duel. And if Yuzu could really turn the duel around.

"I activate Gladiolus' effect, it allows me to select a Light Monster on field and have it gain 100 attack points equal to its level, I select Pendulum King Of Justice." Yuzu mentioned, then remembered something else. "Oh yes, a little more detail, the pendulum effect of Amaryllis allows me to gain twice as many life points when the effect of a Majestic Knight or En-Angel is activated."

Yuzu LP: 3050 + 1400 = 4450.

"At the same time, when I gain life points, the effect of Flower Magician forces us both to draw a card from our decks." The sorceress raised her staff and fired a beam of energy at the duellists' decks, which allowed both of them to take a card from their deck.

"I activate Dominion's effect and change the position of your monster." The Diva responded, Dominion went straight to Pendulum King of Justice.

"The effect of Percival is activated, you cannot target any of my Majestic Knight with card effects." The effect was directed at Percival who went into attack mode. The Diva's patience diminished each time.

"I activate the Action Card Illusion of Fire! This card allows me to select a monster on my field, and because of it, can attack the same number of times according to the number of monsters that I have in my field. There are four so Pendulum King can attack four times, but because of that, he is the only monster on my field that can attack. "

"Did you get two Action Cards that time?" The Diva said, Yuzu just smiled at her. She had hid that card in her hand so no one would notice. "Even so, your monster cannot defeat Arsene!"

"Finally I activate the Celestial UtopiaField Magic card. This ends now! I begin my battle phase." The king opened his wings, materializing a sword and preparing to attack. "The effect of Loyal steed is now activated and my Majestic Knight monster gains 300 attack points."

Majestic Knight Pendulum King Of Justice ATK: 2900 + 300 = 3200.

"This turn will really define the climax of this duel!" Nico Smiley commented, barely containing the excitement of the duel.

The King opened his wings, his sword beginning to glow with a red aura, he made a circular movement while petals of different flowers manifested. "When Pendulum King is summoned because of a Pendulum Summon, this card can't not be destroyed in battle but when he attacks a special summoned monster, I can do battle damage equal to your monster's attack. "

Both monsters collided their swords creating a huge wave that separated them both and each duelist receiving respective damage.

Dark Diva LP: 6650-3500 = 3150.

Yuzu LP: 4450-300 = 4150.

"I activate the effect of Majestic Healing, gaining another caunter and then I eliminate all of its counters to activate its effect and select King to gain 200 attack for each counter." The continuous card was destroyed but released a bolt of energy that went straight to King.

Pendulum King Of Justice ATK: 3000 + 600 = 3600.

Yuya had arrived at the stadium seeing Yuzu in the field. "Yuzu." He muttered, worried.

"Let's finish this Pendulum King, Majestic Slash."

The Diva reacted quickly, not making herself lose any time. "I activate my Sakuretsu Armor trap card, I can destroy the attacking monster."

"The effect of Celestial Utopia protects King from being destroyed by the effect of my opponent's cards."

"That can't be!" The Diva muttered in fear of what would happen next.

The King cut Arsene in half creating a huge explosion, from it no smoke came out but many flower petals that surrounded the huge stadium. The Diva could only watch her life points decreasing to zero. This was the power that the clan sought.

Dark Diva LP: 3150-3500 = 0.

Meanwhile Masumi had defeated the last member of the clan. "Mr. Akaba, we were able to arrest everyone." She said. "What do we do with them?"

Meanwhile Masumi had defeated the last member of the clan. "Mr. Akaba, we were able to arrest everyone." She said. "What do we do with them?"

"Well, go to the stadium, I don't want the Diva to escape." Reiji replied.

In the stadium again, the Action Field was fading in front of Yuzu, including her entertainment outfit. She looked at the Diva for a moment and then saw her vanish into nothingness, she was going to say something but her eyes began to close and if it wasn't for the fact that someone had grabbed her, she would have fallen to the solid ground.

The only thing she saw before passing out was the blurry image of a boy with red and green hair. "Yuya."" She smiled after falling deeply asleep, her hair returning to its pinkish tone while her clothes returned to normal.

(You show)

Yuzu opened her eyes. Confused, she reached the armchair of You Show and not remembering anything that happened before, she got up from it. Maybe she had stayed up all night training, improving her deck to the best it could be. She always did it, as she always said, it's better to be safe than sorry.

She lasted a few minutes walking through You Show, looking for her father to see if he was in his office. "Hey dad is-Hi." She wasn't surprised by the fact that her father was there, it was normal, but more so because that boy who ruined her presentation in the park was also there.

YUZU!" The man in the red suit, her father, ran out to hug her very tightly. "I was so worried, after you passed out in the stadium I came to think that the worst happened to you."

She tried to get her father to release her from the big hug and when she could break free, she could finally speak. "What do you mean, did something happen?" She asked with much confusion.

Both Yuya and Shuzo looked at each other, maybe she didn't remember anything that happened. "Yuzu, don't you remember that you won against that duelist? "

At first she was just as confused as she was a while ago, until she began to remember previous details of the duel she had, it was specific moments, such as the moment her deck began to change, how she got that new type of Summoning and most importantly, what that voice told her.

It occurred to her to check her deck holder. In there she was surprised to discover that her deck had completely changed, her original archetype was totally gone. "What happened to me during that duel?" She wondered.

Her father noticed how worried she was. "Do you remember everything? Are you okay?" Not wanting to overwhelm her after all the stress that happened in that duel, the best thing for now is for her to rest. "Take all day, if you want, you need to get a lot of sleep."

Yuzu shook her head. " No, don't worry, I slept enough." She said then turning her attention to Yuya. "So, Yuya, why are you here?"

"He rescued you when you fell from the stadium." Shuzo said, Yuya was able to communicate with the school, since in his first encounter with Yuzu, she had given him the paper that the school has sponsored. "He also told me that you persuaded him to join the school, well done, Yuzu!"

He was proud of her for basically everything, but Yuzu was still confused with all this trouble, maybe she needed to think it through much better before showing up to the public, who knows what could happen.

"Dad, can I take the rest of the day off?" She asked.

Her father agreed with a nod. "Yes, you deserve it for everything you've done today."

She approached Yuya, thanking him for what he did. "Thank you for what you did, not everyone does something like that for anyone."

Yuya smiled while scratching his head. "It's nothing, anyone else would do the same."

Yuzu took Yuya by the arm. "Hey, dad, I'm going out with Yuya for a moment, I want to thank him better. I'm inviting him for ice cream." It wasn't one of her best excuses but it worked for now.

"Oh, okay, when you come back I'll prepare the celebration dinner for both of you." Shuzo exclaimed, excited.

Minutes had passed since Yuzu and Yuya left the house, obviously, they weren't going to buy ice cream, but Yuzu needed to leave the house to confront Yuya, just maybe he knew better what happened to her.

"Aren't we going to eat ice cream?" Yuya asked incredulously, he wanted to at least eat some ice cream since he suddenly felt hungry, the poor teen hadn't eaten anything since yesterday.

"No, we won't." Yuzu sighs. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened in the duel." She pout while blushing with shame. "I don't remember anything that happened in the duel."

"Ehhh?!" Yuya's jaw almost reached the floor, baffled to hear that. "Like you don't remember anything?" Yuzu nodded with her face as red as Yuya's hair, she really hated this whole situation. "But how will you do when people want to see it?"

"I don't know, I just know what happened before and how my deck changed immediately." Yuzu growled. "You at least saw the duel, right?" Yuya shook his head, he had arrived after the duel ended unfortunately for the pink-haired girl. "I need to find a way to remember how I did it, I need to save the school."

He noticed the girl's sadness, putting his hand on the girl's shoulders. "You can do it, if you did it once, you can do it again." There was some warmth in hearing those words, it had been a long time since she had heard anyone else cheer her up other than her father. Even the quality smile of the boy, it was good to have another person trusting her.

"Thanks Yuya, but things are never so easy, it has never been for me." Yuzu mentioned with a sad, melancholic tone that also expressed some hope. "But now, I can try using this method to change things."

"Then I will be there to help you, so that you teach me to use that Summoning Method when you manage to perfect it."

Yuzu smiled. "Maybe, when I manage to perfect it." She raised her hand, wanting Yuya to shake it. "Will it be a promise until then?"

This was the first time in a long time that someone had treated him this way, he accepted the handshake. Yuya's stomach then roared with great intensity making him clutch his stomach while suffering.

"Is something wrong Yuya?"

"I haven't eaten all day." Yuya responded.

"I see, can't you go to your house or something?"

Yuya shook his head. "Right now my parents aren't at home." He lied clearly, he had no family. "Besides, I can eat something in the street, don't worry."

Yuzu didn't believe him for a moment, she looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're lying, it shows a lot in you." She could see the red of his face, in addition to other things. "People always make strange gestures every time they lie. For example, for some reason, this strand of your hair is moving." She was right, a particular strand of Yuya's hair was moving frantically. "That's not normal, you should go to a doctor."

"Or even a barber." Yuya said although Yuzu didn't like the cheesy joke.

"Anyway, you can come to my house when Dad finishes making dinner." She said, she couldn't help Yuya's problem but she gave him her phone number to contact her if he needed more "I'll see you later, my new student Yuya." Yuzu winked.


As he expected the results were much more than satisfactory. The mysterious box resulted in the creation of this new Summoning Method, which he witnessed with his own eyes. This is the power that Sakaki Yusho kept hidden for so long.

This only proved one thing, this man was more than a pioneer, he was a genius, he already understood why his father would join someone like that to form his empire.

The next move he had to make was to take precautions that the pendulum cards of Hiiragi Yuzu didn't fall into the hands of the enemy, she was indispensable for his plan.

"Sir, I would like to know, why did you let a civilian like her take this enormous power?" Masumi asked. "During the two years that I have worked with you, haven't I shown you that my skills are more advanced?"

He knows well that Masumi wasn't that kind of person who took away from trivialities such as demonstrating strength in combat. He knew her story with the Hiiragi girl well, perhaps her lack of experience in a romantic relationship didn't reveal the whole parameter of what Masumi had suffered.

He was straight with her, as always. " You could not have unlocked the power that flower has." He said, adjusting his glasses "You know I never doubt your skills. Only this time, you weren't necessary."

She couldn't be angry with him, whatever the reasons that led to that decision, it was none of her business, she just had to follow Reiji's orders, he was always right.

"We need to talk." Reiji heard a familiar voice, he also felt someone's hand on his shoulder, a phantasmagorical figure was behind him, which for the CEO was already too familiar.

"Could you give me a moment please?" Masumi accepted the order without any problem, closing the door before leaving to leave him alone as usual. Reiji turns off all the lights in the rooms. "She really is fragmented, why did we never know Adam?" He maintained his attitude, trying to hide his feelings.

"They hide well all these years, the kings and queens want to be hidden, interesting. Why rebel now?" Adam wonders and then smiles as if all his air of seriousness he showed before vanished. "Uhhh, you know something Reiji, you should go out, talk to more people. I'm sure if you do, you could get a boyfriend or girlfriend, maybe that pretty girl Grace. "

Speaking of the devil. Someone abruptly opened the office door. "I'm sorry, Mr. Akaba-" The voice belonged to the aforementioned Grace, that girl who was being taken from her silver hair by Masumi. "Masu-Chan! Don't be so rude! I just come to deliver breakfast to Mr. Akaba."

"I told you that he asked that nobody bother him, why do you never listen to anything?" She exclaimed, while trying to force her out of the office. Which was her habit, she did it often.

"But it's time for food, and I always bring it to him."

"Reiji it's true, you shouldn't waste your food. You know you should always stay healthy, remember that I used to say that quite often. " Adam spoke to him and as much as he pretended not to pay attention. Needs as basic as food was necessary for the body.

"Let her pass Masumi. It will be fast."

With that order, Reiji's bodyguard released Grace, the assistant stuck out her tongue, which was not well received with the straight face that Masumi did, she knew she wasn't wasting time with her.

"How is Mr. Reiji today? I hope he is in a good mood today." Her hyperactive personality proved not to connect with the stoic attitude of his boss. "I see that you are well, that's why I came to bring him his favorite." From the bento box she took out a plate, it was basic things like rice, fish meat and simple things that was not food for an entrepreneur like Reiji, since he was preferring the typical food that his assistant made more than any other Gourmet chef.

"Thank you Grace." Reiji says, he saw how the girl was still standing in front of him with her smile. "You can leave if you want."

Grace pouted when she shook her head, dissatisfied with Mr. Akaba's attitude. Even Masumi knew what was going on, she had to agree with Grace this time.

Adam had to interfere in the matter with how dense his apprentice was. "Reiji, my disciple. If a girl made you a meal, the most sensible thing to do is tell her is the food taste good. " Adam said. "Besides, you've already repeated this dynamic with her several times."

Reiji finally remembered, Grace was always waiting for a response for all her meals. "I get it." He went on to finish his meal. When he finished it, he passed the bentos to Grace. "As always, I enjoy your meal."

Grace smiled "I could possibly prepare fish or even something different."

"It will be the best, thanks."

(Hiragi Residence.)

Time went by quite quickly. It was night, right now the duelist is checking her deck, she had all the cards on the floor. It was difficult to analyse it, because she didn't know anything well at all, even on her first turn that she used it, she could only handle the simplest cards and she still didn't have a clear strategy.

"Why does everything have to be so complicated?" Yuzu told herself. She dropped to the floor and sighed. "Because I can't remember anything, I still don't know how these cards work." Things didn't seem right.

Yuzu was a girl who has always had problems. Since Yusho left, the school has not been the same, after that everything started to decline in her life, her father tried too hard to keep the school, her mother left them, even when she could do something, like winning tournaments with her best friends; It never helped, all that effort wasted.

She looked at some photos on her shelf. "Things won't be as before, they will not return, it's all your fault Masumi." She got up from the ground, she no longer needed to lament, now she has a way to build. She put all her cards back in her Deck Holder, she had to make dinner tonight.

Although thinking about it, she won the duel, so her father should at least take care of preparing tonight, she had a mischievous smile with that idea, because she was going to say that when she went down to the kitchen.

As she lowers, she notices a strange noise coming from the main room and then she saw that the lights throughout the house began to flash furiously. "What's happening? She wondered, wanting to get to the bottom of the matter.

"Father!" She shouts when she sees that her father is passed out in the hands of a strange man in white, who only had a mask on his face. "Who the hell are you?"

The man watched her. "If you love your father, you will have to take your Pendulum cards to the Miami City bridge and have a duel with me there." She took out a dagger, putting it in the middle of her father's neck to show her that he was serious. "If not, your father will pay dearly."

"No Please." She said but before she could do anything, the man had disappeared from the room and the lights went out. Now alone, she was in a difficult position, as she would have to save her father and stop who this person was.

He rescued you when you fell from the stadium." Shuzo said, Yuya was able to communicate with the school, since in his first encounter with Yuzu, she had given him the paper that the school has sponsored. "He also told me that you persuaded him to join the school, well done, Yuzu!"

Yuzu: "That voice in my head was right, the power of the pendulum is amazing."

Masumi: "Better stop listening to things in your head and concentrate on finding your kidnapped father."

Yuzu: "Oh right, dad is in danger and I have no idea how to use pendulum summon."

Yuya: "Don't worry Yuzu, I can save him, I think, but this guy looks too strong."

Yuzu: "Sigh, why should I have met this pervert. Next time in Yugioh Arc-V: Lost Pendulum-" The rebirth of Odd-Eyes. "

OC cards:


Majestic Knight Mozarta of Melodies

Attribute: Light

Level: 8

Type: Fairy/Pendulum/Effect

Scale: 1

ATK/DEF: 2600/2000

P: Target 1 LIGHT Pendulum Monster you control; this turn, any battle damage it inflicts to your opponent is doubled. You can only activate this effect if you gained LP this turn.

M: Once per turn, you can target LIGHT Pendulum Monsters in your GY or face-up Extra Deck up to the number of times you gained LP this turn; Special Summon those targets, but return them to your hand during the End Phase.

Majestic Knight Pendulum King of Justice

Attribute: Light

Level: 7

Type: Warrior/Pendulum/Effect

Scale: 9

ATK/DEF: 2500/2000

P: If a Pendulum Monster you control is targeted for an attack: Target that opponent's monster, then destroy this card; negate that attack, and if you do, LIGHT monsters you control with less ATK than the opponent's targeted monster cannot be selected as attack targets until the End Phase.

M: When this card is Pendulum Summoned, it gains these effect:

* This card cannot be destroyed by battle once per turn.

* When this card attacks an opponent's Special Summoned monster: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's ATK.

Majestic Knight EN-Angel Amaryllis

Attribute: Light

Level: 5

Type: Fairy/Pendulum/Effect

Scale: 1

ATK/DEF: 1900/300

P: Double any LP you gain from your card effects. You must have another "EN-Angel" or "Majestic Knight" card in your Pendulum Zone to Pendulum Summon or activate this card's effects. Once per turn, if your opponent controls more monsters than you do while you have an "EN-Angel" or "Majestic Knight" card in your other Pendulum Zone: You can excavate the top 5 cards of your Deck, then target 1 monster among the excavated cards with a Level between the Pendulum Scales of cards in your Pendulum Zones; Special Summon that target, then shuffle the remaining cards back into your Deck.

M: Any effect that would increase your Life Points also inflicts the same amount of damage to your opponent while this card is on the field.

Majestic Knight EN-Angel Anemone

Attribute: Light

Level: 4

Type: Fairy/Pendulum/Effect

Scale: 9

ATK/DEF: 1900/300

P: LIGHT Pendulum Monsters you control gain 200 ATK. You must have another "EN-Angel" or "Majestic Knight" card in your Pendulum Zone to Pendulum Summon or activate this card's effects. Once per turn, if your opponent controls more monsters than you do while you have an "EN-Angel" or "Majestic Knight" card in your other Pendulum Zone: You can excavate the top 4 cards of your Deck, then target 1 monster among the excavated cards with a Level between the Pendulum Scales of cards in your Pendulum Zones; Special Summon that target, then shuffle the remaining cards back into your Deck.

M: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower LIGHT monster from your hand or GY in Defense Position, but it cannot attack directly. When a monster Special Summoned by this card's effect leaves the field: Gain 200 LP x its Level. You can only use each effect of "Majestic Knight EN-Angel Anemone" once per turn.

Majestic Knight Loyal Steed

Attribute: Light

Level: 4

Type: Beast/Effect

ATK/DEF: 1300/1300

All "Majestic Knight" monsters you control gain 300 ATK/DEF during each turn's Battle Phase. Once per turn, when this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: Excavate the top 3 cards of your Deck, add 1 Spell/Trap to your hand with "Majestic Knight" written in its text, also, after that, shuffle the rest back into your Deck.

Majestic Knight Percival the Brave

Attribute: Light

Level: 4

Type: Warrior/Pendulum/Effect

Scale: 8

ATK/DEF: 1600/1000

P: When your LIGHT Pendulum Monster attacks an opponent's monster: That monster gains ATK equal to the amount of LP you gained this turn during the Damage Step only.

M: Your opponent cannot target "Majestic Knight" monsters you control with attacks or effect, except this one. The first time this card would be destroyed by battle each turn, it is not destroyed. When this card battles an opponent's monster and is not destroyed by that battle: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the amount of LP you gained this turn.

Majestic Knight Royal Breaker

Attribute: Light

Level: 4

Type: Warrior/Effect

ATK/DEF: 1900/1300

Once per turn, if you gain LP because of your card effect: You can destroy 1 face-up Spell/Trap on the field.

Majestic Knight Flower Magician

Attribute: Light

Level: 3

Type: Fairy/Pendulum/Effect

Scale: 9

ATK/DEF: 1200/0

P: When you gain LP by your own card effect: Draw 1 card, then discard 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Majestic Knight Flower Magician" once per turn.

M: When you gain LP: Both players draw 1 card. When this card leaves the field: Draw 1 card and reveal it, then, if it is not a Fairy monster, send it to the GY. You can only use each effect of "Majestic Knight Flower Magician" once per turn.

EN-Angel Gladiolus

Attribute: Light

Level: 2

Type: Fairy/Effect

ATK/DEF: 600/500

Target 1 LIGHT monster you control; gain 100 LP x its Level, and if you do, Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Summon "EN-Angel Gladiolus" once per turn this way. When this card leaves the field after being Special Summoned by its own effect: Take damage equal to the amount of LP gained by this effect.

Majestic Knight Harmonious Nympha

Attribute: Light

Level: 2

Type: Fairy/Effect

ATK/DEF: 1200/1000

Once per turn, you can target 1 "Majestic Knight" monster in your hand, GY, or face-up Extra Deck; Special Summon it, but return it to your hand during the End Phase. You must control no other cards to activate and to resolve this effect. "Majestic Knight" monsters you control gain 200 ATK.

Angel's Reinforcement

Normal Spell Card

If you control no face-up monsters: Pay 2000 LP; Special Summon 1 "Majestic Knight" monster from you Deck in Defense Position.

Majestic Healing

Continuous Spell Card

When you inflict battle damage to your opponent with a LIGHT Monster: Gain 200 LP, and if you do, place 1 Angel Counter on this card. During the Battle Phase (Quick Effect): You can target 1 LIGHT Pendulum Monster you control, then destroy this card; that target gains 200 ATK x the number of Angel Counters on this card when it was destroyed.



Activatethiscardbyplacing3AngelCountersonit. Once perturn,whena "MajesticKnight"monsteryoucontrolisdestroyed: Place 1AngelCounteronthiscard. Once perturn,youcanremove2AngelCountersfromanywhereonthefieldtoSpecialSummon1Level3orlowerLIGHTFairymonsterfromyourDeckin Defense (s)isremovedfromthiscard,destroyit.

Celestial Utopia

Field Spell Card

The first time a LIGHT Pendulum Monster you control would be destroyed by an opponent's card effect each turn, it is not destroyed. During your End Phase, while you have a card(s) in your Pendulum Zone: Gain 200 LP for each face-up LIGHT Pendulum Monster you control, and if you do and the card(s) in your Pendulum Zone is an "EN-Angel" card (min. 1), you can add 1 Level 5 or higher "Majestic Knight" monster from your Deck to your hand.

Angel's Penance

Normal Trap Card

At the end of the Battle Phase in which you were attacked directly: Special Summon up to 2 "Majestic Knight" monsters from your Deck with combined DEF less than or equal to the damage you took from direct attacks this turn in Defense Position with their effects negated.

(Dark Diva)

Deus Ex Arsene

Attribute: Dark

Level: 8

Type: Fairy/Fusion/Effect

ATK/DEF: 3000/0

3 "Deus Ex" monsters or 1 LIGHT "Deus Ex" Fusion Monster

Your opponent cannot target "Deus Ex" monsters you control with card effects, except this one. When this attacking card destroys a monster by battle: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's Level/Rank x 300. If this card was Fusion Summoned using 1 LIGHT "Deus Ex" Fusion Monster: It can attack 3 times during each Battle Phase.

Deus Ex Carmen

Attribute: Light

Level: 5

Type: Fairy/Fusion/Effect

ATK/DEF: 2300/100

2 "Deus Ex" monsters or 1 "Deus Ex" Fusion Monster

Once per turn, when this attacking card destroys a monster by battle: You can activate this effect; Special Summon 1 "Deus Ex" monster from your GY in Defense Position, then this card can make a second attack in a row. When this card leaves the field: All "Deus Ex" monsters you control gain 800 ATK until the end of your opponent's next turn. At the end of your Battle Phase, if this card was Fusion Summoned using 1 "Deus Ex" Fusion Monster: Draw 1 card for each monster this card destroyed in battle during this turn's Battle Phase.

Deus Ex Dominion

Attribute: Dark

Level: 4

Type: Fairy/Fusion/Effect

ATK/DEF: 1500/0

2 "Deus Ex" monsters or 1 "Deus Ex" Fusion Monster

All "Deus Ex" monsters gain 500 ATK. Target 1 face-up monster on the field (Quick Effect); change its battle position, also, if this card was Fusion Summoned using 1 "Deus Ex" Fusion Monster, an opponent's monster targeted by this effect loses 500 ATK/DEF. You can use this effect of "Deus Ex Dominion" each turn up to the number of "Deus Ex" monsters you control with different names.

Deus Ex Zorro

Attribute: Light

Level: 4

Type: Fairy/Effect

ATK/DEF: 1400/1000

Your opponent cannot target "Deus Ex" monsters for attacks, except this one. When this card is targeted for an attack: Your opponent can discard 1 card to negate this effect, otherwise inflict damage to your opponent equal to half this card's ATK.

Deus Ex Orpheus

Attribute: Light

Level: 3

Type: Fairy/Effect

ATK/DEF: 1300/1000

When this card is Summoned: You can target 1 Level 4 or lower "Deus Ex" monster in your GY; Special Summon it. Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1: You can halve this card's ATK, and if you do, it can attack your opponent directly. If this card inflicts battle damage by a direct attack: Add 1 "Deus Ex" Spell Card from your Deck to your hand.

Deus Ex Scathach

Attribute: Light

Level: 3

Type: Fairy/Effect

ATK/DEF: 1200/100

If this card is Summoned while you control a "Deus Ex" monster besides "Deus Ex Scathach": You can target 1 of your banished "Deus Ex" Spell Cards; add it to your hand, but for the rest of the turn, you cannot attack with Level 5 or lower monsters.

Deus Ex Actor Change

Quick-Play Spell Card

Fusion Summon 1 "Deus Ex" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Material. If a "Deus Ex" Fusion Monster battles: After damage calculation, you can target that monster and banish this card from your GY; return that target to your Extra Deck and Special Summon 1 "Deus Ex" Fusion Monster with a different name from your Extra Deck (this Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon).

Special thanks to Anti-Mattering and And The Sky.