
Yu-Gi-Oh Monster Summoning system in a Fantasy world!

What do you get when a homeless ten-year-old gets the ability to summon monsters of untold power? Overprotective monsters? Check. People mistaking him as the son of a powerful Mafia family? Check. Lots of wholesome and fluff moments? Check. Chaos? Oh, you betcha. So follow the journey of Demi as he brings himself up in the world, all the while creating a family of monsters. Oh, did I mention he's a cute catboy? Cover art's not mine.

ForThe_Lolzs · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Beginnings 2

'Today is not a good day' the boy thought to himself.

It had started out like any other.

He woke up yawning, stretching his limbs like a cat before lazily sitting up. 

His hair, both on his head and tail, as usual, was a mess.

Not that his appearance matters much to him.

After he had fully woke up the catboy left his home, making sure to magically lock it on his way out, and set out to find his food for today.

This was his daily routine. Wake up, find food, and go to sleep. If he had found food earlier than dusk, the boy would practice the single spell he knew for the rest of the day.

It was a simple routine, but one he had grown accustomed to.

Unfortunately, on route to his home the Boy's routine would be interrupted by two men.

Both men were seemingly near thirty, wore actual clothing instead of the rags our resident Catboy did, and weren't human. 

Both were of the Lemur species, middle-class citizens that reside near the Borders of the Slums.

Most of their race tended to specialize in areas that required more athletic work thanks to their natural skill in dexterity. The shadier of their race tended to be inclined to robbery.

Too bad these two were the exception that proves the rule.

The blue-haired catboy had met these two before. An experience he'd much rather forget. 

Too bad he couldn't.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't little Demi. I thought we sold you a few years ago." Said one of the men. This one having brown crazed eyes.

His voice was erratic, unfocused, and had a slight drawl to it.

The boy, now know as Demi understood these were symptoms of grumbles, a fairly common drug distributed in the slums.

However, the words of the brown-eyed lemur's Companion caught Demi's ears.

"Dumbass, don't you remember he escaped? Some old fucker got himself killed to save the kid." 

This lemur was slightly muscular compared to his skinny kin. That along with his red eyes set him apart from his partner.

Almost as if coming to some amazing realization the brown-eyed lemur slammed his right hand into an open palm.

"Oh! Now I remember! Also didn't Advent offer some crazy price for anyone that took him back to them?" 

Advent, the name of the biggest mercenary organization on this side of the continent. Known for their ability to make up for quality with their numbers. 

Not so secretly they are also the tenth biggest child trafficking ring on the criminal side of things. 

The mere name of Advent would have resulted in a panic for Demi, but to hear they were actively searching for him caused a surge of not only dread but phantom pains from the scars that littered his little body.

None were as prominent as the scar around his neck from the wound that left him mute.

As the more muscular Lemur turned his full attention to him, Demi's panic only rose even further.

" They did, didn't they? Around three red cards if I'm not dismembering things." The lemur said as he rubbed his hairy chin with a greedy smirk.

Now even though Demi had lived in the slums his entire life he wasn't ignorant to the basic knowledge of the world. 

Three red cards were a lot of money. Enough to live comfortably in the middle-class district for three years.

Honestly, it befuddled Demi as to why such a price would be put on his head. He didn't think he was worth a non-decayed piece of fruit let alone three red cards.

If only Demi knew how wrong he was.

The brown-eyed lemur upon hearing the bounty price didn't waste any time before lunging forward and grabbing Demi in a tight grip.

Despite Demi's racial advantages in flexibility and even combat, he was still just a malnourished ten-year-old child. Thus he couldn't react fast enough before being captured by the lemur.

That didn't leave him defenseless though.

" Haha! I'm gonna be rich!" Shouted the crazed lemur as he held Demi like an award.

His partner however wasn't so amused by what the drugged Lemur had just done. In fact, he was about to warn him of a certain trait of cats.

But alas it was too late for the excited lemur.

A  jerk positioning himself to face the Lemur, a silent unsheathing of claws, and a quick slash to the throat all happened in the span of a second and a half.

Immediately the lemur dropped Demi as his hand reached his neck. He desperately tried to stop the bleeding all the while he fell to the ground in his agony.

It was fruitless though as Demi had cut nearly all major areas of the throat.

Not even a second later the lemur bled to death while choking on his own blood.

Meanwhile, Demi was completely shocked at the act he just committed.

That was his first time killing. And while he didn't care for these two, a pit still formed in his stomach at the act.

That pit would grow larger as a fist from the muscular lemur impacted it, forcing Demi to his knees as he vomited the food he had eaten today.

"Motherfucker! Do you have any idea how hard it was to get that druggie to be my lapdog!?"  Screamed the lemur while holding Demi up by his hair.

Demi didn't (and couldn't) respond and tried to slash at the man's eyes.

The lemur simply scoffed and caught it before punching the child in his face, breaking Demi's nose.

Watching as Demi let out a silent wail of agony he smirked as an idea came to him.

"Advent didn't say anything about what condition you'd have to be in when I turn you in so… I'm sure tossing you into a pedo bin for a little while won't affect my payment too much."

Demi's eyes widen in horror at the thought. His innocence was one of the few things he had left.

With nothing else left to do Demi mentally shouted his pleas to be rescued from a fate worse than death.

'Please someone help me! Someone save me please! Anyone!'

For once in his life, his prayers were answered.

The first few chapters aren't Gonna have a lot of intense action.

Mostly it's gonna be world-building, fluff, character development, and Demi dealing with the consequences of his actions.

Hope your enjoying it!

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ForThe_Lolzscreators' thoughts