
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · 漫画同人
76 Chs

CH 19: Cunning Ali

(Third person POV)

You wanna know something about Ali? The bitch is a fucking show off. We're talking about a guy that would empty his whole deck into the graveyard to slam the Red Eyes Darkness Dragon on the field!

He would never be satisfied with just winning. No no no, he wanted to completely stomp on his opponent!

I mean, what else did you expect from a psycho? You haven't seen what the psyckos in the Yu-Gi-Oh multiverse look like?

So of course he couldn't lose to them in craziness! He had to be so insane and act so fucking insanely that he would put the villains into shame!

So being the show off that he is, he actually didn't care if people knew his deck. Because them knowing the deck and still losing would just add up to the humiliation.

And him being the sadist that he is, would happily let his opponents make a deck against him. Why?

Well, because this asshole would just pull out a completely different deck at the last second to fuck their mentality.

And since he wasn't planning on hiding his ace monster, and the fact that he will be grinding DP everyday, the most he could hide it for was a day or two.

Besides, even though he said that he doesn't know Alexis's deck, that was obviously a lie so that she wouldn't think of him as a creep.

So it would be only fair if she knew at least what his ace monster is. The jet black haired boy reached into the deck holder on his waist and pulled out the card in the front.

He held it between his index and middle finger with a small smirk :"it's this, Serpent Night Dragon.

I saw it by chance at the store, but I immediately paid for it and bought a few booster packs."

Alexis looked at the beautiful serpentine dragon with a curious gaze :"huh, Serpent Night Dragon, unique choice.

Most people don't play that card nowadays because of its high level and how there are stronger monsters, but seeing YOUR duel for myself, I don't think you will have a problem with it."

Ali gave a smile as he nodded happily :"mhm! Thanks for not looking down on it. I'm a little... Sensitive to my monsters.

I would be a little sad if you just looked at its ATK and DEF points like the other idiots that don't know the true value of a card.

I was actually quite lucky today. Not only did I get the Serpent Night Dragon, I also got two awesome cards from the sandwiches that I bought.

Because of waking me up too damn early, Zane made it up to me by buying me a sandwich. So I got to take two sandwiches.

I have to say, I got really damn lucky with what cards I got. Oh! Speaking of the sandwiches, I actually managed to get the golden egg sandwich."

Ali smiled as he reached out to the bag that the sandwiches were in before he picked up the two and held up the golden egg sandwich for Alexis :"here, you can have it."

Alexis was surprised as she blinked and shook her hands :"no, no, I can't accept it! I've heard that it's really delicious, so you should eat it yourself."

But Ali chuckled as he shook his head in denial before he gently grabbed her wrist and put the golden egg sandwich in her hand :"I like to spoil my friends, alright? So you can have it. I have another sandwich too, so it's alright."

The taste of the golden egg sandwich wasn't anything to scoff at. After all, Ali could remember how a single golden egg sandwich could raise a person's affection level by a whole heart at Tag Force.

So how could he miss out on the chance to get closer to Alexis?! Sacrificing a damn sandwich is completely worth it!

But the blondy still looked reluctant before she sighed in defeat and smiled :"alright, fine. Thank you. Oh! How about we do this?"

And as Ali looked at her with confusion, she took the sandwich out of the plastic bag around it before she tore it in half and held a half up for him while smiling :"we can each have a half, isn't that better?"

Ali pursed his lips a little in amusement as he chuckled and nodded :"alright, you're right. That is a better idea.

Then here, Jasmine, Mindy. You can have this one instead. I'm not much of a breakfast eating guy, so just this half will be more than enough."

Jasmine and Mindy looked at each other before smiling. Jasmine reached out with a cute smile :"thank you, Ali!"

The ditzy black haired girl also nodded with a sweet smile :"yeah, thanks Ali. Jeez, Alexis got really lucky, huh?

You are handsome, kind, polite, and look out for her friends. You also seem to be a strong duelist according to her.

Your score just keeps getting higher and higher. Just your face and body was enough to get you a A+! But now, it seems like I need to have a higher grade just for you."

Ali chuckled as he winked teasingly at her :"oh, really now? Well, then make it grade S, cutie. I have to say, if I gave a grade, yours wouldn't be low either~."

As he said, he not so subtly looked her up and down shamelessly. Seeing his flirting, Mindy smiled as she arched her back a little, sticking her breasts off as she winked :"oh~? Happy to hear that~."

Ali checked her impressive bust through half hooded eyes with a smirk and a seductive bite of his rosey lip :"yeah, you certainly need... "Big" numbers in your grade."

Mindy giggled at the innocent flirting before Jasmine smirked mischievously :"hey! What about me? I'm here to, you know?"

And to get a high grade, she folded her arms under her bossom as she pushed them up, making them look even bigger.

Ali chuckled as he shook his head in amusement :"the same goes for you, pretty girl. You three are definitely the prettiest girls that I've seen."

The red head smirked smugly as she raised an eyebrow :"oh? Then what grade do we two get if that's true?"

Ali tilted his head on his hand with a thoughtful look as he hummed before smiling :"you two get... B."

Well, damn... What do the other girls that you've seen in your life have gotten if these two got the highest grade?

And it seems like his words didn't go well with Jasmine beside Alexis who gave a quick snort of laughter :"what does that mean? Didn't you just say that we are the prettiest girls you've seen?"

She said with twitching lips and eyebrows before Ali shrugged with a smirk :"there's just so much the looks can get ya.

After all, a person isn't all about looks. There's also her personality and other factors. Giving you a B is still impressive, you know?

You don't know, but my standards are damn high. I don't normally even bat an eye on someone unless their really something else."

Jasmine snorted with pursed lips as she whipped her head away :"hmph, I guess that is good."

Alexis shook her head with an amused smile as she rolled her eyes :"anyway, are we gonna dig in, or what?"

Ali gave a low chuckle before he nodded :"yeah, sure. Let's dig in." The moment the two bit their sandwiches, their eyes went wide.

A look of bliss spread over their face as they chewed their food before Ali who sighed in satisfaction :"damn, this is delicious! Mmm, the flavors are melting on my tongue <you get that reference?>."

Alexis obviously wasn't as fast this pig, so she chewed some more before she gently gulped and nodded :"yeah, it really deserves its reputation!"

No words were exchanged between the two while they happily enjoyed their food in the jealous gazes of the girls who dug into their own sandwich.

They didn't have the same outburst of Ali and Alexis, but they still enjoyed the food as they hummed in satisfaction.

After a little while of them eating, Ali was the first to finish. It was expected with the huge ass bites that he took.

He could give a bear a run for his money with how big his bites were. I would not want this bitch to bite me...

Ali sighed in satisfaction with a happy smile as he leaned back on his chair :"damn~, that really hit the spot."

After a little while him exploring his own mouth with his tongue to get the remain of the delicious sandwich, the girls were also finished.

Alexis hummed in satisfaction before she looked at Ali with a smile :"thanks, Ali. That was really delicious!"

Ali nodded with a smile as he folded his arms in front of his chest :*yeah, it was. You're welcome, happy you enjoyed it.

With how delicious it was, I should definitely try tomorrow as well. By the way, what flavor was your sandwich?"

Jasmine shrugged :"ramen." Causing Ali to raise a confused eyebrow :"what? Ramen??? How did they turn that into a sandwich???"

Jasmine shrugged again:"who knows? Probably a trade secret. But it was good, thanks, Ali!"

"Thank you, handsome!" Mindy also said excitedly with a smile from beside Jasmine. Ali nodded with a smile :"you're welcome, happy you enjoyed it."

After that, Ali and the three beauties kept on talking and conversing to pass the time before the class started.

But let's say, the boys that arrived at the class were not satisfied with where Ali was sitting. They were all fucking jealous.

Especially since he was sitting right beside the "queen" of the Obelisk Blue. Ali obviously noticed their gazes, and he really wanted to teach them a lesson.

After, he wasn't one to let someone who annoyed him off the hook. Even though he was patient, he was also really easy to piss off.

The only reason why he hadn't already walked towards them and hadn't beaten the ever living shit of them for glaring at him was because he wanted them to make the first move.

After all, if he went after them, he would be in trouble. But if they came to him, he could do anything in the name of self defense, baby!

"Hahaha, I beat you to here, Sy!" The ever so familiar voice of the Kuriboh headed boy came, causing Ali to smirk and glance back to see his friend rushing into the classroom.

"Wait up, Jaden!" Syrus said before he also walked in while panting slightly. Ali chuckled before he waved at them :"hey, guys. Good morning."

The smile on Jaden's face grew once he saw Ali before he walked towards him and fist bumped him :"what's up, Al?! Good morning! To you too, Alexis!"

"Oh, hey, Al!" Syrus also said in a squeaky voice as he waved. "Hey, Sy, good morning to you too."

Jaden looked around a bit before he sighed in disappointment :"aww, there isn't an empty spot for me to sit with you."

Ali snorted with a smirk :"well, that's whatcha get when you're lazy. And besides, I like my spot quite a bit."

Jasmine and Mindy chuckled at him while Alexis shook her head with a smirk. Syrus sighed with envy, but Jaden had a confused look :"huh? You do?"

Ali was silent for a second before he raised an eyebrow and nodded towards the girls. But even after looking at the girls, Jaden still looked back at him, even more confused.

Ali was speechless before it clickeck in his head. This guy was the typical, clueless MC! He chuckled at his friend before he shook his head :"nothing, nothing.

You came really late, so most spots are already taken. Why don't you go and seat on the first row."


DP: 1,950