
-.-.-Chapter 8-.-.-

Jin found himself looking around to take in how the duel field looked as he was brought up to the area via the underground lift that was at the side of the arena floor, it was pretty straight forward as far as he could see.

Metallic floors, lined with blue markings in the lay out of five by five, with tall wall partitions on all sides to separate them from the other duels that he could hear going on, while above them in the stands they were watched both by the other applicants on one side and by the staff and other students who had already gotten in before hand on the other.

Taking a deep breath Jin let it out, trying not to let his nerves get to him with so many eyes on him as he made his way over to stand opposite the exam proctor who stood at the other side of the duel area wearing his blue overcoat and duel disk.

"Well applicant, I hope you've prepared yourself and reviewed thoroughly for this, your future depends on it," the proctor said as he shuffled his deck.

"As best I can," Jin commented as he finished shuffling his own deck and slotted it into his duel disk, his cards all sleeved in their clear protectors to keep the duel disk from chewing them up.

"Excellent," the proctor grinned, "You can call me Professor Hose, I'm one of the instructors at Duel academy, and I will be your proctor for this exam, but you don't have to worry, I won't be using my real deck in this exam and instead using one of the examination decks that are made to give all applicants a fair chance at passing"

Jin nodded, 'Yeah, too bad that, maybe I should have tried coming late and see if I couldn't have gotten a shot at Crowler's deck, now that would have been fun' he mused to himself before he introduced himself, "Applicant Jin Yu, I look forward to our duel"

"A manners, good, well then shall we begin," Professor Hose said as he raised his duel disk.

Jin nodded in return as he raised his own in response, "By all means," he said as he grinned in excitement.

""Duel"" both called out as the signal for both their duel disks to activate and link up.

Jin: 4000LP

Hose: 4000LP

Drawing his first five cards Jin looked them over and suppressed a chuckle as he saw that he had pulled all the cards needed for one of his decks main plays right from the off and knew immediately that this duel was going to be over quickly.

"As the challenger you go first Applicant," Professor Hose announced, "Impress me."

Jin could only suppress a laugh as he nodded, 'Oh I'll impress you alright,' he thought as he drew to start his turn.

"Alright, I'll start things off with the most overplayed card in the game, Pot of Greed" Jin laughed as he put the card down on his duel disk and activated its effect as he drew two cards before discarding his spell to the grave, then after checking his cards nodded seeing he drew the first two of his back up cards he smirked, "and then I'm gonna play things nice and slow and set one monster face down in defense," he announced as he put his cards into position watching as their illusionary counterparts appeared in front of him, "over to you professor"

Professor Hose chuckled, "Simple indeed, but it's good that you at least understand the basics," he said as he drew his own card, "But don't think that playing it safe will last, I summon my monster, Three-Headed Geedo (1200/1400) in attack position"

Three-Headed Geedo

Card Type: Monster/Normal

Level: 4

Type: Fiend

Attack: 1200

Defense: 1400

Jin watched with awe as the monster appeared out on the field, standing a good seven feet tall, looking rather creepy with its three masked heads and long arms.

"Next I'm going to play two face downs before we get to the fun part," Professor Hose said as he put two cards in his back zone, "Enter the attack phase, now go destroy his face down monster!" he commanded and his monster obeyed.

Jin watched with amusement as Three-Headed Geedo moved and with a crushing fist attacked his face down monster card, only for it to flip over and reveal his face down monster.

The yellowed wrinkled face of a hunched back old man appeared as the card flipped over who caught the approaching fist with a sneering glare.

Jin chuckled, "nice try professor, but my Old Vindictive Magician (450/600) isn't going down alone, not since you triggered his flip effect, which allows me to target one monster you control and destroy it, and sense you only have one monster there's not much else for me to say is there~"

Old Vindictive Magician

Card Type: Monster/Flip/Effect

Level: 2

Type: Spellcaster

Attack: 450

Defense: 600

Effect: FLIP: Target 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy that target.

The professor's eyes widened as the Old Vindictive Magician cackled as his body glowed with an ominous purple light before both monsters exploded, taking both monsters off the field.

"Clever move Applicant, baiting me into an attack like that, now the only question is if you can take advantage of it," Professor Hose nodded, "your move applicant."

Jin smirked, "Oh I'm going to take more than just advantage of it, I'm gonna end this duel now," he said as he pulled his card and after a glance added it to his hand before selecting another, "and I'm going to start with this, Giant Trunade!"

Giant Trunade

Card Type: Spell/Normal

Effect: Return all Spell and Trap Cards on the field to the hand.

The next second Jin set the card on his duel disk, winds whipped up out of nowhere and both of the illusionary set cards in the professor's back row shimmered and their counterparts ejected from his duel disk.

"And now that any spells or traps you had to stop me are out of the way," Jin started as the winds died down, "I set two cards face down before I play my next spell Premature Burial, costing me eight hundred life points to bring back my Old Vindictive Magician"

Premature Burial

Card Type: Spell/Normal

Effect: Activate this card by paying 800 LP, then target 1 monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target in Attack Position and equip it with this card. When this card is destroyed, destroy the equipped monster.

As Jin spoke he slotted two cards into his duel disk as his back up plan before he slapped his second spell card down onto his duel disk and watched as his life points dropped on his duel disk before the graveyard ejected his monster card to let him place it back onto the monster zone in face up defense mode.

Jin: 4000LP - 800 = 3200LP

Professor Hose nodded, "A good play applicant, though your monster's attack is still far too low to be of any real use."

"Who said I was finished?" Jin countered with a grin that made the professor frown, before looking on wide eyed as Jin continued, "see the reason I brought him back wasn't too attack you, it was to act as tribute fodder for something even better" he said before pointing to his monster, "I tribute my Old Vindictive Magician in order to summon out the mistress of Magic herself, Dark Magician Girl"

As Jin spoke he pulled both his monster card and the ejected spell card from his duel disk and discarded both to his graveyard before he played Dark Magician girl.

As her card appeared on the field Dark Magician girl appeared out of it in a burst of purple sparks twirling and spinning with giggles before landing on the field with a smile sending Jin a wink and a shake of her hips towards him before facing their opponent.

Dark Magician Girl

Card Type: Monster/Effect

Level: 6

Type: Spellcaster

Attack: 2000

Defense: 1700

Effect: Gains 300 ATK for every "Dark Magician" or "Magician of Black Chaos" in the GY.

Seeing this Professor Hose could only grimace slightly nodding, "a very good play, not many would think to set up for a summon like that on their second turn no less"

"Thanks for the compliment Professor, but I still have one more play before I wrap things up~" Jin said as he held up one of the cards from his hand, "you see, what's the apprentice without her teacher~"

His words made the Professor blanch as his eyes went wide, "you don't.." was all that he could say before Jin grinned.

"I do," he said before he placed the spell card down, "and with Dark Magician girl on the field I can activate the spell card, Sage's Stone, this lets me special summon from my deck or hand the one, the only, Dark Magician!" he called out as he held up his duel disk and plucked his deck from it and with a quick search pulled his card from it and added it to his hand before shuffling his deck and reinserting it as he finally played his deck's Ace.

Emerging from his card just as Dark magician girl had done but much more respectfully, the Dark magician landed on the field emitting a dark and powerful aura of magic around him that left all who saw it intimidated seeing the ace monster of the known king of games.

Dark Magician

Card Type: Monster

Level: 7

Type: Spellcaster

Attack: 2500

Defense: 2100

The appearance of the King of Games Ace monster had drawn the attention of everyone in the stands as Jin grinned as he held out his arms, "well Prof, how's this for taking advantage," he said feeling rather amused at the shocked silence he was getting from having pulled off his play flawlessly.

Professor Hose could only gulp as the Magician duo glared at him from across the field.

"Stunned silent hm, oh well, probably for the best that I wrap things up," Jin said as he pointed towards the stunned professor, "now go, Dark Magician girl cut his life points in half!"

Dark Magician girl obeyed with a giggle as she spun on the spot and aimed her staff at the proctor, the end of her staff glowing as several spheres of magic appeared around her before they launched themselves at the proctor going off with a bang on impact.

Hose: 4000LP - 2000 = 2000LP

Seeing his attack went through unhindered, Jin grinned, "and now Dark Magician, finish up where your apprentice left off, Dark Magic attack!" He commanded and wasn't disappointed as the robed magician aimed his own staff and fired off a singular burst of violet magic that caused an even bigger explosion than Dark Magician Girl's had done.

Hose: 2000LP - 2500 = 0

As soon as the professor's life points hit zero the illusions of both Jin's monsters and his unneeded face down cards faded away as their duel disks powered down.

Jin grinned, unable to help himself as he pointed to the professor with a grin, "and that's game."

Chapter word count: 1865

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