
Yu Bin. Immortal Of Water Land

When everything resumes to love, there is no space for more. We need love to be born, we need love to grow up... We need love to win against fate. The story that I will tell you is not just about love though. Because it starts with the desire for vengeance, with manipulation and betrayal. When the king of the Heaven Realm is killed by the royals of the Fire Realm, two kids are brought together in the Water Realm and raised by the royals there. The Water Realm's royals are killed by one of them letting the princess's kingdom live in despair. When her soulmate dies by her soul sword's hand, Princess Yu Bin will kill herself after losing her last strong of hope thinking that her soulmate was the killer. One thousand years later, she, her master, and her soulmate are reborn and meet the killer. What will happen now that everyone is put together in the same place?

Niyuniyu · 奇幻言情
102 Chs

Finding Moon And Longwei

After they set up camp, Bao Fang went to hunt for something for dinner and Xian Chen helped Yu Bin heal by attaching his palms to her back and giving her spiritual energy to help her blood recover faster.

" Yu Bin,will you please be more careful in the future? I do not want to lose you. Even if your blood is strong, it doesn't mean it's limitless, you know."

"I know but... Xian Chen, I am not more important than the others. If Ming Fang is not stopped, a lot of disasters will happen, you know that too." Yu Bin said worriedly looking up at the starry sky. From that place you could see the stars so clearly in

" Yu Bin,will you please be more careful in the future? I do not want to lose you. Even if your blood is strong, it doesn't mean it's limitless, you know." Xian Chen said, taking his palms back from Yu Bin's back and hugging her tight. The image of her cutting herself so many times was hunting him terribly.

"I know but... Xian Chen, I am not more important than the others. If Ming Fang is not stopped, a lot of disasters will happen, you know that too." Yu Bin said worriedly looking up at the starry sky. From that place you could see the stars so clearly.

"But for me you are the most important... If I want to save the world then I have to lose you then let them all die, I don't care" Xian Chen said with a trembling voice.

"A-Xian, please stop talking nonsense...You know very well that you are not serious. I know you love me and I know that I am very important to you but, A-Xian...you came here to find Longwei and Moon knowing that you can lose your life. If you didn't care, why would you come?" Yu Bin said, taking his hand and continuing to look at the stars. She knew very well how hurt Xian Chen was every time she cut herself. But at the same time she could not stop what she started.

"Ai-Ren..." Xian Chen whispered in her ear, and Yu Bin froze on the spot. It was the first time Xian Chen called her with an endearment name and it sounded so good. It sounded so good that Yu Bin forgot to breathe. Of all the endearment names in the world, Xian Chen decided to call her Ai-Ren. The name means my beloved one not loved, not dear but beloved. It meant so much to Yu Bin that she forgot to breathe.

"Breath..." Xian Chen whispered in her ear again and her ears turned red in shame realizing that Xian Chen figured out that she stopped breathing the moment she heard the endearment name he gave her.

"Ai-Ren, Ai-Ren, Ai-Ren ...." Xian Chen said hugging her tight and kissing her hair, then her neck and her back making her tremble with every single kiss and every single time he called her like that.

"A-Xian please stop..." Yu Bin said, trembling, her heart couldn't take it anymore.

"What should I stop, Ai-Ren? Stop hugging you? Stop kissing you? Or stop calling you Ai-Ren?" Xian Chen said and with every question he asked he was doing the thing he asked making Yu Bin tremble more.

"Stop being such a cute baby otherwise I will lose my self control tonight." Xian Chen said and Yu Bin's face became redder.

"So cute..." Xian Chen said, turning her around and kissing her with all his body grabbing her hair in his hands and pushing his tongue inside her mouth strongly, not letting her breath at all.

"Ahem, ahem..." Bao Fang coughed looking at the two and having a rabbit in one hand and two fish in the other.

"Don't you think you forgot something?" She added and the two stopped in shock. They had forgotten, they were not alone.

"I know what you're thinking, you've forgotten that you're not alone, but are you sure you haven't forgotten something else?"

"Ah, the fire..." Yu Bin said and got up quickly and ran to collect some wood to light the fire.

"I'm coming with you..." Xian Chen tried to get up and run after her but was stopped by Bao Fang who grabbed his hand and gave him the rabbit.

"Let her go, she is not a kid, you clean the rabbit so we can eat something and rest."

"And what if there are fierce corpses?" Xian Chen asked in fear. Contrary to what Bao Fang thought, he was actually afraid of losing Yu Bin.

"Xian Chen, stop worrying, I came from that way and there was no fierce corpse around." Bao Fang said and Xian Chen took the rabbit to the river to clean it, then he skinned it and cut it into pieces preparing to put it on the fire while Bao Fang prepared the fish.

In the meantime, Yu Bin also appeared with an armful of wood, which she placed in front of the tent and made a fire. The three of them eat and then sit around the fire discussing memories from their past and current lives, sometimes Xian Chen teasing Yu Bin making her blush and sometimes Bao Fang teasing Xian Chen.

In between Yu Bin was singing a song while the other two were waving their hands and bodies. It was a relaxing time after so much pain, a time that they forgot all their worries for a moment and let themselves be at ease. A time to remember.

The night passed and the next day came. The night passed and a new day began, the sun rose strongly in the sky, lighting up the forest that was dark and bloody last night. When they woke up, they left everything behind and continued their journey.

Climbing the mountain, the three arrived in front of a waterfall, the sound of falling water brought with it other sounds, and returning, the three were face to face with Longwei and Moon, who were smiling at each other as they approached.

"Ow, master, you are here? what are you all doing here?" Longwei asked, smiling big.

As much as he wanted to understand what was going on, Xian Chen couldn't do it. Somehow Longwei looked strange. He didn't understand if the fact that Longwei was smiling like that was strange or the fact that the two of them appeared out of nowhere.

"Master? Are you alright?"

"hm, I'm fine. Longwei, how are you here? How did you get here??

"Master aren't you the one who sent us here tho?"

"Moon, how did you guys reach this place?" Yu Bin asked Moon curiously. It's true, they were really looking for them, but the fact that the two appeared out of nowhere seemed somehow strange, plus Moon was smiling so widely, in the few years they spent together, she had never seen him smile like that.

"Ah, Yu Bin, we were looking for the base where Ming Fang could be hiding and that's how we got here." Moon said and it seemed that everything was coming together but something was definitely not right.