
Freezing Desert

After having some lunch and rest for a little while our groups continuing our journey in the desert.

"Where are we going right now Vivi?" Luffy asked Vivi while walking beside her.

"We are going to Yuba Oasis, the base of the Rebel Army." Vivi said to Luffy.

"We can find Crocodile there?" Luffy asked again.

"No, Crocodile base is at Rainbase." Vivi said.

"What?? So why are we going to Yuba Oasis?" Luffy asked Vivi in confusion.

"I need to tell them about Crocodile's plans and to stop the Rebel Army going in to war with the Kingdom's Royal Guards." Vivi said to Luffy while holding back her tears.

Luffy then stop moving along with the rest of us.

"Why are you all stopping? We need to move quickly to stop the war." Vivi asked all of us in confusion.

"Stopping the Rebels will not get rid of Crocodile nor prevent any loss of life in the future" I said to Vivi.

"Dan is right we need to go to Rainbase to stop Crocodile instead of the Rebels." Sanji said agreeing with Dan.

"Many people will die if I don't stop the Rebels Army, from attacking the Kingdom." Vivi yelled at us.

"It's useless if Crocodile is still roaming free in this Kingdom, he can just create another war and this Kingdom will still ruined in the future." I said to Vivi.

"I don't want to risk the lifes of my people if the war still continue between the Royal Guards and the Rebel Army" Vivi screaming to us.

"You don't think we all risking our lifes here by helping you to take down Crocodile?" Luffy said while punching Vivi in the face.

"...." Vivi got silent while crying on the sand after getting punched by Luffy.

"The real enemy is Crocodile, if we can take him down the war will stop." Luffy said.

"The sooner we defeat Crocodile the sooner the war will stop." Zoro said agreeing with Luffy.

"We all here risking our lifes to help your country from being overtaken by Crocodile. We don't come here to waste our time running around in circle while the real enemy is at Rainbase planning to destroy this country." I said to Vivi.

"Take us to Rainbase!" Luffy said to Vivi.

"They are right Princess, the real enemy of our Kingdom is Crocodile. As long as he still walking free in our country, our Kingdom will never be safe." Igaram said to Vivi.

"Okay! I will lead you all to Rainbase." Vivi said to us while wiping her tears.


After walking for a few hours in the desert, we finally arrive at Rainbase the basecamp of Crocodile.

None of us got thirsty in the desert since I already stored many water in many gallons inside my inventory.

When we reach there we suddenly got surrounded by Billions from Baroque Works.


Apparently Crocodile already saw us coming from his scouts. He then tells his men to capture us and bring them to him after putting all of us inside the sea stone jail.


We all then start to fight againts Billions while searching for Crocodile.

I don't see any marines nearby, so I guess Smoker still hasn't arrived at Rainbase.

Our crew decimated the Billions quite easily since we all have gotten much stronger than before.

Since these people try to kill millions of people in this country, our crew didn't show them any mercy.

After our fight with the Billions, we all enter the Rainbase and finally saw Crocodile and his number agents including Nico Robin.


Based on my prediction Crocodile still hasn't launch his plans since we arrived earlier than the story plot. All of his number agents are still here at the Rainbase. So the bomb still hasn't been planted and Mr. 2 is still here and hasn't kidnapped King Cobra to try to impersonate him.


"Welcome to Rainbase, Princess Vivi and Igaram. I assumed you hired these lowly pirates to stop me from taking over your country?" Crocodile asked Vivi while mocking us.

"Those people you defeated outside are the weaker ones in my organization. Your effort will be futile in the face of true power." He continue rambling.

"Kill them all!" Crocodile orders his numbers agents to kill us.


So our crew and the numbers agents from Baroque Works are fighting with each others.

Sanji fighting with his shoes that were coated by sea stones combined with his armament haki were very deadly to Mr. 2.

Each time Sanji's kick hit Mr. 2, he will feel his strenght vanished from his body. His Okama Kempo is useless since he doesn't have any strenght the moment the sea stone shoes of Sanji touch his body. In the end Mr. 2's head got kick so hard that make him fainted and bloody on the ground.

Zoro used his soru immediately when the fight start, arrived in front of Mr. 1 and slash his black sword that were being coated by haki to Mr. 1's neck and decapitate him instantly.

The rest of the numbers agents from Baroque Works had the same result since our crew defeat them easily.

Nico Robin had a shock expression on her face after watching our fights.

While Crocodile growl at us after watching his men got defeated easily by our crew.

"Now is your turn Crocodile" Luffy said while running towards Crocodile.

Crocodile immediately use his devil fruit's power to block Luffy with sand and create sand storms all around us.

Ussop then shoot his sea stone bullet with his sling shot towards Crocodile and hit him in his shoulder that make the sand storm vanished.

Luffy then use his "Gomu Gomu Gatling Shigan" towards Crocodile and knocked Crocodile to the ground bleeding with many holes in his body unconscious.

I then arrived at Crocodile's side using soru and shackled his hand using sea stone handcuff.

"Don't kill him Luffy, we need to bring him to the King along with all the evidence that she will provide to us to stop the rebelion." I said to Luffy while glancing at Nico Robin.

"You will help us provide the evidence right? I know you're not a bad person since you help Vivi many times from the shadow behind Crocodile's back." I said to Robin.

"Yes, I already prepared all the documents that can be evidences for all of Crocodile's crimes. I only work with him to achieve my own goals. I also didn't want this country to fall under his hand." Robin said to us.

"Good..... So what is your real name?" I asked her.

"My name is Nico Robin, nice to meet you all." She said to all of us while smiling.

"Captain Igaram you can follow me to collect all the evidences." Robin said to Igaram while walking away.

"Now we just need to stop the rebelion and this kingdom can finally be free." Nami said to all of us.

"Shishishishi..... It's easier than I though." Luffy said.

"Thank you for saving my country...." Vivi said to all of us while crying in happiness.


After collecting all the documents we all then start heading to Alubarna to meet the King and to stop the rebelion from happening.

On the way to Alubarna, my observation haki sense someone watching us from a distance.

"Luffy, I need to go somewhere, you all can go to Alubarna first and I will catch up with you soon or we can just meet at Going Merry later" I said to Luffy.

"Okay, just be careful!" Luffy said to me.

"Dan where are you going?" Vivi asked me.

"Some personal bussiness that I need to take care of my self." I said to her.

"Oohhh... Okay, I think we all can handle the rebelion our selves since the hard part which is Crocodile already been taken care off." She said getting a nod from Nami and the others.

"See you all later!" I said to all of them after handing them a lot of water gallons from my inventory.

"Take care!" Nami and Vivi said at the same time. While the rest of the crew just waving their hands at me. Mean while Robin just keep silent while watching me run in the desert.

"Let's continue our journey to meet the King in Alubarna." Igaram said to them all.

"Vivi, I want to have a lot of meats later at your house." Luffy said to Vivi.

"I want a lot of ice to bath, this hot weather is killing me." Chopper said.

"Okay, we can have a feast at the castle later." Vivi said while smiling at Luffy and Chopper.

They all then continue to walk towards Alubarna while dragging the tied up Crocodile and his men with them using camels that were taken from Rainbase. Those people were being tied up together using sea stone chain.


Meanwhile I just running towards the person who is spying on us from a distance.

Soon, I finally see a tall man standing in the middle of a desert.

That man is Kuzan or known as Aokiji the Marine Admiral.


Kuzan is an incredibly tall man at 298 cm, slim, yet muscular like a swimmer. He is an easy going man based on his personalities at the anime.

His lack of interest and "Lazy Justice" (as he describes his motto himself) often leads others to believe he can not possibly be a marine of such a high ranking, which causes them to underestimate him, making him all the more dangerous.

Kuzan has eaten from the Hie Hie no Mi, a Logia-class Devil Fruit whose power lets him become ice, create and control said element in vast quantities, and by extension bestows him great resistance to the very cold he brings on.


I know for sure I will die in less than a minute if I fight him at my current power. My high vitality will be useless if he turned me to ice.

I might have Kaido's stamina but I don't have his healing power and his devil fruit power as a dragon.

To reach my dream in becoming Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat, I need to take this risk and hopefully I can survive the ordeal. Hopefully my tricks will works on him.

"Hello..." I said to him after stop running right in front of him.

"..." He keeps his silence for a long time while observing me.

"I'm not a bad person. I just want to meet the person who saved my parents back then in the ocean while they were in a merchant ship."

"My parents told me a great story about you, so I really want to meet in you in person and thank you personally."

"I noticed your presence a while ago through my observation haki which I learned from an ex marine at the new world while traveling with my parents in the past."

I choose to tell him the truth about me can use observation haki but lied about my background. I really hope I don't have to fight him or I need to escape immediately.

"Arara..... I saved many people in the ocean so I can't really remembered your parents." He said to me.

"That's okay, my parents was an ordinary merchants and they already passed away two years ago. So I just want to keep my promised to them by telling their thanks to you personally." I said to him while raising my right hand to make a handshake with him.

"...." He watches my hand and looking at my eyes for a while and suddenly he raised his hand to shake my hand back.

"Thank you!" I said to him while silently said 'Copy Hie Hie no Mi Activate!' in my head.

"Can I ask you a question?" He said while still holding my hand.

"Sure ask away" I said to him while feeling my Devil Fruit power is being activate.

"What are you doing in East Blue and why joining a pirate from there?" He asked me.

"In my opinion Luffy is not a pirate but more like an adventurer, since our crew only like to travel and sailing for freedom. We also don't act like a normal pirate who likes to hurt civilians, we infact likes to help them instead." I said to him.

"....." He looks deeply in to my eyes and suddenly I feel my hand start to freeze but immediately the freeze vanish in less than a second.

"You know I'm a Marine Admiral right?" He asked me while still holding on my hand.

"I know" I said while feeling worry, eventhough my ice power already being activate and the freeze earlier didn't hurt me at all. I know he can still kill me straight away.

"You are quite a brave young man or a fool one." he said.

"You know I can kill you right now after your lies about your parents failed to convince me."

"But I also see some truth when you told me about your crew."

"I don't know if you are a fool as for trying to sacrifice yourself in order to make your friends escape or you have some other motives when you decided to face me after sensing me with your haki."

Suddenly the desert all around us start freezing and turned to ice. Strangely I didn't turned to ice since he didn't use his power on me. It's not like my copy power of ice canceling his skills but he really didn't aimed his skills at me.

"I choose to release you and your friends for now. Since I'm not in the mood to catch pirates right now" he said while releasing my hand from his grip.

"Thank you??" I said feeling confused by his actions.

"I'm sleepy, you can go now. Just remember one thing, the moment your crew start hurting civilians like those pirates. I will hunt you all down personally." he said to me while starting to lie down on the ice and closing his eyes preparing to sleep.

"Thank you!" I said to him while bowing my head at him.

"You are the one and only marine officer that I respect in this world." I said truthfully at him.

Kuzan then open his eyes and looked at me and said "Go now!" while closing his eyes again and turned around sleeping the other way around.

"Good Bye!" I said while running away towards Going Merry location.



Should the mc use Fatality on his enemies later?

Harem_Squadcreators' thoughts