
Set 148

Can’t hold for a minute

A young man went into a sex shop to buy some condoms and a sales girl approached him...

Sales girl: "Can I help you, Sir?"

Young man: "Yes, I want to buy some condoms."

Sales girl: "What size do you need, Sir?"

Young man: "I didn't realize they came in different sizes. I don't know what size I would need."

Sales girl: "May I hold your penis to tell what size you would need?"

As she was holding the penis, she called for assistance:

"Give me a SMALL one..."

"Wait! Small won’t do give me a MEDIUM one..."

"Wait! I think he needs a LARGE one."

"Shit! First give first a TISSUE."


Read these 10 instructions and then scroll down... no cheating!

1- Back straight, knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart.

2- Form a loose grip.

3- Keep your head down.

4- Avoid a quick backswing.

5- Stay out of the water.

6- Try not to hit anyone.

7- If you are taking too long, please let others go ahead of you.

8- Don't stand directly in front of others.

9- Please be quiet while others are preparing to go.

10- Don't take extra strokes.

Very good. Now flush the urinal, go outside, and tee off!

This was From a sign posted at a local golf course restroom.