
Kiss of a reflection

The sky above Pearl orphanage that night was a grey sheet , the moon was blocked by clouds as grim as an old widow's wig . The light that reached the ground made things slightly visible but not so much that one could run without tripping over .

In the garden it worse , the canopy of roses above made it like death's garden . Each flower was immersed in shadow and the light that filtered through was as bright as the behind of a glow worm's remains .

When River had taken them from their rooms he could see clearly , having little need for light . But Henric and Link struggled down the corridors until they reached the garden . It had been easier to move around there because the ground was immaculate and nothing could trip them except the fountain .

But , as the three boys looked into the water of the fountain , they had to pause and look above them to make sense of what they were seeing . The fountains base was round , in an oval like circle and it's water was crystal clear blue on most days . That night however , it was not crystal blue or any shade of blue . The water was pure black , as if ink had been dumped into the fountain . And inside the blackness , glowing lights moved and shifted like the heavenly bodies of the cosmos . The water looked like the night sky with no moon .

It was breathtaking .

" What is this ? " Stuart asked after a while , he looked up at the sky and then back at the water , " The water looks like night but the sky is ever so grey . How is this possible ? "

" I dont know . " Henric said as he continued to look at the water , it was strangely hypnotic to gaze at it. He felt like he was looking at something precious , something important and special . Something so close and distant that he just wanted to try and touch it , to try and feel it -

" What are you doing !? " Stuart said grabbing Henric's hand , " You don't know what this is . "

" True but ... I don't think it is bad . " Henric said and Stuart gave him a scoff . It was one of the rare times Stuart scoffed .

" You must be out of your rocker . This thing is not right . Water that looks like night ... a devil must be behind it . " Stuart said looking at the water with a frown .

" No , not devil ... It doesn't ... I mean to say that ... " Henric struggled to say what was on his mind . How could he tell them everything ? It was beyond belief and explanation .

" What is going in Henric ? That ghost left me knowing that you knew something . I could not understand what it was but you do , don't you ? " Stuart said and Henric sighed .

" Stuart , I wish I could explain better but I - "

" What is that ? " Link , who had been quiet and looking at the water this whole time , said in a small voice .

The other two boys turned to look at the water and to see what Link saw . A blue light was moving across the night water and it looked like it was moving in a circle around the fountain .

" Is it a comet ? " Link asked them and before either of them could answer , the light grew larger as if it was coming closer .

Stuart and Link moved back in fear but Henric leaned closer to the water . The light grew bigger and bigger until the whole water was a bright blue white . Suddenly a hand reached out from the water .

Henric froze as the limb came from the enchanted waters . It was slender , with its forearm sticking out alone . The skin was a honey brown and a burning tattoo was on the wrist .

As Henric watched , the hand moved towards him , as if reaching out to him . Then just as quickly , a shackle rose from the water and encircled the wrist of the arm . The hand struggled but then began being dragged under the water . Before it sank , it reached out to him one last time , and Henric tried to grabbed it but it was already gone . He stood stock still with his fingers above the water where it had disappeared .

His face held a deep frown as if he was confused , he looked at his hand as if it did not belong to him . Then his eyes turned to the water where the hand hand disappeared . Henric clenched his fingers and took a deep breath .

Then he reached into the water .

" Henric ! " Stuart shouted as shackles rose up and encircled the boy in chains . Henric turned to them and gave them a sad look . Then the chains tipped him over and he fell into the water .

" Saints of Heaven ! " Link shouted and Stuart just screamed his soul out . Which awoke everyone in the orphanage .


A sky of aquamarine hung on a land that was an ocean green , and as flat as glass . It held a reflection much like glass aswell . A single boy lay flat on his back , his eyes closed as if in sleep .

" Please help me . " A voice whispered on the wind .

" What ? Who are you ? " Henric said groggily . He got up as if waking from a nice dream but when he saw where he was , his heart almost stopped .

" I'm here ... again . " He said getting to his feet . He looked around and saw nothing had changed , except there were no clouds in the sky anymore .

" Help me ... Please . " The voice returned in the wind and Henric turned to where it was coming from .

Because the land was flat and no land marks showed around , he could see if anything was there with him . As it so happened , he saw something strange in the distance .

" Henric ... help me . " The voice said and Henric realised it was the mirrors voice . Or the thing in the mirror . Or he was insane .

" Are you still thinking that ? " The voice said and this time it sounded as if it was next to his ear . Henric turned his head but saw nothing .

" Where are you ? " Henric asked but then he shook his head , " No , who are you ? What do you want from me ? "

" I am lost , trapped and alone . I want to be free . I want to go home . " The voice said and Henric felt slightly dissatisfied .

" What do you want from me ? " Henric asked it .

" I needed your help . Please free me . Follow my voice , find my soul and try to free me . " The voice said and he felt a hand in his fingers , " Please help me , Henric . You are my only hope . "

Henric heard the desperation and the sadness in the voice . The feeling he had been trying to repress for hours returned and he found himself moving forward to the thing in the distance .

" Why do you feel this way ? " The voice asked him as he walked .

" Feel what way ? " He asked it .

" He and it , is that all you'll call me ? " The voice asked him . It sounded as if it was right next to him .

" I do not know your name . What would you have me do ? " He asked it sarcastically .

" My name ... I do not remember it . " The voice said , " Name me then . I can barely stand this It and he argument . "

" Why are you so talkative now ? Before you barely spoke words to me . " Henric stated and the voice did it's strange thing of laughter .

" I'm excited to finally meet you . " The voice said , " I wonder if you will like the way I am . Will you hate my appearance or not . "

" Why ? Are you disfigured ? " Henric asked and turned his head as if to look at it but there was nothing .

" I do not look like you others do . My flesh is not your flesh . " The voice said and Henric felt confused .

" What does that mean ? " He asked but the voice kept quiet .

" You are very handsome . " The voice told Henric after a moment and the other boy was surprised .

" What ? " He asked it .

" Your eyes are like the fresh soil of a fertile field . Your hair like burnt wheat . Your face is - "

" Stop , no more ! " Henric said , " It is strange hearing you say that . "

" Your innocent nature is adorable. I will stop but please hurry to me . " The voice said with strain in its voice now , " I'm struggling to hold myself here . "

" I have been walking as fast as can but it is still too far away . " Henric said looking into the distance , he wasn't sure he had made any progress .

" This place is meant for souls . Souls do not walk on legs . You must want to reach me more than anything . " The voice said to him , " Close your eyes . "

Henric gave a frown , he wasn't sure what would happen if he did . What if he ended up in that pit of faces again ?

" Trust me. Please , your time is short . " The voice said and Henric reluctantly agreed .

" Now , think of my voice . " The voice said softly , " Feel my hand on you , feel it move . Can you feel me ? "

" Yes . " Henric answered softly as felt a touch on his arm .

" Feel my breath on your neck , as I slowly breath on you . " The voice said and Henric felt a warm breath on his neck .

" Now , reach out with your right hand , as if to grasp something ... do it now ! " The voice said and Henric reached out with his hand . A moment later someone grasp his wrist and held it firm .

" You've reached me ... I knew you would ." The voice said and this time it was deep with a sweet note in it , " You can open your eyes . Tell me if I'm disfigured , why not ? "

Henric opened his eyes slowly and looked at his right hand . A brown hand was holding it by the wrist and a blue shackle was attached to the brown hand , holding it by the wrist . Henric followed the limb until he saw its owner .

A brown haired boy was infront of him in chains . He was slender looking and topless , his brown skin was wet and his hair was a disheveled mess . His eyes were a dark brown , even more darker than Henric's . His face was slim with a medium sized mouth . His body was thin , as Henric saw through the chains that covered his body . Shackles held his wrists , his ankles and chains locked his chest down and held him down so that he was on his knees .

" Henric ... you're as handsome in flesh as I saw . " The boy said and he gave tired smile , " Tell me ... how do I appear to you ? "

" You ... are a negro ? " Henric asked him and the boy frowned , I say boy because he looked no more than seventeen .

" A negro ? No ... I am a soul , trapped here . Will you help me ? " The boy asked him .

" I ... will not . Until you tell me your name . " Henric said and the boy frowned but answered him .

" Names are precious things . Will you take care of mine ? " He asked Henric and then he gasped as the chains pulled his back down .

" Ahh ! " He cried out in pain .

" Are you alright ? " Henric asked him and got down to his knees . The boy looked at him as he took deep breaths and then he nodded his head .

" Please , help me . " The boy said and he lifted his arms to Henric and the boy took them instantly .

" Are you no longer afraid ? You'll help me without wanting anything ? " The boy asked him .

" No , I'll help you but only when you tell me your name . " Henric said with a determined look and the boy sighed deeply .

" I guess it can't be helped . " He said and looked into Henric's eyes . Then he grabbed Henric and pulled him into his arms .

" What are you doing ? " Henric asked in shock as the boy looked at him with a burning gaze . Then his lips descended and met Henric's , startling the boy even more .

Henric tried to resist but the boy didn't let go , even if he felt weak . The kiss didn't last long though , after a moment , the boy let Henric go . Henric moved away and looked at the boy in shock , what had happened ?

" I am Carius ... Call me Cary . " The boy smiled and then the chains pulled him below the ground .

Henric shouted in shock but then he froze , suddenly he felt tired. Intensely tired as if the strength of his body was being drained out of him . He soon collapsed and his eyes closed as the darkness consumed him .

The sweet second chapter on love day needed a kiss to seal the deal .

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts