
Young Talent Wasted


Aqua_Larxene · 青春言情
1 Chs

Young Talent Wasted

Long ago, there was a talented, young, beautiful woman, she was loved and adored by all, she loved her fans, and she never refused to give an autograph or take a photo with them. However, she had a secret that no one knew about except for two people; herself and her stepfather. He loved her songs so much that he wanted them as his own, but she wouldn't have it. She had asked him if she could use his laptop, and he gave her his permission but acted very strangely in doing so. She took it to her room, and she found out what he was up to, she got scared of what would happen if word got out, but she was clever enough to cover her tracks. She used a flash drive to download all of his music pieces that he was working on, that is; her music that she created and he was claiming it as his own, deleted everything off of his computer, and "accidentally" dropped it on the ground, it was beyond repair, and she knew that what she did was right. There was a consequence to this action. He soon found out that she downloaded "his" work that was on his laptop. So that night, he sneaked into her room, climbed on top of her, gently applying pressure to her throat, strangling her, she tried to fight back, by squirming around, hitting him, she got hold of his arm, moved it towards her mouth, biting him, he loosened his grip, she was able to escape his grasp, she ran out of the room, ran downstairs, grabbed the house phone, and was able to dial 911, until the operator answered. She managed to get some information out, but her stepfather was closing the distance behind her, holding a knife in his hand, he raised his upper arm upward, he strikes, piercing her in the back. She screams in pain and agony, the phone wasn't put back, the operator heard everything that had escaped her mouth, as the stepfather kept striking eventually piercing her heart, the police came not long after that, and arrested him, but he never showed that he had mercy on her not a conscious mind, and so the stepfather was sentenced to death with capital murder and manslaughter of the death of his stepdaughter.