
Chapter one: the beginning

"Let me out! Let me out," I yelled as I kicked at the door and struggling to get up off the floor. I don't know why the hell they put me in a isolated cell in a fucking straight jacket. I mean, I haven't done anything remotely bad in the past four months. Unless, you count multiple times of tasing the guards patrolling the halls on my many attempts to escape this nut house. I softly smiled to myself as I kicked the door harder hoping someone would hear me. Finally, after what felt like forever, one of the guards opened the door. I slid to the side and smiled up at him. "What do you want?" I could tell he was already irritated when he first walked in. "What's got your panties in a bunch?" I laughed. "I just wanted to say that I'm starving. It's been almost three days since the last time I've eaten. Now, I got a question: how long do y'all think you can keep this up? Hm? Long enough for me to starve to death?"

The guard rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth as he stood me up."You sure complain a lot for someone who's as short as you. And don't you have people in here to do that for you? Since you're some kind of mafia leader." I turned around and glared at him. "You know damn well that the asylum themselves are supposed to feed all of their patients regularly," I growled at him. He tensed up but tried so hard not to show it. "Now let me out of this damn thing. It's hot enough as it is." He hesitated for a minute before letting me out. "Can't believe I'm even doing this for you. In my opinion, you deserve to starve in here," the guard said as he tossed the jacket on the bed. "You wanna run that by me again?" I kept my back to as I tried to keep my cool. I heard him mutter something under his breathe. I turned around, eyes glowing dark red, and glared at him with my mouth turned up in a snarl. He stumbled back a little, trying so hard to find the right words. I popped my knuckles and stepped closer.

"Choose wisely, Adam. You should have known better than anyone here how pissed I can really get when I'm not fed. Do you remember our little...incident last time, do you? Still got the scar from where I bit you?" I smiled hungrily as he went pale and tightened his jaw. I laughed before I kicked him in his knee, making him fall and grab at it. I crouched down beside him and grabbed Adam by his neck. "Next time," I growled angrily," watch who the fuck you talking to or you'll end up missing like the other guard who talked me like that. Alright?" I let his neck go and stood up. I waited patiently as Adam quickly got up and regained his posture. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him as I made my way to the cafeteria. "If you don't wanna get in trouble, you best get your feet moving and come on," I called back to Adam. After a minute, I heard footsteps running behind me. "Smart move," I chuckled as Adam finally caught up. I look over at him to see that he's still tense. "Oh, relax already. You knew the outcome when you said it, now deal with it. Plus, if you keep that face up, the others are gonna suspect something's up." He finally sighed and relaxed. I smiled and kept walking. After ten minutes, Adam finally decided to break the silence. "Why are you so cruel to people who's just trying to help you? Why are you so mean to everyone that tries to enter your life?" I looked at him and scoffed. I couldn't tell if he was messing with me or if he's being completely serious, but it's starting to piss me off. "For one," I said, trying remain calm, "fuck you! Second, if you knew my back story, how I grew up, and how many people who have left me because they said that there is something wrong with me or I'm too different or I'm not good enough." I stopped and leaned against the nearby wall, holding back any tear that wants to fall. "To be honest, nobody really gives a damn about me, so why act like I care about anybody else but myself," I softly say after a few minutes. I close my eyes and ran my hand through my hair. "Hey." Adam wrapped his heavily padded arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. I settled in his arms after a second and softly cried into his chest.

It's been a really long time since the last time I've actually cried like this or that someone even held me in their arms. Not since...no, not now. I pulled away and wiped my tears off. I leaned back against the wall tried calming my breath. "I'm sorry, Danny," Adam said softly. "I didn't know." I shook my head and stood up, turning myself away from him. "Let's just go. I held my breath slightly and walked away, silently beating myself up for letting my guard down for even a minute. I gritted my teeth and clutched my fist tight, trying to push it from my mind. "Hey! Stop walking so fast." I rolled my eyes and sighed before turning around to see Adam speed walking behind me. "Goddamn it, Jaeger. Hurry the hell up. I'm not trying to get caught right now." We rounded a corner into a hall filled with doctors and nurses. Shit, getting through this hallway without being noticed is gonna be complete hell. Out of instinct, Adam immediately gabbed my arm and pulled me through the crowded hallway, pretending to take me somewhere else. So far, no one questioned or even batted an eye at us. This is going better than I expected. Until he got in the way. The one person I didn't want to see today. Or ever for that matter. The one that helped put me in here. Dr. James L White. He is said to be the second richest psychiatric doctor in the country. To me, I personally think he's an arrogant asshole, phony, a liar, a bastard, and a pedophile. When he came out of a patient's room with that damn smile, my stomach sank so low and I just cringed back behind Adam. "And where do y'all think your going?" He looked from me to Adam. Adam held me behind him to keep me away White. "Just taking her to the cafeteria since she hasn't eaten in while." Adam said, keeping a straight face. White just looked at us for a minute before letting us by, giving me a death glare as we passed. When we was about to round a nearby corner, I made the mistake of turning around. Where the hell did he go?!