

Have you ever fallen in love? How does it feel? Is it as magical as people say? Well, I wanna know.... It's not that I haven't fallen in love. I have fell in love too. But it's a little bit different. I fell in love with a dream, to be exact with the person from the dream. And since then, everyday I've desperately waited for that dream to come true. Seven years.... I waited for seven years until that dream became my reality, until I saw him.... The man from my dream standing infront me. That day even the reality felt like a dream to me.

Blue_Ocean_4710 · 奇幻言情
58 Chs

Disha -

Honestly I'm happy for him, I'm really really really happy for him. It's really good to know that he has his family, his parents, and I honestly couldn't be more happier. But it all came to sudden to me. And that just took me by surprise.

And now I'm in the bedroom where I'm moving today. And everything is so calm here that I have finally been able to realize how fast my heart is beating everytime I'm thinking back about the conversation that I had with him inside the car. Maybe I should have been angry or upset at least. But his face told me that I will put him under pressure if I acted in that way. I mean, at least he was being honest. And he said that he never meant to hide it, just because he doesn't talk about his family and there's nothing mentioned about his parents in documents so everyone assumed that he's an orphan. I just choosed to believe him because my heart told me so.

Well, yeah maybe... maybe I'm afraid. I'm afraid of loosing him. I don't want to lose him and that's why I don't want to show him my other sides until I make him mine. At least not until he's mine by law. But to be honest, I don't know why I'm this scared. I'm really really nervous or at least that's what the racing beats of my heart is trying to tell me, isn't it...??

"Are you redecorating the room? If not then why are you taking so long?" Joe asked as she walked through the door.

"Dude everyone's waiting for you", she added as I looked at her cluelessly.

That's right, I left Raidan alone there as my family members were taking time to get there. So, I had told them that I was going to inspect the room before moving in as to know how many things I need to bring.

"I'm sorry, it's just.... Anyways let's hurry back", I said to her as I motioned out of the room.

"Listen, you gotta support him today and give him your full encouragement. Men are tend to be nervous at times like these. I still remember how nervous Matthew was during his time. Be by his side and I don't need to teach you about skinship, do I?" Joe adviced me as we walked down the stairs.

"Don't worry, I'll try my best to clean up after him", I said assuring her.

"Just don't mess up yourself and that will be enough", she said to me before parting ways and sitting next to Matthew.

I looked around the room, everyone's here. They are patiently sitting as they are waiting for him. Him!! Where's Raidan? I completely forgot about him. I can't see him anywhere.

"Where's he?" I said to myself as I looked at my family members who are anxiously awaiting to meet this guy that their daughter, the eldest daughter of the family is going to get married to, the day after tomorrow. Harisa shrugged as my eyes met hers. I took out my phone to call him as I pulled the door open to outside. I was about to dial his number when I saw him standing near the pine tree at the frontyard, with his phone over his ear. He's likely talking with someone. And that's why I walked towards him instead of calling him.

Initially I wanted to wait until he was done with his phone call but everyone is waiting inside and it's impolite to make them wait because it'll leave them with a bad impression about him. So, I tapped on his shoulder as I reached near him. He looked back at me and as he saw me he signed me to wait and pointed towards the phone over his ear. Maybe he meant for me to wait until he's done with the call. I obeyed him in silence.

"Everyone's waiting", I told him as he finally looked at me.

"I'm really sorry but it was a really important call. Sorry for making everyone wait..." he said to me as we started walking towards the door.

"Oh, okay.... Ummm... Okay", I wanted to tell him that maybe he should've informed me but I stopped myself because I don't know why, I just didn't feel like talking.

"You okay right?" he asked sounding concerned. He was looking at me waiting for an answer and I could feel it but before I could answer him we'd already arrived inside the room and I looked at my family members who were already waiting.

There's this sudden urge in me which is somehow making me want to run away and hide myself somewhere. Because everyone's looking at me, even Raidan and I suddenly feel as if I can't speak, as if I can't bring out any words. I am just standing, looking at everyone who's staring at me.

"Disha, start with your grandma", Mimma came closer to me and wishpeard those words to me as she nudged my hand.

Her words suddenly brought me back from whereever I was, and now I feel myself again. Maybe all I needed was a little bit of encouragement. Which Mimma provided me with. But before I could introduce him, he introduced himself.

"Hello everyone. I'm Raidan. I'm so happy to finally being able to meet you guys. Also sorry for making you wait, I actually had an important call to attend", he said looking at everyone, standing politely with hands joined together.

"Is everything alright son?" my choto chaccu asked him out of concern.

"Yes, one of my students had called regarding an internship issue, that's all!! Everything is settled now", he replied again very politely.

"Oh that's good to hear", my choto chaccu replied to him.

"Raidan...I'm gonna call you Raidan is that okay?" Joe asked him to be sure and of course polite.

"Yeah sure. No worries", he replied. But his facial expression is not that friendly anymore. Of course, his expression isn't friendly, I mean it's obvious that his expression isn't friendly. He doesn't like anyone call him by his name after all.

"So, last time you were introduced with most of us, virtually I know....! But let's see how many of us you can remember", Joe said to him with mischief all over her face. She's playing the sister-in-law card, no she's playing the evil sister-in-law card.