
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

44 Chs

Ch -5 The Heck ?

------ On an unknown planet in fenrir -------

A body was lying in the darkness drenched in blood. In a cave like structure which way too large to be called a natural cave . Howl and screeches of animals could be heard every where in the cave there was very dim light which was coming from shining stones but there light was very dim only enough for one to see out line of the objects one cannot see the color of the things clearly only a gray a outline .


Then suddenly the body that looked like a dead body a moment ago started trembling and coughing blood and started groaning in pain one could see that body was injured in some places and one of his eyes was bleeding his whole face was red in colour .


[The person in that body was non other then me ofcourse it was me otherwise why would I will go to such a length to write about someone else. Oh ! yes I forgot to tell you that the one who is speaking in this bracket is me .I am writing about my past just remember it so that you won't be confused in the future while reading my autobiography like novel. ]


I woke in a dark place I could hear a howl that made my body shiver because of fear unconsciously " Ahh ! where the hell I am why does it hurt so much . I just killed that prime minister I want some rest now but where the heck am I ." I muttered . I looked around there was nothing but a dim light coming from a stone .Then I suddenly remembered how I died and talk with Light "hmm but he said I will be reincarnated . why the heck am I in a body of a tattered child shouldn't I be in body of an infant !! The heck did my reincarnation failed !! Am I in hell been tortured for my Sins of assasinating people but there is no one here torturing me and there is no lava from book and game I played there should be lava in hell" I again muttered to myself . I was just thinking of these possibilities when I saw two fire coming toward me it looked exactly like a fire tourch I shouted in the pained voice "Help !! please help me !!" but there was no answer but then a sound of growling came from where the touches were. When tourches came closer to me still 30 to 40 meter away from me .My eyes widened in shock what I saw was not a human for sure nor animal . It looked alot like a wolf but I was thausand percent sure it wasn't a wolf because it's tail was on fire and there fur color was nor black or white but freaking crimson .They were huge atleast 5 meter in height . There eye's were green like an emerald . The first thing I thaught after watching them was that they were monster . I was sure of it even if you beat me to death I wouldn't admit that they were not a monster .

Before I could even move an inch one of the beast threw a ball of fire toward me from its mouth . Which didn't hitted me but a big rock in my left that was exploded to bits by that ball of fire I named that attack fire ball unconsciously. I started shivering after watching that rock blowing to bits after only after one attack of that beast . They took one step towards me and I unconsciously took 2 steps back with my hand and bum because I was still sitting at that point . After that I just stood up and started running the other beast used its fire ball that didn't hitted me but its explosion was enough for me to be send flying towards a wall and I hitted it creating a small crater on the wall . All the wound on my body oppend and I started bleeding again the previous me means the one who's body I was in had already lost so much blood if I were to loose more blood like I am loosing now I will die in 4 minutes I thaught.

Then suddenly I saw a hole on the place where I created a crater it was a little smaller than a man hole entrence but was big enough for me to crawl in 'Haah ! what there's a light coming from in there. Should I go there ? I know there's a high chance of a beast in their too but it's still better to take a gamble then to be killed like a sitting duck .' I thought and started crawling inside there were 2 turns in the small cave then I hurriedly took a turn after just some milliseconds after I took a turn I saw a fireball hitting wall of the first turn where I was a second ago . Those two wolf beast tried to come in but hole was to small for them to come in and because of the last fire ball made some soil to block the entrence of that turn it was not usefull to stop a animal or beast from coming indside it was so loose soil that even I can hand dug to the entrence of the small cave like structure. But it was stopping light from going out because of this it won't attract attention of beast or animal . After watching thier prey ran away 2 wolf dissatisfied left the place. I went further inside to look for the source of light . But what I saw made me shocked . It was .....




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