
Chapter 36: Do I feel?

A few weeks later . . .

Yuna didn't know how she was still able to function. For the past few weeks, she had been teaching, visiting Jungkook and filming on the set of Jin's new movie. She sometimes slept a few minutes between takes . . . to her horror, next to Kookie's hospital bed. The nurses had to wake her, telling her that visiting hours were over.

He still hadn't woken up, even though his wounds started to heal. A sigh escaped Yuna's lips while she waited for the bell to end recess. Her eyes were on fire, and exhaustion was creeping up her spine. "Are you alright, teacher Jung?"

She spun around and smiled as Suri stood the with a worried look. "I am fine."

Yuna didn't want the children to notice her burnout, ruffling Suri's hair. "Take your seat while we wait for the others."

Suri nodded and proceeded to her table. A noise filled the air as the other children returned, taking in their seats, and Yuna continued with the lesson. It wasn't long before the bell rang to end the school day. She only hoped that she would still be awake by then. Hoseok had offered to pick her up, but Jin had stopped him and said he would.

It would seem that their plan was not working to keep them separate. Jin always found a reason to be in her presence, or if she turned around - he would be there. She was still struggling with her feelings. He had been a complete jerk since she had met him for the first time - but now. . . she did not know.

She blinked. The bell rang, and the children were already running from the classroom. She had missed their goodbyes; a pang of sadness filled her heart. In these few short weeks, she had grown to love each one of them. She grabbed her bag, closed the classroom door and walked towards the front gate where Jin would be waiting.

She heard low murmurs as she descended the stairs. Yuna looked around and noticed everyone looking towards the gates; a silver Ferrari was parked, and a man leaned against the passenger door with his shades dangling in his left hand. With a shock, she released it was Jin.

Why does he have to show off? , Yuna thought and lowered her head. Jin was attracting too much attention, and she didn't want - any attention. Maybe she should avoid him and walk home. . . call him from there. Before she could decide what she wanted to do -


Jin's voice reached her ears when she stopped at the gate. It made her heart skip a beat, cursing herself at her heart's betrayal. With a fake smile, she looked up. "Jin . . ."

He had closed the distance between them, and she saw a flash of worry in his eyes. His lips were parted slightly - as if he didn't know what he should say . . . or ask. "Are - are you alright?"

She didn't know how to answer him; a shiver crept down her spine as she felt a thousand eyes boring her back. Everyone was staring at them now - she could feel the tension, jealousy and questions bubbling from their auras.

"Yuna, are you alright?" Jin asked again slowly.

"I am fine," she replied. Was that her answer? Was she really . . . fine? It was just so simple to say it.

"You do not look fine," he replied with a low growl. He reached out, but Yuna took a step back out of his reach.

Why did you volunteer for this, Jin? she thought but repeated, "I am fine."

Jin nodded, but his expression betrayed his emotion. He did not believe her - he offered Yuna his arm. Yuna bit her lip, battling with the thoughts: between taking it and just walking past to show him that she wasn't useless.

"Please . . ." his voice a pained low whisper. "Humour me."

It pained Yuna to hear his voice full of . . . such sorrow. She took his arm, keeping her face down, and they started towards the car; the whispers followed them until he opened the car door. Yuna claimed in and fastened her seatbelt. Jin closed the door, got behind the wheel, and started the car; he asked again, "Are you sure you are alright?"

"Just drive," she mustered. Exhaustion had settled in her body. Somehow . . . Jin made her feel relaxed and safe. She couldn't explain it, but her head was still trying to reason with her. He was a jerk to you. He kissed you to prove a point and . . . and.

Jin put the car in drive. He glanced at her when they hit the open highway towards his company. He noticed that she had fallen asleep, and her head leaned against the window. She is exhausted. Why didn't she just . . . admit it? Jin thought and sighed.

He made a hasty decision by pressing the call button on the steering wheel. After a few rings, Tae picked up. "Hello, Jin. To what do I owe this disturbance?"

"Yuna is taking the day off," he replied, rolling his eyes.

"Excuse me?" Tae said in surprise, "She can't take the day off . . . When are we supposed to finish this movie?"

Jin glanced at Yuna and then back to the road. "One day won't hurt the movie . . . She needs it."

Jin heard Tae's angry sigh. "Fine, but this is the last straw! Did you send her home?"

"Not exactly . . ." Jin replied sheepishly, "I - uh -"

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Tae roared, which made Jin's head quirk towards Yuna - afraid that Tae woke her.

"I am going to make sure she gets some rest," Jin said coldly. He wasn't going to let Tae and the others dictate his decisions. "Frankly, Tae . . . I am still the boss, and if -"

"I don't care if you are the boss or not," Tae hissed, "We want to keep her as our secret weapon . . . what if you were seen? Did you think about that? We didn't want you to pick her up today either -"

"Stop . . ." Jin sighed. The truth - he never thought about the implications. Jin only wanted to spend time with Yuna. He didn't want to admit it, but she brought a certain comfort to him, even though he swore off women. "It does not matter."

"Does not matter? Are you serious? The company is at stake, and suddenly - it does not matter?" Tae said fast without taking a breath. "I do not believe you."

The line went dead before Jin could muster a comeback. He gritted his teeth. They would never forgive him if this movie failed as well, but . . . they had driven Yuna to the point of no return; lack of sleep. She had to rest.

He veered to the hard left and took the road to his house. She would be safer there, and she would be able to rest. He stole a glance at her again. Why hadn't she told him any news about how her brother was doing? He had to text Namjoon for any developments about Yuna's brother . . . because of this thing with Tae, Hoseok and Suga said he had to stay away from her.

Jin took in a deep breath. He was still so confused about these feelings raging inside of him. These feelings clawed at him only when Jin was around Yuna. Somehow she brought out the best in him, and he wanted her to . . .

What did he want? He shook his head, bringing him back from his thoughts as he stooped at his front gate. I was such a jerk towards her, Jin thought when the gates opened. She didn't deserve any of this. He drove up towards the front door and stooped the car.

He removed his seatbelt and turned when a soft groan escaped Yuna's lips. She was still sound asleep. A breath of relief escaped his lips as he opened the car door, climbed out and made his way to the passenger side. He had asked the head maid to prepare all the guest rooms - they hadn't been cleaned since Minyu had left. Jin opened the door as quietly as possible, leaning in to remove her seatbelt.

Jin did not want to wake her. She looked almost peaceful. He picked her up - bridal style and carried her into his mansion. Her head rested against his chess under his chin when he ascended the stairs - the head maid popped out her head from one of the rooms. The emotion of irritation - was clearly embedded in her face.

"Good afternoon . . . sir," she said, her voice full of disappointment.

"Afternoon, Nina," Jin whispered. "Is that the room?"

Nina did not lower her voice. "You said you are done with women - so why are you carrying an unconscious woman into your house?"

"Nina," Jin's voice was soft. "Please not now - I'll explain later."

Jin didn't stay to hear Nina's last comment. He was too focused on Yuna, who was still sound asleep against his torso. He entered the room; to his surprise . . . it was spotless. The white curtains were closed to keep the sun from lightening the room.

He carried her to the bed, placing her down so ever slowly. Yuna's head turned slightly to the left - a curl settled across her cheek, and Jin had to take a deep breath. A feeling had gone to his chest, making his heart expand. This. . . seeing Yuna like this . . . felt so right. He reached for the loose curl and tucked it behind her ear while fighting the urge to press his lips against her temple.

"Rest now," he said softly. He averted his gaze from Yuna's sleeping form. He had to leave, or he would do something he would regret.

Gritting his teeth, Jin stood up and left the room, closing the door behind him. He pulled his collar around his neck. Why is it so hot?

Nina appeared at his elbow. "Are you going to tell me who she is?"

Jin had forgotten how inquisitive his head of staff was. She would milk him for information . . . "She works for me," Jin said matter-of-factly. "And she needs rest."

He added the last bit to end the discussion. He didn't need to explain himself to anyone and heard Nina snicker. "Then maybe I should tell you . . . the hell beast is waiting for you in the hall."

Jin paled. How the hell did Minyu find out? He needed to speak to Suga so they could search his company for bugs - wait . . . what weird thoughts he was having. Jin's jaw clenched. "Did you have to let her in?"

"You think I could have stopped her?" Nina replied dully.

He nodded at Nina and descended the stairs. Could it be that - no, surely it couldn't be. . .

When he reached the bottom of the stairs - Minyu turned around and wailed. "Jin - baby! Are you feeling under the weather?"

"Why are you here?" Jin asked through clenched teeth, making his voice sound obscure.

If Minyu understood the irritation behind his words, she did not show it and pouted. "I couldn't find you at the company, and I thought something was wrong . . . So - I came here to see if you were alright."

No, you want to worm your way back into my life. Jin thought and replied angrily, "I am fine. You do not have to worry about me."

"But I do worry about you," Minyu wined, "Can't you see that I still love you?"

"Please leave," Jin said through gritted teeth. His anger flared with each passing breath, with Minyu standing in his presence.

Minyu stepped closer. He could have sworn her eyes flashed towards the stairs, but her nose touched his nose then she whispered. "You do not mean that."

Jin parted his lips . . . Minyu swallowed his words by claiming his lips. She teased his tongue - Jin tried to push her away, yet she clung to his arms.

What the fuck is she doing? Jin thought as he struggled against her grip. She held on - so tightly and only let go when the front door slammed shut. Jin's heart sank as he realised what had happened.

Minyu cleaned her lips with a finger as her grin grew like a Cheshire cat. His anger flared, pushing past her, through the door - calling Yuna's name. Jin didn't know why he felt so guilty . . . he and Yuna weren't in a relationship, but he wanted to explain - and then it clicked.

It was as Namjoon had predicted. This movie - the one who would save his company . . . it was turning into his personal life. Namjoon had predicted he would fall in love. He did . . .

With his heart hammering - he ran after Yuna, who made it to the main gate of his estate. He had to explain - he had to. . . He wanted to tell her. . . This was not the end.

Hello Army!

Please accept my apologies for updating so late. . . It is the festive season and work keeps me from writing, so I am trying my best to give you better content with longer chapters :)

Thank you, everyone, who still reads my story.

Marli_Hanekomcreators' thoughts