
Owner Of His Heart

Knock knock

The sound of knocking woke up Adrian and Avians who were still fast asleep in their room. Both were still very sleepy as they had made love last night until 2am.

Usually when Adrian didn't have anything scheduled, they would be woken up at nine in the morning. But when Adrian glanced at the clock, it was half past eight in the morning.

"Uhh... Why is Jonnah waking us up this early?" he complained as he rubbed his eyes.

The knocking sounded again but Jonnah's voice was not there, but a woman's voice that sounded happy calling his name.

"Ian, Ian, wake up, it's morning!" she called.

It wasn't Jonnah who woke him up, but Quinn. She kept knocking on the door, trying to wake Adrian up.

"Uhh... She's so noisy," Avians muttered as she buried her face into Adrian.