
You Can Only Belong To Me

When I decided to give up on him, He came to me by himself to devote himself completely to me, and showed his possessiveness to me that I never knew existed in the first place. But, what if I didn't want to continue the relationship anymore? Will I have another chance to alternate it? Or am I bound to give myself to him and only him? __________________ Spoiler:~ "Why are you reacting like this? Don't you care about my affairs anymore?" He asked as I felt his face nuzzling in between my neck and shoulders, sending me a jolt of electricity inside of me. I didn't answer him as I kept myself quiet and pretended to sleep. But suddenly, he retracted himself and shoved off my quilt that was covering me, and harshly turned me on my back. My eyes flew open in rage as I was about to burst on him, when I meet a pair of intimidating eyes that belonged to none other than this trash Alex. "Your heart changed, didn't it? Who is it?" He asked as he hit the side of the bed with a great force. But I was confused about what he was even saying, "What are you trying to say?" I asked. And what came was that creepy smile of his that made my heart thump loudly against my chest as a part of me got scared.

GalaxyStars833 · 现代言情
8 Chs

Chapter 2: He's A Psycho

I felt his smirk on my skin as his nasty hands started to get rougher with the time. I felt that I could just reach my climax just with him fondling my breasts and brushing my inner thighs with his long, thick, hot c*ck rubbing against me.

Gosh! Why had I never known before that he's capable of doing that to me?!

Ughh! Practice may be! God knows how many women he had fucked when I was gone!?! This might be the trick that he learnt after fucking them!

And since I wasn't in home, he might have taken his sweet time to do whatever he wanted!

Hah! And yet here, he's trying to use me again. With this behaviour of his, I'm sure that the chic from earlier couldn't satisfy. So, he's now trying to use my body! Hmph! Bastard!

Still, the way he touching, I could feel my inner core was getting heated up and how my womanhood had already started to get wet with each of his breaths falling on my shoulders.

And fuck it! It was taking all of my will power so that I won't just give up and turn around to hug him back and press my front to his front.

What a disgusting shit he is! And how disgustingly horny I'm getting!

I was still cussing in my head when suddenly, his hand that was brushing my arm, came to my chest and started to draw a straight line in the valley of my breasts. And instinctively, I bit my lower lips hard to suppress that moan coming out of my mouth, as he was repeating his movements faster.

I was wearing a smooth silk nighty, which was much similar to wearing nothing when his hand started to fondle my boobs again.

I wanted to suppress the heated feel that was growing faster inside of me with his touches, but that suppression was stimulating me more as finally that moan escaped my lips in a terrific seductive way, "Ahhh~"

And then there we go! I could feel his smirk against my neck that was growing wifer, even though I couldn't see it.

Shit! I bet he already had his own conclusions as now his hands are moving towards the southern part of my body... and it was freaking so slow that I already wanted to cuss out loud. But then his hand suddenly stopped moving as he pinched my waist so hard that I almost cried out in pain.

'What the heck are you doing?' I wanted to ask him that instant when I heard his voice above me which somewhat made me nervous and scared.

"Why are you reacting like this, Rain? Don't you care about my affairs anymore? Or you want to deny our relationship now? Hmm?" He asked as I felt his face nuzzling in between my neck and shoulders, sending me a jolt of electricity inside of me, with those heavy breathes that I had to squeeze my legs together as I could feel my pulse in my womanhood.

Yet, I didn't answer him as I kept myself quiet and pretended to sleep. Well, that was a close call. I had almost given up my 'sleep' for him.

"Raaain, you're just playing hard to get with me, isn't it? You just want to make me reflect on my deeds, aren't you, Rain?"

I felt his tears on my neck, as his hands came up to brush my cheeks and took a long sniff, "Rain, you don't have to do this, please. I regret it now. I regret all of it now and I'm sorry for all of it. So, let's-"

"Alex, if you aren't satisfy with the chic from earlier, I can help you to find another one. So, please, will you stop bothering me? I'm too tired for today to listen to you talking non-sense!" At last I couldn't keep my calm anymore and said those words with my eyes closed.

Regret And Sorry? He's regretting? He's sorry? Is he even listening to what he's saying himself? A guy like him can even feel regrets and sorry....! Hah! What a Joke!

I was still in my thoughts when suddenly, he retracted himself from my body and shoved off my quilt that was covering me, and harshly turned me on my back.

What the heck?

My eyes flew open in rage as I was about to burst on him, when I met a pair of intimidating eyes that belonged to none other than this trash Alex.

"Your heart changed, didn't it? Who is he?" He asked as he hit the side of the bed with a great force and then I felt him clenching the bed sheet hard, near my pillow.

But I was confused about what he was even saying, "What, what are you trying to say?" I asked as I felt all the nerves in me were tensing up with his sudden outburst. What does he mean by 'Who is he?'....

"Oh! So, you won't pretend to sleep anymore, huh? My Actress?"

He taunted me sarcastically and what came next was that creepy smile of his that made my heart thump loudly against my chest as a part of me got scared.

The room wasn't fully dark and so I could partially see his expressions. So, when he gave that creepy smile to me, I felt my blood rushing to my brain.

If anyone ever asks me what I fear the most, then the answer would be this. This smile of Alex scares me the most.

"Wha- what are you pla-"

My sentence remained unfinished when suddenly Alex grabbed the collar of my nighty and ripped it apart, stunning me completely as my naked self was completely exposed to his hungry eyes.

"What the-" I pushed him a little away from me as I wanted to sit up.

But he grabbed my hands as he restricted my movements and pinned me down. And then his lips met mine. He began to suck them hard as if he wanted to make my lips bleed and drink my blood from there.

He bit my lips harshly as he started to rub his lower body against mine. And I could feel myself going weak and wetter against him.

But... I couldn't lose control of myself!

No! I won't let this happen! I won't be trapped in this fake love anymore! I won't let him use me or my body.

So I started to struggle hard in his deadly grip. But his grip became tighter with my struggle so since no option was left anymore, I decided to use that ulterior move.

I relaxed a little in his tight hold as I gathered all of my strength in my leg. And I was about to hit his crotch when he suddenly left one of my hands and grabbed my prepared leg. He stopped his forceful invasion of me as he looked at me accusingly with bloodshot eyes.

"What? Why are you resisting me? Why are you ignoring me? What the heck is actually going on? Who... Who took my place in your heart? Who took it?" His raged voice echoed in my room as his nails dug in my limbs, as I cried out in pain.

"Ahhh! Alex! It hurts! Leave me! It hurts!"

Alex instantly relaxed his hold on me as my pain eased a little, but didn't let go of me. Instead, he shifted and laid on me as he pinned two of my small hands in his one large hand and cupped my face with his other one.

"Tell me, Baby. Tell me that you love me. You only have me in your heart and no one else. Tell me that what I am thinking is just my imagination and nothing else. Tell me, please!"

He again used that soft voice in a coaxing manner. But I just couldn't understand how the hell did I end up being the one having an affair when he's the unfaithful one here.

My trail of thoughts broke when suddenly I felt an extreme pain on my jaw as my eyes met a pair of dangerous eyes, scaring the hell out of me, as a thought appeared in my head, scaring me further.

Alex.... he's a psycho! He's really a Psycho!

I'm starting to feel scared and helplessness. My survival instincts had already started to kick in as I started to struggle as hard as possible, but the increasing pressure on my wrists and jaw was making it worse.


It took me a lot of effort to utter that single word as my jaw was being held in a painful grip by him.

But he didn't reply to me or loosen his deadly hold like before. Instead he stuck out his tongue and gave a long wet lick on my face, from the side of my chin to the side of my forehead.

Well, I didn't know why but instead of getting disgusted I felt my womanhood started to leak my juices.

I felt his hand leaving my wrists and started to move downwards, touching all of my skin from my upper body to the lower one, before settling on my thighs. And then again, his hands started to move higher from my thighs and settled near my only underwear that was covering my womanhood as my nipples tightened in ecstasy. My mouth was also filled with my saliva as I had to gulp it all down in me, to keep myself firm.

"Ale-" I wanted to stop him but again he cut off my words.

"Rain, my dear Rain, you're mine. Do you understand? You're only mine and just mine. Whether it's your heart, your mind, your body or your soul, everything about you is mine. You should know this Rain, that you, Rain, can only belong to me, Alex and no one else. And if I ever find-"

"Then what, Alex?" I finally lost all of my pretense as I don't know from where I got that strength as I freed myself and pushed him away from me, hard.

How dare he declared his possessiveness on me? How dare he? Who gave him that right? After what he had, how could he just become possessive of me? Animal!

When I pushed him away, Alex looked at me in rage yet in confusion.

I couldn't believe myself as only now did I have a clear idea of what he was actually saying earlier. This trash actually thinks I'm cheating on him, when he's the cheater and player here. He's the adulterer here not me!

All of my calmness was gone, only my anger was left.

"Huh? Then what? How dare you say such words to me? How dare you?" I hit his chest hard, even though it was my hand that was hurting after hitting him, "When I used to do the same to you, have you ever considered my feelings? When I told you to stop making out with other chics, did you stop? No! You didn't! You always did whatever you wanted! You constantly kept on hurting me and my feelings. So, what if I have someone else in my heart now? So, what if I also fuck other men like how you- ahhh!"

I couldn't finish my sentence when a harsh slap fell on my face, turning me a little downwards. I looked up again with my gritted teeth and was ready to charge at my abuser when he grabbed me by my hair.

And that was so painful that I almost thought I would become bald with a bloody head.

"Who is it in your heart, huh? Who is it? Hmm? You want to have sex with some other men, huh? How dare you even have that thought? You're mine, Rain. Since the day we got together, you're mine. No one can have you, except me. And if anyone ever does," His hands tightened around my hair as he brought his face near mine and grabbed my jaw tightly with his other hand as he continued, "Then I'll make sure he never survives till the next day to breathe again!"

As his last sentence was spoken out, he harshly pushed me back on the bed as he cupped my breasts so hard that I almost screamed.

His mouth took mine in as he started to devour it. He harshly penetrated his tongue in me, as he explored each and every part of my mouth before starting to get entangled with my tongue.

And even though I should be hating it, that feeling and his dominance was making me feel so good, despite the pain.

Both of us knew, that I am a masochist, but to be in this level, I never thought so. I was never like this. This Alex made me like what I'm now. He changed me completely, made me a masochist, his masochist. I couldn't help but started to shed my tears, as I could no longer stop them from flowing.

And how could I form words on my mind when he's treating me like a lifeless thing?! Still, it was making me crave more of him, when he abruptly stopped and moved away from me.

He settled his face in between my neck as he let go of my boobs and wrapped his arms around me.

And surprisingly, he hugged me tighter yet started to caress my body parts as if I was a special antique that needed his care to keep me going on, and my pain from earlier would go away with his soft touches.

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm so sorry, Rain!"

Suddenly I heard his nasal voice and soon I could feel the wetness slipping from my shoulders to a part of my back and then disappearing.

"I-I didn't mean to be like that. But- but I don't want to lose you, Rain. You left me for two weeks and didn't even contact me for once. I was feeling so... so desperate to hear your voice, even if it was for once. Each day, I would wake up with a hope that you would contact me or reply to my messages, but you didn't. You didn't. I didn't even realize, that our roles were interchanged without me knowing. You used to text me or call me other times, but I used to ignore you. Now, when I was doing the same, I felt so devastated. I was scared all the time, Rain. I was scared that your feelings would fade away after not seeing me for days and you would leave me. Each minute, Each second, I was scared that you'll never return to me. Never," as he said his arms around me tightened as if he was afraid I would run away that instant. Well, a part of me really wanted to.

He continued as he planted a kiss on my cheek, "And now when you came back to the house, to our house, you didn't even give me a single glance. You didn't even react after seeing me with someone else like you always did. Instead you gave me your cold shoulder. You kept on ignoring me when you weren't really sleeping, Rain. I was scared. I really was. For a moment, I-I even thought that you had found someone else while you were away, so that you could have the type of man of your dreams. And that mere thought makes me crazy like that. I-I didn't mean to hurt you, Rain. I really didn't mean to. I just don't want to lose you again, Rain. This past two weeks were already enough for me, enough for us. So, pleaseee, Rain, come back to me. I promise, I really promise to be the perfect man of your desire and dreams. I'll love you so so much, that you'll never think of the idea to leave me, again, Rain."

He said as he brushed my cheeks softly and caressed them lightly.