

"Don't tell anyone about the mark and, Lopez company should not have the product. More importantly, the name of the product would be, CURB PLASTER." Daveryl stand up while talking.

His first target was to make the Lopezes bacome crazy about the drug by its name. The reason is, Cedric knows the name he planned to put on the Medicine project he did, with the help of his father's friend.

"Lopez? But I thought Jobel is your friend?" Ivan asked in disbelief.

Daveryl turned to Ivan. "Doc, sometimes, you have to be closer to your enemy to plan your next step. Why would I be friends with the person who killed my parents?" He raised his brows while talking to the doctor who is now stunned.

Ivan blinked a few more times before speaking. "T-That, surprised me. I didn't see any signs of your hatred towards him. So I thought you're really his friends." Ivan unbelievably dropped himself on the edge of the bed.