

"99 over 100. He didn't answer the last question." The announcer said.

If everyone was stunned, Jobel burst out laughing. Ricky Sebastian, is indeed a genius according to the news 28 years ago. He researched about the man when he found out that he was the one who now owned the body of former Daveryl Ortega.

His father, Cedric, is such a fool because he even released someone like Ricky. If he was in his father's position before, he might have married Ricky Sebastian.

"What an idiot." Jobel thought to himself.

A few moments later, his phone vibrates. Daveryl texted.

"Im on my to the location."

Jobel smiled and type to reply. "Got it! I'm coming there too. " He said.

Carrying his school bag, he simply left the classroom and headed for the back of the classroom. In truth, he was very nervous. After what happened between the two of them, it was only now that they would talk seriously. He just hope that everything goes well.