
Wedding Reception ( 1 )

Early in the morning, a make-up artist had come to dress Dila. Today was Dila and Bara's wedding reception. Dila was not happy with this marriage. How will she undergo this loveless marriage? She felt guilty because he still thought of Fatih, her idol.

Dila daydreams a lot during the make-up session. A make-up artist named Radit had been asking her to chat, but Dila didn't pay attention to it.

Dila's thoughts drifted away to other places. Fatih was always in her heart and mind. What would Fatih do if he found out that she could not keep their promise? Dila was married to someone else.

At the reception this time, Dila wore a large gold suntiang (head ornament).

Suntiang in the Minang tradition symbolized the weight of the responsibilities that a woman will carry after marriage.

Suntiang was decorated with jasmine flower garlands. There was a myth about jasmine flowers on the left and right of suntiang. If the jasmine flowers were still fresh until the evening after the reception, it meant that the bride was still pure or still a virgin.

Dila looked beautiful in traditional Minang clothes and suntiang. She looked different and stunning. She was used to dressing up but used natural make-up. This time the make-up was thick enough to make it last until the afternoon.

Before Bara and Dila were juxtaposed in the aisle, there was a customary process that must be carried out by the bride, namely the marapulai manjapuik procession (to pick up the groom).

According to customary provisions, in picking up the groom the bride must bring three mandatory items, namely first complete betel which was arranged in a carano (betel box), second in the form of a complete outfit that will be worn by the groom; the third was yellow rice, singgang ayam, and complementary side dishes, accompanied by several cakes as souvenirs.

Bara was dressed in Roki's clothes that were brought by Dila's elders and ninik mamak. Bara was like a king for one day because wearing Minang clothes was not as easy as it seemed.

After Bara wore the wedding dress, the elders and ninik mamak of both parties brought Bara to attend a reception at Dila's house. Bara was accompanied by two pasumandan (bridesmaids) who wore small sunting like a bride.

When Bara's family had arrived at Dila's residence, there will be a reception from Dila's family.

The welcoming ceremony was carried out lively. The festivity of this welcoming ceremony was also often referred to as the grand wedding event, marked by the installation of colorful flag banners along the road around the bride's house. Accompanied by traditional Minang music, namely talempong and gandang tabuik, the groom's entourage was greeted with a traditional galombang dance, covered with oversized umbrellas in yellow gold, and a sprinkling of yellow rice.

Dila, assisted by a relative, came down from the aisle to welcome her husband. Then they both walked to the aisle and sat side by side.

Dila pretended to smile seeing Bara. She remembered Naura's words that as a wife you have to be nice to your husband. Never show a sour face.

Bara also tried to smile and be as friendly as possible. The man remembered Dian's words. He had to be nice to Dila.

The bride and groom acted stiff even though they have the status of husband and wife. If they were lovers they would have blushed and would never stop complimenting each other.

Dila and Bara stood up to greet the guests. A group of friends from Dila's office came together. Dila's reception changed to be like an MBC bank office. They kept giving praise to Dila.

Dila was very beautiful and charming. Her face was increasingly similar to one of the Indonesian artists, Raline Shah.

Previously they ate the food that had been served. They ate heartily. Today's menu was rendang, soy sauce chicken, kapau vegetables, salted fish with green lado sauce, jerky, crackers, pickles, gado-gado. The menu for the boarding house was Soto Padang, satay Padang. And for dessert, there were pandanus pancakes, sarikayo lamak rice, lamang tapai, and the drink with bridal eye ice.

The food at Dila's reception was mouthwatering and made people hungry. The menu all tasted good. The guests ate heartily because the food was delicious.

After eating, Dila's colleagues marched to the aisle to greet Dila. Mr. Satria as the branch head led the way to greet Dila.

"Congratulations Dila and Bara. Isn't Dila's husband running for the House of Representatives?" Mr Satria glanced at Bara and Dila.

Dila was a little surprised and didn't know if Bara is running for council member during the election some time ago. Dila was a little embarrassed as a wife because she didn't know about her husband. How would Dila care if she only had Fatih in her heart?

"Yes sir. So, you know. Thank you for coming, sir," said Bara as friendly as possible.

"You're welcome, Bara. Dila is a lucky bearer. If possible, after you get married you'll get present as you win the election. If you win, don't forget the MBC bank. This is a little gift from MBC bank for you," Mr. Satria glanced at his secretary behind him.

Mr. Satria's secretary gave him a paper bag. Mr. Satria took out two sunglasses and put them on Dila and Bara.

"This is just a modern bride. When will the bride and groom start wearing glasses like this, only Dila and Bara," said Mr. Satria after putting on the glasses?