

Baa dum!

  Baa dum!

  One man was running with happiness drawn in his face. He remembered in the past where someone had told him,

  "Go meet with Bara, he will wait you in room 302."

  But as he walked quickly towards the destination, he remembered something that led him to mutter,

  'That lady, she is much stronger than her look!'

  Thus, one man was stayed in a luxurious room, listening to a phone call that said,

  "He is on the way to your room now."

  "Got this. Thank you, Dian." He replied while closing the phone.

  He looked at his wine, reflecting someone who opened the door and yelled,


  "Close the door, Egi." Bara demanded to Egi while he closed the door abruptly as soon as his former lover had asked so.

  Egi did not dare himself to challenge the man who sat in the gallant chair, drinking a glass of wine while, at the same time, looked at him with a classy but fierce glare.