
Cross Is James Cousin

"Thank you." I took a gulp of champagne from my second glass, remembering that I'd planned on expressing gratitude for the dress. While I still appreciated the gift, I was no longer so happy about the convenient thigh slit.

Ellie stepped forward, catching my elbow. One look at my face and she knew I was upset. I shook my head, not wanting to get into it now.

"More champagne, then?" she asked softly.


I felt James approaching before I saw my father's face light up. He, too, seemed to straighten and gather himself.

"Emmy." James set his hand on the bare skin of my lower back and a shock of awareness moved through me. When his fingers flexed against me, I wondered if he felt it, too. "You ran off."

I stiffened against the reproof I heard in his tone. I shot him a look that said everything I couldn't while we were in public. "Dad, have you met James Thomson?"

"Yes, of course." The two men shook hands.