
Two Years Later

September XX, 2018. Its fall in Orlando and the leaves are still green, flourishing and vibrant.

The birds are enjoying the warmth on their backs as some sun bathe in the sun light.

The city is bustling with citizens and tourist. Most have on shorts and toes and some have even prepared to head to the beach.

On this hot fall morning a new black Maserati pulls into the parking garage of Accutect. A tall, strong and handsome guys steps out wearing a black shirt, black Versace suit and shoes. Matter of fact every piece of clothing on him is from Versace. He even has on Versace's Pour Homme, because the box is black. This guy is oozing with charm and sex appeal.

He walks to the elevator and meets his secretary. She greets him and inform him on his day.

The elevator stops on the twenty fourth floor and they step out. He ask her for a cup of black coffee and sits at his desk.

The secretary knocks on the door and comes in with the cup if coffee. " President Kim, you have a phone call on line one. It's the President of "M Box." His secretary Shaun said.

" Thank you. You may leave now." Dontae replied. Before taking the call he took a few sips of his coffee and closed his eyes to mediate for a few minutes.

Two years ago after his arrest. Dontae was sent to a mental health facility for three days. Afterwards he started to see a therapist to help him get over his anger and desire for Amari. In the end he has become more aggressive, cold, arrogant and work has become a main priority.

He also had a private detective to look for Amari secretly, because she is the one love he will never get over.

Before he hired a private detective, he went to California for a while to search for her. He searched all the hospitals and clinics and came up with nothing.

He took up MMA fighting. He said it was another form of exercise and it helped him relieve his anger and stress.

He picked up the phone after three minutes. "Donaldson, what is it this time?" He said coldly.

" I just wanted to invite you to my pool party this weekend. There will be a lot of hot girls there and we can also discuss business." Mr. Donaldson replied in a humorous tone.

" Discussing business at a pool party? What type of a person are you? Who do you think I am? I don't do business in that manner. And being around scheming b**ches doesn't entice me." Dontae replied annoyed.

" You're no fun. Then let's go to Lei Dove on the thirtieth.?" Mr. Donaldson asked.

" Set that up with my secretary. I'm very busy, so you'd have to make an appointment two weeks in advance."

" Fine. Whatever. Are you coming to the pool party or what?"

" I'll be there. I'm in need of body contact."

" But I thou-"

" I'm not planning to stay there all day. I just want to get layed a few times and leave."

" Alright! See you Saturday!" Mr. Donaldson said happily and hung up the phone.

Dontae leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. The night before he was in a bar with Timothy, Markus and Antonio playing pool when a pretty, hot and tempting young lady walked passed them.

It didn't take Dontae long to get her number. They met up at a three star hotel and enjoyed a wild night of passion. He woke up early this morning and left two hundred dollars on the side table.

There was a buzz coming from his intercom "President Kim, the 9:30 am meeting will start in fifteen minutes and CEO Kim would like to see you in his office right away." His secretary said.

" Okay. Thanks Shaun." He replied.

Two minutes later he opened the door to his office and headed toward the elevator. He had files in his hand for the meeting. He got on the elevator and pressed the number twenty five. He was headed to the twentyfith floor to see his dad.

He stepped off the elevator and saw Mr. Kim talking to his secretary Ms. Shaw. Mr. Kim turned his head and looked at Dontae while still talking to her. " Also, please have the "Prime" contract on my desk before I get back from the meeting." Mr. Kim said.

" Yes sir Mr. Kim." She replied.

He motioned Dontae into his office with a stern look in his eyes. He asked him to sit down on the couch be cause whatever he had to tell him was very serious.

" The Tokyo office is up and running. We have very trustworthy and reliable people there to run the office. So, Inu...." He paused for a moment and continued " Inu will be coming back to this office next month."

Anger grew in Dontae's eyes. He couldn't control his emotions. " Do you even remember what she did? What she caused? All the hurt and pain she brought? I hate her. Why can't she just stay over there forever. Why bring this person back into our lives? He asked angrily.

" I think she learned her lesson. Besides, she has a boyfriend she's bringing back with her. So, she won't be after you or bothering you." Mr. Kim said with concern.

" I don't care dad. She could be lying about having a boyfriend. She's good at that."

" I know, but I also had her to sign a contract that if she caused trouble to you, the family or the business. She will be fired immediately and she will be sued."

" I dont care about that and she doesn't either."

" Well, I can't continue to punish her."

" Whatever. Just keep her away from me."

" I wanted to give you a heads up on this. Are you okay with this arrangement?"

" No, but it doesn't matter what I think or how I feel about this whole situation. You're the boss."

Dontae stood up and walked towards the door and stopped. " If she pulls anything. I dont care if it's big or small, I will fire her immediately." He said and stormed out of his father's office.

Oh, oh. Trouble is brewing and Inu is the barista.