
The Chosen Bride

"YES THAT'S WHAT I SEE," she insisted. "I just noticed a while ago that Jacob's eyes are much fuller and with appreciation when he's looking at you."

She stared at her without being able to say anything. She began to feel uneasy, especially when she remembered something together with the man, the content of their tidbits.

"Earlier when he arrived," Ashley continued. "He immediately asked me about you. I'm sorry, I confessed to him that you planned to run away. And I thought you two got along well because you came in together... "

"Don't make a joke like that. I' don't like it, Ash. I don't want another problem..."

"Well, I thought of that when I saw you together. It would be a big issue when grandma found out. Also, stop that champagne. It's not good for your baby. Oh, my. They looked like they were arguing.

She followed Ashley's eyes. She caught sight of Alissa's hand landed on Jacob's cheek. She quickly turned around, facing Ashley. Her palm flew across her chest in shock. She seemed to want to get away after what she witnessed.

"Drop dead," Ashley voiced out in a whisper.

She heard it. Their eyes locked as she faced her.

"It looks vague..."

"Which?" She inquired. Ashley's eyes were rounded, but no words came from her lips. She was startled when someone snatched the chalice from her hand.

"J-Jacob..." she said as she looked at the guy beside her now.

"Let's get out of here," he said formally. He quietly handed the chalice to Ashley. He was holding her hand. "Excuse us, Ashley."

"Go ahead. Don't mind me." She replied, smiling.

"Let me go. I don't want to go anywhere--"

"Shut up and follow me, or I'll carry you out of here."

Ashley was stunned by what the man said to her sister. Her eyes followed the two disappeared into the garden.

"I SAID, let me go," Angeline demanded when they were out of sight. "What happened? Why did Alissa slap you? "She immediately asked. The redness of his left cheek was still noticeable.

"I told her I'm choosing you to be my wife," Jacob said directly. Gazing at her. "She has her agenda for this evening-"

"W-wait a minute..." she interrupted. "Did I hear you right? You want me to be your wife? Did you choose me? "Her voice was fuming with rage.

When he nodded and extended his hand, she avoided it. She moved away to keep her distance. She occupied the bench made of concrete.

She tried to calm herself. "Why didn't you tell me when we talked earlier?"

"I didn't want to shock you. Besides, I thought you knew-"

"Are you nuts?" Her voice was a little high-pitched. "I thought you were aiming for Alissa, so I didn't ask before."

"Why did you think she was the one I would marry?"

"Didn't you court her before? "

Jacob shrugged, scowling, then he started to laugh. "Now, that is big news to me, sweetheart. I'm not sure why you're thinking in that direction. We're just friends. I never courted her. And I have always clarified, though indirectly, that I only consider her a friend. I even helped when your granny cut her allowance. But never visited wherever she was staying."

She looked at him for a while. Then she turned away. There was a moment of silence between them.

"Hear me out, alright? I want to make it clear between us. I want to marry you, Angeline."

"Aren't you stupid?" She glared at him before walking briskly away from him and biting the nail of her thumb. Restless and helpless.

"Yes. Sometimes, I am," Jacob replied coldly. His hand rubbed his hair downward. "But not what I've declared just now. I'm serious about it. "

"B-but... why me?" she yelled angrily, facing him. "You don't mean it. You can't marry me, Jacob. Please, not I. My life is already messy to take part in my grandma's antics idea."

"I'm sorry... but I decided before this party, Angeline."

"I am not, Jacob. I have no intention of marrying you or anyone my grandma chooses. Alissa should be the one. What is the difference between us when everything is just an arranged marriage? "

"I know you better than your sisters. And our acquaintance has come a lot farther than with Alissa. Do I need to remind you of that night on the beach?"

She could not stop her cheeks from warming as she knew too well what he was referring to and what happened between them.

"You do remember," a smile played on his lips. "You could be my wife a long time ago if I didn't stop that night-"

"Please..." she said, looking away. "Can we not talk about what's in the past?"

"Neither do I, sweetheart. I'm just trying to make a point..."

"But it's impossible for that to happen. I guarantee you that it won't work with me." She met his probing eyes. "I just can't, Jake... I don't want..."

"I'm sorry..." he said after a while. "But out of curiosity, give me one good valid reason why we should not..."

"Should there be a reason?" She said while thinking about how to get through it. "You would be better with Alissa-"

"Don't toy with me, Angeline. Convince me why I shouldn't lest I give in. It's between you and me. Do not push me with any of your sisters."

She licked her dry lips. Avoid looking at Jacob when she talks. "I'm... there's someone I'm involved with, the father of my coming baby. I'm pregnant, Jacob... "

Jacob's lips quivered but not shocked at all.

"Is Tristan the father? Are you two still seeing each other even though he married Tefie?"

"What?" She felt indignation hearing that blatant accusation. "What made you think that he is the father? Who do you think he is, unforgettable?"

"I don't know... you tell me..." he stared in a way, challenging her." The truth is always the best to hear."

"As if you're going to believe me without a doubt," she said heavily. "And believe whatever you make happy. I haven't seen Tristan since that day in your house. I was out of the country after that incident on the beach."

"Right, I knew it. That's where you are good at, escape than facing the issue."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Whatever you think, Angeline. Then tell me, is it true what I found out that your boyfriend has no intention of taking responsibility?"

She was speechless for a moment.

"Are you really pregnant?"