
A Spectre Visitor

BUT Angeline was so surprised when she approached the siblings. Her husband's hand rested on her waist as if nothing had happened.

His eyes were smiling, glanced at her like inspecting her face, and then felt his hand tighten around her waist.

"Are you okay?" Jacob asked.

She nodded at once, smiling at her husband, then looked at her sister-in-law.

"Isn't it too early in the morning visitation? You just gave birth..." She remarked, looking at Stefanie wearing a white furry bathrobe, and inside was a pair of pajamas in pinkish color.

"Yes, but I don't feel like I just gave birth," Stefanie justified, followed by laughter. "I didn't even feel any pain during my labor. I felt light as well."

"Did you take Ethan's blood?"