

Brandon Nguyen, University Freshman, living by himself in Southern California. The year is 2018, life seem to be aimless. With no clear goal for his life, Brandon sole joy everyday in life is to login to his favorite MMORPG, Yggdrasil. p.s: Writing to pass the time. English is my second language. feel free to comment on my English as well as writing.

MtHugeBook · 奇幻
16 Chs

Guess Who Lost His Security Deposit

Hong..Hong..Hong...the sound of buzzing light start to sound across the room. one by one, the flat LED screen start to lid up. The cover the entire room with bright white light.

"Stick to our plan" Edragon "Good luck everyone"

We immediately split up our party. Mr. Stark stay on the High Judge and prevent him from attacking out group. He change to an entirely new armor that is 8 foot high, equipped with multiple rocket launcher and flamethrower. He even change up the color scheme of the armor, resembling his classic Iron-man suit. I think it strangely resembling the Hulkbuster Suit he wore in the movie Age of Ultron.

Stark engage the High Judge in close combat and occasionally shoot rockets at him when he attempt to join up with one of his helpers. Meanwhile, V and I are making quick work with the Clerk.

Just as Edragon has found out, the Clerk is a support mage type that is the weakest among the three bosses. He is wearing a fully black tailcoat tux. together with top hat, gold cane, and monocle, as well as having a smiling mask, cover his entire face.

Hestia single-handedly "evaporate" the Bailiff. Yes, I did not say it wrong. She Evaporated him. The Bailiff was a Physical Tank type of enemies that is weak against magic. When asked by Edragon if she can handle him by herself, she scoff and said that she only need a moment. It didn't even take her 5 minutes. I couldn't even take a good look at the Bailiff before he became ash.

After both the Clerk and the Bailiff was taken care of, we all turn our attention to the Judge. He was getting more and more angry as both of his supporter was annihilated. Thus, he begin to waving his arm and summon his battle armor.

The High Judge has a very Priest like costume that look like a Priest or Bishop gown. It was all White with many gold and diamond decorative around it. His face was cover by an Iron mask with only his eyes was visible. And both his arms are covered by metal gauntlet.

As he start to wave his hand, a massive giant Mechanical Robot breakthrough the floor and hold him up with its right hand. The thing is massive. It is as 5 time bigger than Stark armor that he is wearing right now. It look no different than any normal Automated Giant Robot except it have no head and there is a pilot sit that look like a throne in the middle if its body.

The High Judge sit down on his "throne" as the giant machine start firing all of its guns and rockets at us. Just as We planed, we all gather in the middle of the room as Hestia and Venerable White block all the incoming attack toward us. Hestia destroy every energy and magical attack with her magic and Venerable White block all of the incoming physical projectile as he conjure a white dome around us. This tactic only worked for us because we have both of these. Apparently, at this point in the battle, we supposed to scatter across the room so that the Robot cannot focuses all of its fire power at all of us while we try to survive the attack. But since we have these two, we can block the entire attack all at once in order to launch a counter attack immediately afterward.

After firing for a full 5 minutes, the Robot stopped and seem to get in the state of overload. This is where we launch our all out attack against the Judge.

V and I Jump on the Judge, while Stark and Hestia demolish the Giant Robot. The Robot is overheated so it just took all the damage from Hestia and Stark. It was a given that it did not last long.

As V and I constantly attacking him, the Judge jump out of the Robot and began to have a fit of rage. He start screaming as we saw multiple Mechanical Tentacle Arms emerge from his back.

Edragon learned that these are his last resort. each tentacles act just like the heads of the Golden Hydra we fought before. They start shooting laser beam at us with different magical elements while the Judge continues screaming non stop.

These are his final phase. He is losing health point as he attacking us. As long as we can avoid all of his attack until his health reach zero, we will win.

Suddenly, the room start to tremble as the light began to turning off. The entire room was covered in darkness, and non of us could see a thing.

I can almost feel the laser beam almost hitting my character. It must be my imagination, but I swear I could feel the heat that is coming for my head.

In a split second, Stark shoot his own Light Beam from his armor toward the roof. The light energy beam break though the ceiling and shatter it. As I began to slowly see the entire room wall slowly crumble and revealing the night sky, I saw one of Edragon Shield Shadow blocking the multiple laser that is firing right at me.

"Thank you Edragon"

"You are very welcome" He reply as he giving a faint smile.

As the Judge gave his final scream, He falling down to his knee and drop completely on the floor. The Iron Mask that he wore falling off revealing his face. an old, wrinkle face of an old man with most of his hair has fallen off. Listening to his voice I would have thought that he was a man in his prime, yet now his face look like he is over 90 years old. It seem like he is just an old man, lost in his heyday and refuse to giving up the glory of his past.

The sound of the Raid completion begin sounding as the message that we clear the Raid appear in my screen.

Suddenly, what could only be describe as a Dark Blue Portal appear in front of the Judge pedestal.

"The Tesseract is reacting to it" Stark said

"I wonder what will this lead" I said in expectation. What could this be? Is this a portal to a different Universe? What will happen if my character go through it? all of these question appear in my head.

Unexpectedly, out of nowhere, I hear a mysterious voice that we never heard before.

"Let's see where this lead, shall we?" the voice whisper in my ear from behind. As i turn my back to look, I can feel someone pushing me toward my my desk. In a loud Bang, everything go black. My head begin to hurt. I cannot hear anything or see anything. Slowly, i lost my consciousness.


At that point, In Brandon room, He is no where to be seen. A small explosion was heard right before his disappearance. The desk here he often seen playing on his computer is now broken in half. The computer case seem to have an explosion and most of its inside was burned black or missing. One of his roommate was startle by the explosion and called the fire department. Luckily, there was no one injure. Unluckily, Brandon will have a mess of a room when he get back. If he ever get back.

Funny how one day its "we going to cut everyone hours in half because of Corona" and the next its "Can you help out in these shift because we dont have enough people willing to work durring the outbreak"

MtHugeBookcreators' thoughts