
What Should Be Done

The mayor is slumbering inside. As I head out, I can see an uneasy villager staring at space. Watching the countless stars.

"You are part of the army, aren't you?"

[What do you mean?]

"I'm a hunter. If there is one thing, I know is to observe footprints."

[How is it related?]

"There is a lot you can guess about monsters looking at the way they walk. For instance, it's possible to guess if they have a leader based on it. A leader implies some degree of intelligence. In such a case, better to stay far away. Unless the hunter wants to become the prey."

[Such skill should bring opportunities, no?]

"*Sigh*Not really. What use is knowing danger if we cannot do anything about it."

I see. I was expecting this place to be like any other town. Or perhaps it is. Maybe only resourceful people even manage to survive here?

"Anyway, that's how I know. Between the two of you. You are the leader. He is the follower. That girl, she did the wrong thing by angering you. I just want to know what will happen to us. Slavery or death? Actually, both most likely, right?"

[That is a bleak outlook on life, isn't it?]

"I'd rather call myself realistic. There is no point dreaming about what cannot be."

[I heard from the mayor. About why you guys did these sacrifices. What do you think of it all?]

"Group madness, that's what it is!"

[Oh? So you didn't participate?]

"No, I did. I was one of the first ones that wanted to give my life."

[Why are you still alive then?]

"Because they needed my skills. A tracker is always useful."

[So you weren't hoping too?]

"Sometimes even the most pessimists need hope. On that note, have a good night. For now, I will note the outcome as both slavery and death."

A man that easily talks about such fate as if normal. I'm not sure what to think of it all. Just as I'm about to go back to the inn the soldier runs out. He is out of breath and clearly hurried.

[Hey there, what's up?]

"There you are, Sir! I've been looking everywhere for you and…"

[Here I am, is there something happening?]

"There is something weird about this town!"


"We should leave now and…"

[Just say it.]

"*Whisper* This place doesn't appear on the list of places to defend. Meaning they are not our citizens at all. They must be plotting something."

[Apparently, they hid a criminal a while back and got punished.]

"Ah! That would explain it. Still, that's weird…"

[What is?]

"How is the village still standing then? Think about it, without the county's protection… How are they even alive?! They must be hiding something."

Is this how these people see life? Easily expendable?! I do believe most of the villagers were initially innocent. They were ready to confess to murder without batting an eye. Yet none accepted responsibility for protecting the criminal. It could be a trick too, but that's not the feeling I'm getting.

[So letting them all die is fine?]

"Of course, Sir! They are poor and untalented."

How to disregard human life.

[So you don't care about saving the people inhabiting this land?]

"I do care, just not about these freeloaders."

[Tell me, how is the Green County's status across the Empire?]

"T-the lowest, Sir."

That's good to know.

[Do you know why?]

"No Sir!"

[Because you guys don't even have the power to protect all of your lands.]

"That's not true we…"

[You guys failed to turn this place into anything worthwhile. Instead, you are simply letting this place slowly die. Letting it remain useless.]

"Ah! You are right, Sir! They should all become slaves."

[*Sigh* That's not what I'm saying either.]

I want to give the villagers a chance. I won't help directly. I'm against mindless charity. Giving money or food for a day is useless long-term. I'll let them fight for their future. Now, how do I explain this to this guy? I do have an idea.

"Then what are you planning, Sir?"



[I'll tame them.]

"Y-you mean?!"


"How is this possible?!"

[Why wouldn't it be?]

"Because there is no way this will work! They are human!"


Not like I'm serious about this aspect anyway. He is looking at me like I am his idol or something haha. How nice. Still, I'm not sure I agree with how things work here from the little I have seen. Evil cultists are supposed to do so for world domination. Now even villagers choose the dark side for protection.

[For now, you can go back to bed. I'll start this tomorrow.]

He bows and leaves me alone. That is when my rat friend comes nearby.

[You heard our conversation, right?]


He seems to be hesitant about something.

[What is it?]

"It's just I can't believe it."

[Believe what?]

"People usually pursue power to dominate others."


"Yet you are clearly different my lord. You are thinking about even the lowly ones. Trying to figure out how they feel."

I can't help but give a self-deprecating smile.

[That is the least I can do after what happened.]

"You killed that girl, right?"


"Even if she had her circumstances, it doesn't change anything. She should take responsibility for her actions. Most would never even think about the weaklings they killed. This is the natural order."

[Then I'm not most. A world like this sounds depressing, to be honest.]

"I need to admit something."

[What is it?]

"At first I followed you out of debt."

[At first?]

"Yes, I now believe you are worth serving."

[Thanks, but I'm just a normal guy.]

"I'm just a normal rat then."

I can't help but chuckle. There we are human and rat laughing softly. Then we head to bed.

I keep thinking all night. Thinking about my plans. Thinking about this world. Thinking about if I did the right choice.

I could have perhaps saved her. Maybe she was redeemable. I have no idea. What is done is done. *Sigh*

In the morning the inn owner is awaiting us. He cooked us a simple egg and toast breakfast. How long has it been since I've eaten? I can't help but become excited.

As I bite into my food, I can feel the yolk exploding inside my mouth. Comes an explosion of savor. This is so damn good! I can't help but savor it. This is bliss. I know this body doesn't need food. I don't care. This is the best!

"S-sir, are you alright?!"

I look at the soldier puzzled. That is when I realize I've been crying tears of joy. Oh well. I slowly get up.

Then I get to the center of the town. I use magic to amplify my voice.


What is right and what is wrong?

Who knows. *Sigh*

Zombiecreators' thoughts