

Something weird was going on with James. I texted him about a week ago and he responded but very short and quick. Our conversations were normally paragraphs long, going back and forth about almost everything. I knew college was a lot but I couldn't help but wonder if maybe I did something for him to be mad at me.

"Hey, you ready?"

"Yeah, ready to go."

Today, during chemistry we found out about a project that was going to be due after break. Only one more day left until then. Kiki and I just have to get through tomorrow and then we are done for two whole weeks! This was our spring break. Well, kind of. Every year they have this break before spring break to get us ready for spring break. Sounds crazy I know but, it really does help. Especially since midterms are coming up soon. It helps to relieve some of the stress.

Kiara and I decided that she would drive today. We both got in the car and headed over to her house. As well pulled up we noticed a strange car in the driveway.

"Ok, that is weird?"

"Wait, didn't your dad get a new car?"

"Yeah, he did but not a ford truck"

That was not any Ford truck. It was an F-150. The one I dreamed of owning myself. It could be customized and the horsepower on that thing was crazy!

Both of us were weary with the strange truck outside Kiara got out and unlocked the door and we walked in together. We heard some sound coming from the living room. Kiara pushed me to go first. Wimp. I was the mom of the two of us. And sometimes it took all of me for her not to get in trouble. I slowly walked forward and my eyes widened at the sight of James sitting on the couch talking on the phone!


James, slightly jarred by my yell, went back to his phone.

"I'm going to have to call you later."

He hung up the phone and stood up to walk over to Kiki and I. Damn, was it just me or did he look even better than when he left.

"I was waiting for you to get home, Kiara. I just didn't know you would have Z with you."

The way he said my name made me swoon. I didn't show it though. That would be completely embarrassing if I did.

"I thought you were never coming home bro," Kiara said with her arms crossed and back turned.

"Well, I thought about it and decided that I couldn't have my little sister be heartbroken over her big bro being gone."

He grabbed her by the wait and spun her around as she yelled for him to put her down. He did so and then walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"And must I say, it is lovely to see you again madam Zarah," he said so smoothly while placing a kiss on my hand. I overdramatized my reaction by placing my hand on my heart and proclaiming,

"Why, it is an honor to see you again sir James. One might have thought I lost myself without you," I said while moving my hand from my heart dramatically to my head. We all started laughing hysterically when in the middle of our laugh fest I heard the sound of high heels coming from the direction of the bathroom. A woman walks with a model-like body. A flat stomach but still with boobs and an ass. She was wearing a pretty form fitting dress that hugged and held her curves in ALL the right place.

"Well what's going on here. I leave for a few minutes and this place turns into a giggle fest," she said in a medium pitched but giggly voice.

I had zero clue who this girl was but she seemed to know both James and Kiara. I straightened myself up and stopped laughing although with James and his laugh continuing made it very hard.

"It's just a little inside joke. One of those you had to be there moments," James says, still trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard. The woman smiled at him before casting a curious glance at me. Her gaze met mine where for a second it was harder and turned into an angry glare before soffenting again once James looked up.

"Well… Aren't you going to introduce me? I already know you sister but who is this little girl?"

Oh hell no. I know this bitch did not just call me a little girl. I mean, who the hell did she think was? His girlfriend or something?

"Oh right! Zarah, this is Cassidy, my girlfriend."

Oh I hate it when I'm right.

"Cassidy, this is Zarah, my sister's best friend, stellar student, and all around fantastic person," he said as he smiled at me. I tried hard not to blush as he complimented me but it became very hard.

She smiled at me and walked over to James who was standing next to me with his arm around my shoulder as he just got done introducing us.she weaseled her way in between us as she grabbed James's arm and looped it with hers as she put her hand out expecting to shake mine.

"Well, it's nice to meet you! I have heard a lot about you! From both Kiara and James! Must be annoying to have your best friend's brother spend so much time with the both of you isn't it?"

The question was directed towards me but James answered before I could even open my mouth.

"Oh no, never! I actually met her before she met my sister."

I must have had a confused look on my face because James soon after began to explain what he meant.

"It's not something you would remember since you were still very young. I was 10years old, which means you were about 6. It was after school when my mom came to pick me up. I ran to her and when I did she introduced me to a woman with her. Mom said she was an old friend of hers. She said she had a daughter about 4 years younger than me and asked if I would like to see her. Not really understanding what was going on I said yes. We walked over to her car, which was right in front of my moms, and she opened the door to this 6 year old with dark brown eyes and chocolate colored skin. Since I was so young I thought this must be what beauty is."

Everyone started laughing while I sat there intrigued by his story. He was right. I didn't remember any of it. After everyone calmed down a little he continued on….

"The woman said that her name was Zarah. Zarah Fabel. She told me that I could call her Z or Fabes"

Fabes. As soon as he said the name I knew exactly who the woman was.

"Baby, this is a wonderful story but who exactly is the woman you're talking about?" Cassidy had a deeply confused look on her face. I admit I was too but probably not for the same reason she was. James smiled as he replied….

"It was her mom. That was the first time I met her. Kiara knew of her I think but they didn't become best friends yet. It was before then and before….." James' voice stopped dead in its tracks. At this point I stopped looking at him. I put my head down, trying to prevent myself from tearing up. I guess James looked up and saw me because he moved in between his girlfriend and myself and a hand on my back and whispered for me to take a deep breath. Judging based on the time frame that James gave, this interaction happened about 7 months before she died. I may have not remembered this interaction but the accident is one I could never forget.

"Ok well, Z and I have a project to get started on so we will be going up stairs now!"

Kiki grabbed my arms and quickly dragged me up the steps. She pulled me into her room and quickly closed the door behind her. Taking a deep breath I calmed myself down as I wiped away the starting tears and stopped new ones from forming.

"Thank you," I whispered.

Kiara smiled as she walked over and sat next to me.

"Girl, you know I got your back. Why don't we start working on our project?"

I shook my head yes as Kiara grabbed the papers and supplies to get started.