
Story One- School Beauty Alina(7)-End of the story

Every story which has a beginning comes to end eventually. One may think he/she is controlling theirs' destiny but every story is written by a writer who writes the fate of the characters in his story. The story of Alina and Jaret is no different, their fate was sealed the moment they met the first time and today will the end of their story.

"Mom, when did you came home?"

"It has been 2 hours, where were you all this time?"

"I was out for a while, anyway I am happy to see you?"

"Son, we are also happy to see you after so many days. Your Father and I were worried about you. We didn't get the chance to contact you, we're so sorry about that."

"You don't have to worry about me. I was fine. I am glad you're home."

Although I was not fine. I was in a mess because of Alina but I couldn't tell that to my parents. They were smiling as always and I didn't want to be the reason for the disappearance of their smile. Alina was still in my home but I tried to ignore her, I didn't want to put my parents in danger. Even if my mother asked me about Alina, I tried to deflect her question. I never accepted nor denied Alina's claim. I had a fear if I accepted Alina's claim then she will never leave me alone but if I rejected her claim then she may break down and it will be dangerous for my parents. I wanted Alina to leave as soon as possible so I tried to lie.

"Alina, I met your friends and they were searching for you."

"Don't worry about them. They will understand."

I didn't accept that answer from her, she played along. Now that I knew about her past, I wasn't as angry but I wanted to help her. Helping her was not possible in front of my parents. I again tried to make her understand.

"Alina, don't you think you should go home now? I mean it's already late, your parents must be worried."

Who was I kidding, her parents were already dead but I knew she will not say that?

"Right now, My parents are out of the town."

Dammit, she was stubborn. As I was thinking of ways to make her leave, my mother said something I didn't want to happen at all."

"Alina, why don't you stay the night here?"

Before Alina could say anything I interrupted.

"Mom, She can't stay the night. she has some important affair that she must attend."

But this time Alina didn't play along. Instead she responded with.

" No, I am free and I will love to spend the night here."

On that my mom responded.

"See, Jaret. Mom is only trying to help your love life. Don't you trust your mom?"

How can I tell my mom that I trust her, It was Alina whom I couldn't trust at all?

"Mom, I trust you most in this world."

"Aw, Thank you my son."

Our conversation ended after that. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I went straight to my room, opened my computer, and started surfing for the web. After one hour I decided to go downstairs to the hall. My dad was watching the news, as usual, he wasn't much talkative but he worried about our family all the time. My mom was still talking with Alina, how could they talk for so long was what I wondered at that moment? I went to my dad and sat with him to watch the T.V. It looked like everything was normal with no problem. My mom then asked.

"Son, what would you like for Dinner?"

"Anything you make is fine, mom."

"Okay then I will make some of your favorite dishes. Alina, come with me."

Wait for a second, why is Alina going to the kitchen with mom was my thought at that moment. I didn't do anything though as I didn't think it was important and continued watching TV with dad. The kitchen became the source of laughing sound. After a while, I could smell the aroma of delicious food, this was making me hungry. I couldn't wait for the food. After a while, I saw mom coming with plates in her hand, behind her was Alina with pots of different dishes. Mom put the plates on the table and after that Alina put the food from the pot on the table. The dishes were steak, apple pie, clam chowder, and fish and cutlet. They were looking delicious. All of us sat on the table except Alina. My mom then spoke

"Alina, why don't you sit beside Jaret on that chair?"

"Ma'am, how could I, it is your family dinner?"

"Don't call me ma'am instead call me Mom and you are also our family, after all, you're Jaret's girlfriend."

Alina didn't say a word after that and quietly sat on the chair beside me. We all prayed to the god for food and started our dinner. I will confess the dinner was more tasty than usual. After eating our dinner, my mom asked me.

"Son, how was the dinner?"

I knew from that question, Alina was the one who prepared the dinner so I responded.

"It was okay."

"Son, you should be franker. Alina made this dinner especially for you."

Well, I knew that that's why I said it was fine but I couldn't say that so I responded.

"Mom but I like your food better than anybody's food."

Laughing my mom said.

"Son, you're such a momma's boy."

"I'm not ashamed of this tag."

"Aw, Momma loves you too."

After that, all of us went to watch the TV. We decided we will watch a movie and sleep after that. My mom and I were sitting on one sofa and Dad were on his chair sofa, Alina was sitting on the sofa adjoining the sofa in which I was sitting with my mom. The movie started and all of us got involved in the mom. I asked my mom whether she will clean my ear while we were watching the movie. My mom said yes and I put my head on her lap and she started cleaning my ears with cotton earbuds. Suddenly Alina asked.

"Mom, I have some sweets for all in the kitchen. Shall I go and bring them here?"

Sure Alina, go ahead."

Alina went to the kitchen straight after that. I was still on my mom's lap having her clean my ears. The atmosphere made me keep like there is no worry in the world. Alina didn't return from the kitchen and I was starting to get worried. Suddenly a sticky liquid dropped on my cheeks, when I looked at it closely, it was blood. I didn't dare look up to find the source of blood. After much deliberation I looked up while still on my mother's lap and what I saw made me extremely horrified.

My mother's head was decapitated from her body. Blood was gushing from her neck. It was like a nightmare come true for me. I went blank and couldn't think about what to do next. Somehow in that state of affair, I stood up and my grief was doubled again at what I saw. My father's head was also decapitated from his body, Alina was standing beside him with a knife in her hand. Her clothes were soaked in blood.

I was cursing myself for the fate of my parents. I was filled with so much rage that I would have killed Alina if she dared come near me. In a trembling voice I asked her.

"Why did you do that?"

"Now that your parents are gone, you will love me only. You will like my food only and I will clean your ear."

With tears in my eyes, I replied.

"They are my parents but you wouldn't understand it. You never had any real parents in your life, You are sick to the core. I will not let you get away this easily."

At that moment I heard a thudding sound from my door, soon after my door was broken by armed policemen. Alina was shot with a Stun gun and taken into custody. Policemen were accompanied by Jennifer. She came to me.

"Jaret, I knew this could happen. I was late. I am sorry."

I couldn't control myself anymore and I cried my eyes out in front of Jennifer. It took me weeks to recover from this incident, Jennifer was with me all the time. Alina was sentenced to 120 years in prison for manslaughter. Soon after Jennifer proposed to me and I accepted, after we completed our high school, we decided to move out of our town to Berkeley. Jennifer attended university there and I decided to work. After Jennifer finished her university, we both married.

After 10 Years

" The double murder at the Warrington street have shocked the entire town of Berkeley. Victims are recognized as Jaret Allison and his wife Jennifer Allison. The motive of the murder is still unknown. Eyes of both victims were gouged by the killers, from the reports it looks like victims struggled before they were put to put by the killer. The couple also had a 5-year-old son who is missing. The police are trying to find their son and find the motive of the murder.

I am journalist Janice Mall reporting from Warrington Street, Berkeley. We will bring to you every detail of this horrific double murder as they are revealed. See you next time."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Daichi700creators' thoughts