
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · 漫画同人
19 Chs

chapter 12

Two universes no longer existed, fighters who fought for their friends and families failed and doomed everyone.

It was a hard pill to swallow especially to the fighters who have a compassionate heart and would rather talk than fight.

And all this was all because a brat with too much power wanted to watch something fun.

Nobody felt good fighting for somebody else amusement but they had to.

The Assassin Hit was soon faced with the fastest member of the Pride Troopers, Dispo, who was convinced that he could overcome his time warp.

Meanwhile Yamcha sat frustrated sitting on a boulder.

Just what was he missing?

He hoped by watching Hit and Dispo, he who would have some rough idea.

Why couldn't he cheat his way through the barrier like he did to get this strong?

If he broke through, could he go up against Jiren and not embarrass himself?

Yamcha sighed.

That would be a magical dream but that was only a dream, the guy may have a lower fighter count than he did but he completely overwhelmed his opponent easily unlike him who just transported them over the edge.

The difference was like heaven and earth.

We'll, he clearly wasn't going to learn anything by watching, perhaps a walk would clear his head?

So that's exactly what Yamcha did, he got off his boulder and began to walk and saw everybody engaging in a fight except for him.

There was only half the fighters left.

Suddenly Yamcha felt something coming straight towards him and he elegantly dodged it, only to hear footsteps fast approaching him, he turned to see a pink haired female activate her power.

"I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!" She yelled.

A hammer made out of energy appeared in her hand and she slammed it down onto him.

"YAMCHA!" said, Krillin, while everybody else looked on with wide eyes.

But when she released the energy, Yamcha was nowhere to be seen.

Where did h-She began to think only to hear.

"I am not in the mood for you" from right behind her.

She turned her head quickly around but it was too late.

Yamcha didn't both to Location reverse instant transmission her, but instead he gave her a little flick on the nose.

They all watched with wide eyes as she was sent flying out of the stage, everybody who was fighting stopped and stared at the flying fighter girl who was screaming as she plunged into the darkness.

She found herself in the specators seat with a broken nose.


"MY NOSE!" she cried out. "MY BEAUTY!"

She was opted out of the tournament of Power by the two Zeno's.

"YOU!" Quileta, god of destruction for Universe 4 said, "How can you lose so pathetically!?"

To Beerus, her cries were music to his ears.

"Not bad Yamcha!" said, Beerus. "Mow down everybody who stands in your way!"

Krillin looked shocked by Yamcha strength and so did everybody else, Yamcha must have been lifting some serious weights to be able to lift so much.

Suddenly Yamcha said, "So, you're my next opponent?" he turned around.

"Eh? You detected me?" Said, a female voice, before she came up from the ground.

"So, you use Talismans" said, Yamcha surprising her. "I've been watching everybody since the start of the tournament. Let's see who is stronger. Me or you"

"I see..." she said, before she said. "Strength isn't going to help you with my illusions" and then she threw a talisman at him and Yamcha did not even flinch.

The fire erupted on him but it disappeared like it was nothing.

"Illusion" He said, irritating her.

"That's right" She said, "Now, let's enter my world" she a bundle of talismans and they all flew to random area beyond Yamcha.

Suddenly there was an ominous purple fog around the area where Yamcha was and she had disappeared.

Suddenly Yamcha heard laughter.

"It looks like you've seen how I fight, and have planned against it" She said, "But my talisman technique consists of 76 attacks..."

And Yamcha wasn't going to stand there and listen to her gloat, he activated a skill.

[Leader Iron Will]

Suddenly a shockwave rung out of Yamcha and it cancelled the illusion.

"NANI!?" She said, suddenly visible.

Those who were watching were wide eyes.

But Yamcha was far from done, everybody on the stage felt his oppressive nature slam down on their shoulders but because it was aimed at them, they could only feel it.

But everybody sure as hell, looked Yamcha way but not Jiren, he sensed that Yamcha was no threat to him.

However, Dercori, the female, Yamcha was facing against wasn't so lucky.

She was forced several feet down under and on her knees under the oppressive will.

Those from Universe 4 was shocked, Yamcha stood before her like a god.

Dercori found that she couldn't move her body at all.


How could somebody will this so strong!?


"You want to know who I am? I'm Lord Yamcha of the Wolf Fang Fist Clan" Said, Yamcha, before with a single lift of his hand, she was sent flying and screaming over the edge of the stage.

Universe 4 and those watching were shocked, as she found herself in the spectator stand.

Yamcha deactivated the skill and the aura disappeared.

The Zeno's opted her out and Yamcha became the two's, favourite fighter for now.

"THATS THE WAY YAMCHA!" said, Beerus overjoyed.

Yamcha walked away.

"That was crazy!" said, Supreme Kai of the west for Universe 7. "How can he force her to her knees through sheer willpower alone! How did Yamcha-san get this strong!? What training method did he use or item?"

Everybody on Universe 7 was asking the same question, and they checked Yamcha identity too so an imposter couldn't join them.


Yamcha walked away continuing to feel weird to those around him when suddenly the rock next to him smashed apart and he lightly jumped back.

When the smoke cleared, he saw a green skinned male teen with lightening around him and his fist outstretched with lightening wrapped around it.

The moment Yamcha saw him, he knew he would be trouble because he hadn't built up any lighting resistance.

"You took them both down" said, Ganos from universe 4. "Try that move on me, you bastard." he was getting desperate because with each fighter that was taken down, his universe got closer to extinction.

"If you want to do something about it, don't complain like a child and come at me with your full strength" said, Yamcha, before he said. "Do you think I will jump off the stage because you ask me too?"

"I WILL FORCE YOU OFF!" said, Ganos before he began his transformation.

Lightening began to gather and Yamcha was being notified.

[Lightening resistance has been unlocked.]


Of course, Yamcha didn't let his joy be knew and let the guy finish transforming into a full bird.

"I'll smash you into piece!" said, full bird Ganos.

"He transformed" said, the Zeno's on the right.

"He got bigger" said, the Zeno on the left.

"YAMCHA DON'T YOU DARE LOSE TO A BIRD!" yelled, Beerus from the spectator area.

Everybody from Universe 4 had to pay attention to this fight because they wanted Yamcha out.

"You damn Lord!" said, Ganos. "I'll smash!" and then he lunged forward with incredibly speed and power.

In that moment, Yamcha felt like he was training his kids for the first time in combat.

Suddenly before everybody eyes, Yamcha walked a little to the right, making him smash into a rock.

"What was that? Your no better than my children when they first came at me wrecklessly" said, Yamcha irritating the guy.

"Damn. I let my anger get the best of me" said, Ganos calming down, despite the insult. "He's just a single man. With my lightening encased fist, I just need one punch" and then he lunged at him.

Yamcha dodged with the bare minimum but the guy came back in a split second and tried to land a punch but Yamcha was too light on his feet and he had been through this many times before.

"It's like he's a master training a student" said, Old Kai.

[Lightening Resistance: 0.25]

[Lightening Resistance: 0.50]

[Lightening Resistance: 0.75]

Lightening Resistance: 1%]

Yamcha could only watch with frustration as his Lightening Resistance went up slowly with each punch he dodged.

He knew it was morally wrong but he couldn't help but use this guy to level up his Lightening resistance.

Suddenly Yamcha began to barely touch his opponent but it wasn't full on poke, he felt lightening run through his body but not enough to damage his body and if it did, with his advanced healing activated it would be healed immediately.

Everybody who was watching was wondering what Yamcha was doing as they saw him almost poke the guy.

"What is he doing?" Said, Beerus. "Just finish it!"

"Beerus-sama, Yamcha is human" said, Whis.

"So what?" said, Beerus.

"Humans are famous for not having any resistance to lightening over a certain voltage" said, Whis "His opponent would fry him, if he touched him. Perhaps, he's trying to figure out which part of his opponent is the safest to touch?"

"YOUR KIDDING!?" said, Beerus, shocked to hear how much human beings sucked.

"If I get hit by lightning, I would be unconscious as well or worse" said, Krillin admitting. "It would be easy victory for my opponent"

When Universe 4 heard Whis, they were all smiles and so was Ganos who had sharp ears.

"So that's why your dodging" said, Genos smiling, having found out Yamcha weakness was himself. "Your human, so your body can't handle me. Fine by me. I'll come at you while swinging my lightening around wildly"

And then he ran forward, the instant he did so Yamcha dodging was a lot faster as he tried to avoid the fist and the wildly raging Lightening at the same time.

However, he made the mistake of not getting a multitask skill.

The fist came from nowhere and hit him square in the chest.

Yamcha clench his teeth as pain shot through him but he refused to shameful spit out blood here but everybody could tell it was a direct hit.

"I-ITS A DIRECT HIT!" said, Supreme Kai of the West, while Old Kai was surprised.

"OH, NO!" Krillin said.

Spurred by the landed punch, Ganos unleashed a brutal series of attacks not letting Yamcha fall.

"Great furious attack" said, Kuru, supreme Kai of Universe 4

Quileta, god of destruction of Universe 4 laughed.

"His Human flesh is his undoing" said, Quileta. "Can you imagine how much damage that one punch did to Ganos opponents' body? Plus, Ganos learns through a fight, the longer it goes on for the more he evolves. Ganos was his worst enemy by nature."

And then Yamcha was finally allowed to fall only to be given a giant lightening blast, sending him flying through several mountains of rock, everybody who was occupied was shocked to see Yamcha body flying.

Yamcha body finally skidded to a halt and people were unsure if he was conscious.

"YAMCHA!" Goku said, while he was stuck with a slime for a fighter.

Yamcha eyes suddenly opened and he slowly began to get up, he was clearly very badly hurt though.

This was the end for him.

"Can you feel your muscles melting within you?" said, Ganos walking towards him. "It's too bad, you are human and you met me. I bet you were born strong and you've never lost a fight before. Today is the day, you learn defeat"

"I-I'll learn defeat another day." Yamcha said, before he was kneed in the stomach by Genos and sent flying into a mountain of rocks.

Krillin was up, in panic.

"He did well for a human" said, Beerus drawing his attention. "He took down 12 people. That is impossible for a human being but you can't change the natural weakness of his body."

He had already accepted that this was as far as Yamcha could go.

Yamcha had done an amazing job and would surely be remembered on that stage.

However instead of staying down, Yamcha began to force himself to stand, blood was oozing out of his mouth.

"Stay down!" said, Ganos as he gave him one good blast.

Yamcha was hit, and everybody thought it was the end of him.

Just than Yamcha heard.

[Lightening Resistance: 100%]

[Advanced Healing Level up!]

Yamcha internal injuries vanished when the light died down and he was found to be still standing.

"Nani!?" said, Ganos.

Everybody looked with wide eyes.

"That hurt. Now it's my turn" said, Yamcha before he lunged forward and was suddenly in front of Genos.

He gave him a punch to the side and Genos did not have time to widen his eyes before his body was sent flying.

"GANOS!" said, everybody from Universe 4.

Yamcha instant transmissioned above him and was there to give him a giant punch to the head, sending him down the earth.

Yamcha instant transmissioned again and came to meet Genos down below, he grabbed him and slammed him into the ground.


"LIMITS ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN!" Said, Yamcha, slammed him into the ground repeatedly.

Yamcha actions was nothing more than a middle finger to lightening.

"GANOS!" Everybody from Universe 4 said, while everybody else looked on with wide eyes.

Yamcha than buried Ganos head and dragged in through several pile of rock.

When he was done, he began to punch him repeatedly.

"I'M A HUMAN BEING SO WHAT AM I DOING TO YOU RIGHT NOW!?" said, Yamcha, each blow to the stomach left a shockwave, they all saw Ganos spit out blood with each blow. "DO YOU THINK I, WHO IS HEAD OF A CLAN WILL BE TAKEN DOWN BY A BOY!?"

Universe 4 was horrified, while everybody looked on with wide eyes.

But Yamcha could not release all his rage on the guy because of the rules, so he channelled a bit in Ganos and then throw him over.

The guy had long since become unconscious when he went over.

Universe 4 watched in horror as the guy appeared in their stand with severer injuries.

"GANO-SAN!" said, Catway.

He was bloody and his body was a mess.


Yamcha finally took a deep breath and finally put a lid on his anger despite not being satisfied.

Perhaps, he had gone too far?

Everybody was looking at him in horror.

Yep, he had gone way too far.

And then somebody said it.

"I CALL FOUL!" Qualitela said.

Everybody was stunned, including Yamcha.



Maybe it was because of the other universe's wanted Yamcha out as well, that other gods chimed in.

"THAT'S RIGHT! HE WAS INJURIED!" said, a supreme Kai from another universe. "HOW IS HE COMPLETELY HEALED! HES HUMAN!"

Everybody stared at Yamcha to see he indeed did not have a scratch on him.

"...I heal quicker than normal?" said, Yamcha.

"BULL!" said, Qualitela. "I ask Grand priest to check him!"

"I second the motion" said, another god of destruction.

"Qualitela you bastard!" said, Beerus, he knew exactly what was going on, "If your fighters can't defeat him, you went him disqualified"

The god of destruction laughed.

Beerus observation shocked Krillin and everybody else.

"Yamcha, would never cheat!" said, Gohan.

"THAN PROVE YOU DIDN'T CHEAT!" all the other universe said.

Yamcha suddenly put up all his hands and said. "GO AHEAD! I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE."

The grand priest looked at the two Zeno's who just wanted it to be over and done with.

The fighting stopped, the time was paused and the Grand Priest came down.

"Do you want me to take my clothes off?" said, Yamcha.

"No, thanks okay" said, the grand priest.

And then he began to search Yamcha before their very eyes, every nook and cranny of his clothes, skin and even his mouth.

Everybody waited on pins a needle to see if the priest found anything suspicious looking like a secret stitch or something under his skin.

If Yamcha was indeed cheating than it was a giant embarrassment for Universe 7.

Suddenly the Grand Priest said loudly.

"I Have concluded that Lord Yamcha of the Wolf Fang Fist Tribe, is innocent of all charges"

Those in Universe 4 looked like they were slapped, when they heard that.

"There is nothing on his person or residue that indicates a healing potion, powder or anything else that allows him an advantage over another person" The Grand priest continued. "The healing factor, I conclude is a natural born ability. Some humans have this in universe that have humans. And since I have concluded that there is no cheating taking place. Please get on with the fight"

And stop wasting his time.

The Grand Priest floated up and the clock started again.

Yamcha looked directly at Universe 4 spectator bench.

Universe 4 had every right to be worried now.

And scene!

Next chapter, Yamcha takes a break and buys multitasking skill while he watches over the other's fight, Tien is eliminated and he's suddenly sneaked attack by Frost, only for Frieza to join and they both two time him. The start of Jiren vs Goku begins. Review/fav and follow!