
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

B_l_a_n_k_2167 · 武侠
18 Chs


Kajuwa and Jin were outside the office. They heard loud noises and hustle coming from the building. Kajuwa saw that people in large groups were going upper floors of the building. Both Kajuwa and Jin thought something might have gone wrong inside. So they didn't waste any time and barged right into the building. As soon as they stepped into the office's ground floor they saw a large group of people gathered on that floor. While the stairs were blocked and jammed by the crowd.

Kajuwa -

"Shit, what's going on in here!?"

Kajuwa and Jin both were a bit taken aback by seeing the large group of people all of a sudden. The hordes of men heard them barge in, and all of their attention went to Kajuwa and Jin. All of them were staring at them. Among them, one man came up to Kajuwa and Jin and said -

"Office is off today, come back later,"

Kajuwa -

"We came to see Mas-- Yamato San"

Hearing the name Yamato, the whole horde of people became hostile as well as the men in front of them. All of them started to surround Kajuwa and Jin.

Jin -

"Looks like they are not on good terms with Master... "

Kajuwa -

"Tch-- Brace yourself Jin. It's been a long time since we have worked out."

The men in front of them came close to them.

"Yamato huh.. we are also going to see him you see... Since you came for him and looking at how you guys are dressed it seems like you are not one of us. You must be his me----!!!"

Before the men could finish his words, Jin grabbed his head with both of his hands and headbutted him with thrusting force. The man fell on the floor while Jin was grinning at those in front of him.

Jin -

"You should say that to yourself Kajuwa"

Kajuwa was behind Jin. He faced the people at the back, and Jin rushed towards the hordes of Yakuza men. While Kajuwa was untying his tie, he walked right into the horde. The whole group of Yakuza that was surrounding both Kajuwa and Jin pushed themselves on both Kajuwa and Jin.

Both of them knew that both of them have their backs. Thus without fearing the huge amount of people in front of them, they rushed in like mad dogs.

Jin unleashed himself on the enemies by landing rushing heavy blows on them. His movement was so fast that the enemies couldn't hold grasp of him. While in the back Kajuwa was standing in a stance that was imitating a heavy aura around him. Kajuwa closed his eyes and breathed heavily. All of the yakuza members were staring at him, they started to charge against him. Once they took their first step to get closer to Kajuwa, they saw something was also charging toward them with a heavy force surrounding the whole body and with a destructive pace. Kajuwa had unleashed his full body against them. He went right against them by throwing his whole body filled with a destructive amount of strength. Crushing everyone that was in his path. He cleared a whole path by doing so.

Jin was crushing everyone in the front while Kajuwa was destroying others in the back.


Yamato was standing on the edge of the stairs. While people in forces were down jamming the stairs. Yamato had the knives in his hand, and a cigarette in his mouth. He leaped right into the swarm.

"GET HIM!!!"

Everyone screamed and launched themselves against Yamato as well. Yamato with knives in his hand, pierced through those in close range. Slashing people that were blocking his path. As he was doing so, he threw one of his knives in a straight way and hit one of the men in his eyes. With the other knife, he was making way for him by slashing everyone that was in his path. Yamato was clearing the stairs. As he went down to the next floor he was tackled back on the floor. The knife that was in his hand fell on the ground away from him, and the cigarette in his mouth fell off as well. Yamato kicked the guy right in his face and pushed him. One of them sneaked around Yamato and grabbed him from the back. Yamato grabbed the head of that guy with his hand as he pulled him up and flipped him against the guys in front of him. He then launched himself against the group. Leashing heavy blows that impact is similar to getting hit by a huge stoned hammer. He was barehanded. Yamato kept on pushing down the floors.

[Back in Shintaro Dono's Office]

One of the Hajime family's followers was left there unconscious. He slowly regained consciousness. That guy looked around the whole room and saw the bloody mess left behind by Kazuki Yamato. He couldn't believe his eyes. He was scared to his core. He started to begin rustling around to find a phone. He was able to find one. Without Delaying, he called the Hajime Families one of the officials that was in charge of that area. He requested backup immediately through the call.

As the unconscious follower of the Hajime family made the call, he relayed the urgent situation to the official in charge of the area. He explained the chaotic scene that had unfolded, mentioning the presence of Kazuki Yamato.

Upon hearing the gravity of the situation, the official quickly mobilized backup for the Hajime family members who were trapped in the building. He alerted other high-ranking members and reinforcements, instructing them to reach the location immediately. The official knew that dealing with someone like Yamato required a well-coordinated response.

As the message spread, other members of the Hajime family in the vicinity received the call for backup and swiftly made their way to the building. They were aware of Yamato's reputation and knew that this was no ordinary situation. They understood the urgency and the need to handle the situation delicately, as Yamato was known for his incredible combat prowess and brutal methods.

Back on the lower floors, Kajuwa and Jin continued their fierce battle against the Yakuza members, knocking down anyone who stood in their way. Meanwhile, Yamato's relentless assault on the upper floors had earned him both fear and respect from his adversaries, making it difficult for anyone to stop him.

The situation was tense, and the building was turning into a battleground. The Hajime family reinforcements were on their way, but it was unclear how long it would take for them to arrive.

The outcome of this intense conflict hung in the balance as the fate of Yamato and those opposing him remained uncertain. The sound of clashing and fighting echoed throughout the building, as both sides fought with all their might. The situation had escalated into a dangerous standoff, and only time would tell who would emerge victorious in this high-stakes confrontation.

As Kajuwa and Jin were making their way towards the upper floors to assist Yamato, they were confronted by the unexpected appearance of a huge, muscular black man. He stood firmly in their path, displaying an intimidating presence that demanded attention.

Kajuwa's instincts kicked in, and he immediately assessed the situation. He could sense that this man was no ordinary adversary. His massive physique and aura suggested formidable combat skills. However, Kajuwa was not one to back down from a challenge. He squared his stance, ready to engage in combat if necessary.

Jin, ever the strategic thinker, observed the man's movements and posture. He analyzed the potential weaknesses and strengths of their opponent, looking for any advantage they could exploit.

Before any words were exchanged, the black man spoke in a deep, resonating voice, "Who dares intrude upon this territory? Are you friends of that reckless fool Yamato?"

Kajuwa replied with a determined tone, "We are here to assist Yamato San, and we won't let anyone stand in our way."

Jin added, "We don't wish to cause unnecessary trouble, but we won't hesitate to defend ourselves."

The black man smirked, seemingly amused by their resolve. "I respect your loyalty, but you are in over your heads. This is the territory of the Hajime Family, and no outsiders are welcome."

As the tension in the room escalated, Kajuwa and Jin could feel the weight of the impending confrontation. They knew they couldn't afford to waste any time. They exchanged a brief glance, silently communicating their readiness to face this new challenge together.

Without further ado, the black man made his move, charging at them with incredible speed. Kajuwa and Jin reacted swiftly, dodging his initial attack and countering with a coordinated strike. Despite their best efforts, the black man's defensive prowess proved formidable, and the battle intensified.

Kajuwa used his speed and agility to land precise blows on the man's vulnerable spots, while Jin utilized his strength to overpower him. It became evident that this opponent was not to be underestimated. His resilience and skill were on par with some of the toughest adversaries they had encountered in the past.

As the battle raged on, the building's atmosphere grew more chaotic. The sounds of combat echoed throughout the corridors.

Back on the upper floors, Yamato continued his relentless assault on the Yakuza members.

As memories of their past battles flooded their minds, Kajuwa and Jin tapped into a reservoir of hidden strength and determination. The intense training they underwent under the guidance of Kazuki Yamato began to resonate within them. They recalled the lessons of discipline, perseverance, and the art of combat they had learned from their master.

With renewed focus, Kajuwa and Jin adapted their fighting styles, seamlessly synchronizing their movements as if they were dancing together. They moved with grace and precision, complementing each other's strengths, and anticipating each other's actions.

The black man noticed the sudden change in their demeanor and realized that he was facing opponents who were no longer holding back. The fight intensified, and the room trembled with the force of their clashes.

Kajuwa's strikes became lightning-fast, and he expertly evaded the black man's attacks. His fists moved with incredible speed, landing precise blows on vital points, disrupting the man's balance and defense.

Jin's strength, on the other hand, was unleashed in full force. His powerful blows struck like a battering ram, and with every hit, the force behind it seemed to multiply. He grappled with the black man, using his agility and strength to outmaneuver his opponent.

As they fought, the memories of their past battles intertwined with the reality of the present. They remembered the countless times they had faced insurmountable odds, standing together against overwhelming enemies, and overcoming impossible challenges.

Their determination and camaraderie fueled their will to keep fighting, and their belief in each other's abilities only grew stronger. They knew that they could trust one another implicitly, just as they had in the past.

As the battle continued, the black man began to realize that his opponents were more formidable than he had initially anticipated. The tide of the fight was turning, and he found himself on the defensive, struggling to keep up with their relentless assault.

In a last-ditch effort, the black man mustered all his strength for a powerful strike, aiming to take down both Kajuwa and Jin simultaneously. However, they saw the attack coming and, in a synchronized move, countered it with a combination of speed and precision.

Their joint effort was too much for the black man to handle, and with a thunderous impact, he was thrown back, crashing through the surrounding furniture and finally hitting the ground, incapacitated.

Kajuwa and Jin stood victorious, their bodies marked with cuts and bruises from the intense battle. They had once again proven their unyielding resolve and the strength that came from their bond as brothers in arms.

With the black man defeated, Kajuwa and Jin stood side by side, their chests heaving with exertion and their spirits ablaze with triumph. They had fought like a well-oiled machine, perfectly in sync with each other's movements. They were like TWIN DRAGONS, as they had demonstrated their seamless coordination and the unbreakable bond that tied them together.