
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

B_l_a_n_k_2167 · 武侠
18 Chs


Kaito couldn't help but see the dire state Yamato was in. He swiftly opened the door of the car and urged Yamato to get in.

"First, get in," Kaito said urgently, his concern evident in his voice.

Yamato hesitated only for a moment before sliding into the passenger seat, his katana still clutched in his hand. The car's interior was a stark contrast to the chaos and bloodshed outside, a brief respite from the nightmare he had just left behind.

Kaito wasted no time. He started the engine and peeled away from the gruesome scene, the tires screeching as they left behind the 2nd house of the Hajime Family.

The city streets stretched out before them, bathed in the dim, flickering glow of streetlights. It was a world away from the brutality Yamato had just unleashed, but the darkness still clung to him like a shroud.

Kaito glanced at Yamato, his concern etched across his face.

Kaito: "Yamato-san, you need to tell me what's going on. What drove you to this?"

Yamato's gaze remained fixed on the road ahead, his expression distant.

Yamato: "My wife... Mijumi. She was taken from me, Kaito. Murdered."

Kaito's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he absorbed this revelation.

Kaito: "I was there at the crime scene, but the case went cold. The trail... it led nowhere."

Yamato's voice was filled with a simmering anger.

Yamato: "The Dono Clan, they had a hand in it. Remember Captain Shintaro of the special force? He was one of the Dono Clan. Before the night of Mijumi's murder, he called me into his office and handed me an envelope. It had the contents of my last mission to repay their favor. Before I could look into it I got called by you and had to rush over to you. when I came back to see the contents of the mission, it was to eliminate Mijumi and her father. I believe they decided her fate. I couldn't go straight to the Dono clan which is why I had to stop by the Hajime family who is in hands with the Dono Clan, they said she was a threat."

Kaito's knuckles tightened on the steering wheel as he listened to Yamato's chilling revelation. The pieces were falling into place, and the darkness that had enveloped this twisted web of betrayal and murder was becoming clearer.

Kaito: "So, Captain Shintaro was involved... and the Dono Clan had a hand in this. This goes deeper than we thought."

Yamato's grip on his katana remained firm, his knuckles white as he clutched the weapon that had become an extension of his fury.

Yamato: "Shintaro handed me an envelope that contained the mission to eliminate Mijumi and her father. I lost my sanity and killed Shintaro in his office that day."

Kaito could feel the weight of the revelation settling on his shoulders. The corruption ran deep, and the forces they were up against were formidable.

Kaito: "We can't confront the Dono Clan head-on, not without more evidence. But we can expose their connections, their crimes."

Yamato nodded, a fire burning in his eyes.

Yamato: "I want justice for Mijumi. I want to tear down the Dono Clan and anyone who stands with them."

Kaito's resolve matched Yamato's, and he accelerated down the city streets, the car slicing through the darkness.

Kaito: "We'll start by gathering evidence, exposing their connections, and bringing their crimes into the light. We have to be smart, Yamato-san. If we rush in recklessly, we'll end up like your wife."

However, Yamato's next words filled the space between them with a chilling certainty.

"That is why I won't be putting you at risk. I'm going to handle this my way, the Yakuza way," Yamato stated firmly. His voice carried the weight of a man who had already crossed into the darkness and was prepared to confront the horrors that awaited.

Kaito's eyes widened, a mix of worry and frustration on his face.

Kaito: "Yamato-san, I can't just let you go alone into something this dangerous. You may be skilled, but the Dono Clan is a formidable enemy. I've already lost one friend to this. I won't lose another."

Yamato turned to look at Kaito, his eyes filled with a complex blend of gratitude and sorrow.

Yamato: "Kaito, you've been like a brother to me, and I won't forget that. But this is my path to walk, and it's a path that leads through blood and darkness. I can't ask you to follow."

Kaito's hands tightened on the steering wheel as he navigated the winding city streets. He understood the danger, the treacherous terrain they were venturing into, and the personal vendetta that fueled Yamato's determination.

Kaito: "Promise me one thing, Yamato-san. Promise me you'll be careful and that you won't let your rage blind you. We'll find justice for Mijumi, but we'll do it together, even if we're walking separate paths for now."

Yamato's gaze remained fixed on the road ahead, he creaks a smile. "I cannot promise you that Kaito, you are still young and you will become the best man out of you one day for sure. And that is why I will be hoping to be there to see you achieve that feat," said Yamato.

The car sped through the winding city streets, the quiet rumble of the engine the only sound in the night. As they ventured deeper into the heart of Tokyo, Kaito and Yamato carried the weight of their shared past and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

Kaito's worry for his friend never waned, and he couldn't shake the feeling that this darkness would test the limits of Yamato's humanity. The Yakuza way was unforgiving, a path where the line between right and wrong often blurred into a chaotic dance of survival.

The cityscape shifted around them, from the bustling urban center to the quieter, dimly lit outskirts. Tokyo held its secrets well, and they were about to plunge headlong into its shadowy underbelly.

Yamato finally spoke, breaking the silence that had settled in the car like an unspoken promise.

Yamato: "Kaito, I know you worry about me, and I appreciate that. But this is a path I've chosen, and I won't back down. The Dono Clan took everything from me, and I'll make sure they pay."

Kaito nodded, his expression resolute.

Kaito: "I understand, Yamato-san. Just remember, even in the darkest of times, you have allies. If you ever need help, don't hesitate to reach out."

Hearing so Yamato closed his eyes.

The images of the Death Palace and the faces of his loyal subjects flashed through Yamato's mind as he heard Kaito's words. The memories of those who had stood by his side, who had fought and bled with him, were a painful reminder of the life he had chosen to leave behind.

Yamato: "I won't forget my allies, Kaito. The Death Palace, Kajuwa, Jin, Akayama...-" Before Yamato could finish his words, he stopped. His demeanor became gloomy. "Kaito, could you do me a favor.. could you take me to a bar called Bar Jail in Shinjuku City?" Yamato asked while his voice became cold.

Kaito, recognizing the gravity in Yamato's voice and demeanor, nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Kaito: "Of course, Yamato-san. Bar Jail in Shinjuku City, right away."

He adjusted the steering wheel and changed their course, navigating through the labyrinthine streets of Tokyo with the precision of someone who knew the city like the back of his hand.

The drive continued in silence, broken only by the soft hum of the engine and the occasional distant wail of sirens. Yamato's thoughts remained shrouded in the past, and Kaito respected his friend's need for solitude.

After what felt like an eternity, they arrived at Shinjuku City. It was raining all over the City. As soon as they reached the bar Yamato saw familiar faces as Kaito pulled his car right next to them with a screeching tire noise. Yamato stepped out of the car with his katana in his hand his bloody appearance shocked those who were present there. Kajuwa, Jin, Akaya, Suzume, and Hiroto all of them were shocked. Akayama was the most who was stunned by Yamato's sudden appearance.

The rain continued to pour down, adding a somber backdrop to the tense scene unfolding in front of Bar Jail in Shinjuku City. Yamato's sudden and bloody appearance left those who had gathered there in shock.

Kaito stepped out of the car after Yamato, his eyes moving between the familiar faces of Death Palace. He could feel the weight of their shared history and the complex emotions that hung heavy in the air.

Yamato's katana glistened with rain and blood as he approached his lieutenants and his former lieutenant Akayama Shinji.

Akayama, who had been stunned into silence, finally found his voice, a mixture of astonishment and a touch of bitterness.

Akayama: "You've got a lot of nerve showing up like this after all these years, Yamato-san."

Suzume and Hiroto, who had been bystanders to the unfolding drama, exchanged worried glances. The rain continued to fall, its presence like a shroud over the reunion of Death Palace. Akayama was clearly having a tough time facing Yamato after betraying the Death Palace. He was angry and emotional at the same time.

Yamato looked at him, his gaze could pierce through his heart. It is as if Akayama knew his life could end in a blink of an eye.

In flash-like speed, Yamato launched himself against Akayama and knee-kicked him in his stomach with full force. "You have got a lot of nerve to speak like that, after betraying the Death Palace, it was the roof that protected you and sheltered you and gave you life," said Yamato his voice was cold. His eyes were flaming. As the knee connected to Akayama he could feel the sudden bone-crushing pain back in his spine. He fell to the ground without noticing it.

"Akayama-san!!" Suzume could'nt help but scream.

Yamato had the katana in his hand, he was bloody enough to reek blood.

Kajuwa stepped up he felt the urge, "Yamato san! Akayama has already turned himself in! You don't need to harm him!! We were on our way to you! He wants to pay up for his actions!" Kajuwa relentlessly kept on trying to make Yamato understand that Akayama wanted to redeem himself. Jin also stepped forward in order to pursue Yamato, "Yamato-san--!"

Yamato with a cold chilling voice, "Enough. I have no intention to hurt him." He started to walk towards the bar, Suzume was visibly shocked by Yamato's appearance. "Can we get some drinks, Suzume Chan?" Yamato asked as he walked inside the bar while everyone was behind.

Inside Bar Jail, the atmosphere was heavy with tension as Yamato's sudden appearance and Akayama's initial reaction hung in the air like a storm about to break.

Suzume, her voice quivering with a mix of shock and relief, nodded in response to Yamato's request for drinks.

Suzume: "Of course, Yamato-san. Please, have a seat. We'll get you something."

She quickly moved behind the bar, her hands trembling slightly as she reached for glasses and bottles. Kajuwa and Jin remained by Akayama's side, helping him up after the brutal blow he had received. They were keenly aware of the delicate situation, one that threatened to spiral out of control.

Yamato took a seat at the bar, his katana resting on the counter beside him. His appearance was a stark contrast to the dimly lit interior of the bar, where patrons had been enjoying their evening before this unexpected intrusion.

As Suzume prepared drinks, Kaito, who had followed Yamato inside, remained vigilant, his eyes darting between the familiar faces of Death Palace. He could sense the unresolved tensions and the undercurrents of loyalty and betrayal that ran deep within this group.

Suzume placed a glass of whiskey in front of Yamato, her voice soft.

Suzume: "Here you go, Yamato-san."

Yamato accepted the glass with a nod of thanks, his gaze still fixed on Akayama, who was slowly regaining his composure.

Akayama, his voice strained, finally spoke up.

Akayama: "Yamato-san, I know I've done wrong. I betrayed the Death Palace, and I'll accept whatever punishment you see fit."

Yamato's eyes bore into Akayama's, a complex mix of emotions swirling within them.

Yamato: "Betrayal has its consequences, Akayama. But we have bigger issues at hand now. The Dono Clan is involved in something that runs deep, something that cost me everything."

Kaito, who had been quietly observing, decided to speak up, his voice firm.

Kaito: "Yamato-san and I are working together to bring down the Dono Clan and expose their crimes. If you're truly willing to make amends, Akayama, you can help us in this fight."

Akayama's eyes widened at the mention of the Dono Clan, a flicker of recognition crossing his face.

Akayama: "The Dono Clan... I've heard whispers about their involvement in something dark. If I can assist in bringing them down, I will."

Yamato's grip on the whiskey glass tightened as he considered Akayama's words. The past was a tangled web of emotions and loyalties, and forgiveness wasn't something that could be easily given.

Yamato: "You'll have to earn back that trust, Akayama. We'll start by gathering information on the Dono Clan's activities. You have contacts and knowledge that can be useful."

Akayama nodded, a determined look in his eyes.

Akayama: "I'll do whatever it takes to make things right, Yamato-san."