
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

B_l_a_n_k_2167 · 武侠
18 Chs



While Jin and Kajuwa were worried about Yamato, Yamato on the other hand was covered in blood all over his body. He was sitting on a body with a sliced head beside him and in front of him, a Katana was pierced into another person's head. It was standing against Yamato who was sitting and looking down on the ground, his surrounding was covered in blood.

Yamato's presence in the gruesome scene was both chilling and surreal. The visceral imagery painted a stark picture of violence and chaos, a stark contrast to the ideals he had once stood for. The blood that coated him, the bodies around him, and the katana piercing through a person's head all added to the sense of brutality and despair.

His sitting posture and the way he looked down at the ground suggested a mix of emotions, perhaps a combination of regret, anger, and even a sense of hopelessness. The tension in the air was palpable, his aura of rage and turmoil almost tangible even from a distance.


"Kazuki Yamato has finally started to move.." said the patriarch of the 2nd house of the Hajime Family. "The encounter of the main house with him was enough to assure that he will most certainly start to take action" he added while sweating. In front of him were the members of the 2nd house. They all were feeling ominous. They couldn't afford to take steps as the main Clan didn't give out any orders for them nor did the main house of the Hajime Family. The patriarch of the 2nd house, Seiya was undoubtedly sensing the ominous feeling. "Since our house didn't cross paths with Yamato, it is more likely that he won't be coming after us," he said trying to shift the tension between every other member sitting in the main hall of the house.

The patriarch's words hung heavy in the air, the tension within the 2nd house of the Hajime Family remained palpable. The weight of the situation was evident on the faces of the members gathered in the main hall. The patriarch's announcement that Kazuki Yamato, a name that invoked a mixture of fear and respect, had begun to move had sent a wave of unease through them all.

The encounter of the main house with Yamato was a signal that his intentions were no longer dormant. The implication of his actions reverberated through the room, adding urgency to the atmosphere. The patriarch's sweating was a visible testament to the gravity of the situation, as even he grappled with the uncertainty that loomed.

The lack of orders from both the main Clan and the main house of the Hajime Family only heightened the tension. In a world where loyalty and obedience were paramount, the absence of directives left the members of the 2nd house in a precarious position. Their allegiances were tested, their loyalties divided between their own house and the larger power structures they were entwined with.

Seiya, the patriarch of the 2nd house, was not blind to the ominous feeling that had settled within the room.

His gaze moved across the faces of his fellow house members, taking in their expressions of concern and apprehension. He knew that their futures were hanging in the balance, and his role as a leader demanded that he provide reassurance, even in the face of uncertainty.

"As members of the 2nd house, we have faced challenges before," Seiya's voice resonated with a firmness that carried authority. "Our strength lies not just in our loyalty to the main house or the larger Clan, but in our unity as a house. We have weathered storms and emerged stronger every time."

A few members nodded, their eyes meeting Seiya's with a flicker of determination. Yet, the unease in the air remained as palpable as ever. Seiya's words were meant to instill confidence, but the gravity of the situation was not to be underestimated.

"But let's not underestimate the situation we're in," Seiya continued, his voice taking on a more somber tone. "Kazuki Yamato is not a force to be taken lightly. His actions carry weight and consequences. While we may not have directly crossed his path, the ripples of his actions can affect us all."

One of the senior members spoke up, his voice carrying a mixture of concern and urgency. "Patriarch, what should we do then? Should we seek support from the main house? Or do we wait for their orders?"

Seiya's gaze was steady as he addressed the question. "For now, we remain vigilant. We stay informed about the developments, and we gather information discreetly. We may not have orders yet, but that doesn't mean we are helpless."

The tension in the room began to shift, as Seiya's words seemed to inject a sense of purpose into the atmosphere. The members of the 2nd house exchanged glances, a silent agreement passing between them. They knew that their unity and resourcefulness would be their greatest assets in navigating the uncertain waters ahead.

Seiya's expression remained determined, his voice carrying the weight of responsibility. "We protect our interests, but we also tread with caution. We do not act impulsively, nor do we underestimate the shifting tides of power."


While everyone inside the 2nd house was discussing the looming danger, someone outside was slowly approaching them. The gloomy clouds hung low in the sky, casting an eerie atmosphere over the empty street. As a car sped through the road in front of the house, a figure emerged at the end of the road. The figure stood there, holding a katana in one hand and wearing a white shirt paired with black formal pants. A lit cigarette dangled from his mouth, casting a faint glow in the dim light. The figure's features soon became clearer – it was Kazuki Yamato.

Yamato's presence exuded a mix of tension and raw power. He stood there, unmoving, his gaze fixed on the 2nd house of the Hajime Family. The katana in his hand seemed like an extension of his very being, a lethal weapon that spoke of his intent.

With deliberate steps, he began to approach the house. The weight of his footsteps seemed to echo through the air, a foreboding sound that grew louder with each passing moment. The street seemed to hold its breath as he dragged the katana behind him, the blade creating a faint trail against the ground.

Inside the house, the discussion continued, the members of the 2nd house unaware of the approaching storm. The tension was still palpable, each person grappling with their own thoughts and fears. Little did they know that their worst fears were about to materialize, embodied by the figure of Kazuki Yamato himself.

As he drew closer, the dim light caught the glint of the katana's blade. It was a chilling sight, a reminder of the violence and chaos that Yamato could unleash. The cigarette in his mouth burned steadily, a symbol of his unwavering determination.

The empty street, the silent buildings, and the figure of Yamato moving with purpose created an eerie tableau. The stage was set for a confrontation that could tip the scales of power and reshape the future of the Hajime Family.

The figure of Kazuki Yamato continued his steady advance, a force of nature and destruction that could not be ignored.

Two guards were guarding the gate as Yamato approached the house. Both of them noticed the katana and put their guards on. Yamato's heart was still racing with rage along with his emotions since he went to Kurosaki Palace. He couldn't control his rage or keep a check on his emotions. It was way too much for him to handle the pain of losing his beloved wife.

Guard 1: "Halt! Who goes there?"

Yamato's gaze remained fixed ahead as he continued his approach, the intensity of his presence seemingly suffocating the air around him.

Guard 2: "State your business, or we won't hesitate to use force!"

The guards exchanged a tense glance, their hands gripping the hilts of their own weapons, ready to defend the entrance to the house at all costs.

Yamato's footsteps finally came to a stop just a few meters away from the gate. He took a slow drag from his cigarette, the ember burning brightly as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.

The guards' warning went unanswered as Yamato's emotions and anger consumed him. In a swift, deadly motion, he drew the katana from his side and unleashed a lightning-fast attack. The blade sliced through the air with a deadly precision, cutting down both guards before they could react.

The clash of metal against metal rang out for a moment before falling into a chilling silence. The lifeless bodies of the guards lay on the ground, a stark testament to the danger that Yamato represented.

The gate, once guarded by the sentinels, now stood ominously. Yamato's rage had unleashed a swift and brutal act of violence, signaling his arrival to anyone inside the house who might be listening.

The figure of Kazuki Yamato remained unchanged, his eyes still locked onto the entrance. The katana in his hand was stained with fresh blood, a visual manifestation of the chaos he had brought.

Inside the house, the discussion had ceased, replaced by an eerie stillness. The members of the 2nd house were about to face a reality they had never anticipated – a confrontation with the very embodiment of their fears, in the form of the vengeful and relentless Kazuki Yamato.

Yamato's anger surged through him, his heart pounding with every emotion he had suppressed since the loss of his beloved wife. With a surge of power, he smashed the gates with his legs, the force of his blow causing the metal to buckle and twist. The sound of rending metal echoed through the air, a stark declaration of his fury and determination.

Yamato's chest heaved as he stood before the now-mangled gates, his eyes flashing with a dangerous intensity. The scene he had just created was a clear message – there was no turning back.

As the sound of the gate being smashed by Yamato echoed throughout the entire manor, panic and urgency spread like wildfire. The sudden, violent intrusion demanded immediate attention, and the members of the 2nd house began pouring out of the house, their expressions a mix of shock and fear.

The patriarch, Seiya, emerged from the house, his eyes widening as he took in the scene before him – the lifeless bodies of the guards, the shattered gate, and the figure of Kazuki Yamato standing there, his presence radiating danger.

Seiya: "Kazuki... Yamato!?"

It didn't take time for them to understand who the person standing at the end of the gate was. He was none other than Kazuki Yamato, a name that had haunted their fears and conversations for a long time. Everyone was stunned, their faces a mixture of disbelief and apprehension, while Kazuki Yamato stood alone with his cold, unyielding eyes gazing at them.

The air was heavy with tension as the reality of the confrontation settled in.

Seiya: "We... We didn't expect to see you here."

Yamato's presence was an overwhelming force, his anger and determination tangible in the air. The emotions that had driven him to this point were like a storm, swirling beneath the surface, waiting to be unleashed.

Yamato: "I'm sure you didn't."

As Yamato's steps carried him closer to the group, Seiya's voice cracked with a mix of desperation and resolve.

Seiya: "Tchh! Everyone, attack him!!"

The command echoed through the air, a rallying cry in the face of imminent danger. The members of the 2nd house, shaken from their initial shock, sprung into action. They drew their weapons – swords, daggers, and various implements – their faces a mixture of fear and determination. The tension had reached its breaking point, and the clash between Yamato and the 2nd house seemed inevitable.

The members of the 2nd house charged forward, their weapons raised and their resolve burning in their eyes. The tension in the air was palpable, a mixture of fear and determination, as they rushed towards Yamato, ready to engage in a battle that had been thrust upon them.

Yamato's gaze remained unyielding, his stance unwavering. He stood his ground as the members of the 2nd house closed in, each step they took bringing them closer to the impending clash. His cigarette glowed faintly in the dim light, a stark contrast to the darkness that seemed to emanate from his presence.

As the members of the 2nd house closed in, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught their attention. Above Yamato's head, an ominous figure began to form – a terrifying Oni, crying out in agony, pain, and grudge. Its presence radiated an intense pressure that seemed to crush the air around them, making it hard to breathe.

Fear gripped the hearts of the members of the 2nd house as they witnessed the manifestation of this malevolent spirit. The Oni's appearance was accompanied by a surge of bloodlust that filled the surroundings, making the air heavy with a murderous aura. The sight was both horrifying and mesmerizing, a glimpse into a power that transcended the mortal realm.

Seiya, who had been urging his fellow house members into battle, now found himself frozen in place, his own fear mirroring that of his comrades. The weight of the situation was far greater than they had anticipated, and the confrontation had taken a turn that none of them could have predicted.

Yamato's expression remained stoic as the Oni above him continued to emanate its ominous energy. It was as if the very embodiment of his rage and pain had materialized, and its presence was suffocating. The members of the 2nd house hesitated, their initial determination waning in the face of this overwhelming force.

The clash that had seemed inevitable moments ago now hung in the balance, as uncertainty and fear gripped both sides. The battleground had transformed into something far more complex – a convergence of human conflict and supernatural power.

Seiya's voice trembled as he tried to regain control of the situation, his initial bravado now replaced with a sense of desperation.

Seiya: "Hold your ground! Don't falter! We can't let him intimidate us!"

But the Oni's presence was a force that couldn't be ignored. It seemed to feed on fear, growing stronger with each passing moment. Everyone rushed forward despite such pressure and Yamato without holding back unleashed himself with that katana of his and leaped into the air. Yamato's leap into the air was swift and powerful, his katana gleaming in the dim light as it cut through the air with deadly precision. "Crave these words in your head "I am Kazuki Yamato, will feed on each and every one of you," said Yamato with his cold eyes and his chilling voice while being in the air holding his katana. He soared above the battleground, his katana gleaming in the dim light, his chilling words hung in the air like a dark omen. His voice carried a cold, resolute tone that sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it. His eyes were those of a Devil, the sole symbol of destruction.