
Yakuza in Diapers: A Criminal's Rebirth

Hiroshi Tanaka, once Tokyo's most feared yakuza boss, wakes up one day in the body of a child. But there's no time for playdates and pacifiers. His new adoptive father is a relentless police officer determined to bring down Hiroshi's former criminal associates. As Hiroshi juggles crayons and curfews, he embarks on a mission to save his old friends while keeping his true identity hidden from his unwitting father. Can he outsmart both his former underworld allies and his new guardian? It's a high-stakes game of hide and seek in the streets of Tokyo, and Hiroshi's tiny frame conceals a determined heart with a big mission.

MeagerWriter · 都市
10 Chs

The Mighty Magician Extraordinaire

In the cozy, pastel-colored room, Hiroshi was surrounded by a small army of stuffed animals. He sat there cross-legged, still wearing his beloved police pajamas. To the untrained eye, he was just a typical two-year-old, playing with his toys. But Hiroshi was anything but typical, and today, he had something exciting to share with his fluffy friends.

"Okay, guys," he said, addressing his plush companions with a voice that could only be described as adorable. "You won't believe what I did the other day. It was amazing!"

The stuffed animals, with their unblinking button eyes, appeared to listen attentively. Hiroshi was in his element, ready to regale them with his tale.

"I got this super cool Baby Grappling Hook, you see." Hiroshi demonstrated by miming the action of shooting a grappling hook into the air. "And then, I used it to swing around like a tiny superhero! It was so much fun!"

As Hiroshi continued his animated storytelling, a soft chime filled the room, catching his attention. He glanced around, puzzled by the sound. It wasn't a typical nursery rhyme or toy noise he was accustomed to. Then, he saw it—a translucent message hovering in the air.

[Supreme Toddler System Notification!]

Hiroshi's chubby cheeks puffed up as he stared at the floating text. He couldn't read it, but he had a feeling it was something important. With a determined look in his eyes, he reached out his tiny hand and clumsily swiped at the message, causing it to expand.

[System Gift Pack]

"Do you want to open it? (yes!) (no)"

"Whoa," Hiroshi mumbled, completely entranced by the new interface. He couldn't help but be curious about what was inside this gift pack.

With a chubby finger, he tapped the "yes" option, and the gift pack unraveled before him.

[Congratulations, you received the following rewards!]

1 Magic Pea

10 Toddler Coins (TC)

New Title: Baby Batman (10% boost to strength and agility when you are dressed in Batman pajamas)

"The rewards are really nice," Hiroshi muttered to himself. He gazed at the single Magic Pea in his inventory, wondering what kind of magic it could unleash. However, he couldn't help but cringe at the embarrassing title he had earned.

"But the perks are too good to pass up," he admitted, weighing the benefits. "I'll just have to buy myself a Batman pajama to make the most of it."

With a sense of excitement, Hiroshi entered the shop once more. His eyes darted to the available items, and one in particular caught his attention.

[Shop] → [Skills]

"Do you want to buy Magic Coils?" (yes) (no)

"Obviously," Hiroshi declared with determination. He selected "yes," and the moment he did, he felt a surge of power engulfing his tiny body. It was as if a warm fire had ignited in his stomach, spreading strength throughout his limbs.

Hiroshi couldn't help but giggle in delight as he felt a newfound sense of energy coursing through him. He was ready to embrace his potential as a toddler with magical abilities. With a grin, he imagined all the incredible feats he could perform.

"I'm a wizard now!" he exclaimed to his stuffed animal audience, waving his hands dramatically. "No one can stop me!"

Hiroshi's imagination ran wild with thoughts of grand magical adventures. He pictured himself casting spells, summoning creatures, and performing feats of incredible magic. But just as quickly as his excitement soared, reality brought him crashing back down to Earth.

Hiroshi stared at the message with disbelief, his tiny brows furrowing. "Don't tell me?!"

[The magic ability you unlocked with your Magic Coils is: "Supreme Pajama Summoning"!!]

"What the F***?" Hiroshi exclaimed, his voice higher-pitched than usual.

As he processed the information, a flood of details about the ability surged into his mind. "So, I can change the appearance of my pajama once every 10 minutes? How is this useful?"

Hiroshi's face contorted with disappointment. He had hoped for something grander, like conjuring fireballs or flying like a superhero. Instead, he could now change the pattern on his pajamas. He sighed, his little heart filled with mixed emotions.

"But wait," he thought, his eyes lighting up with a mischievous glint. "If I can change my pajama's appearance, I can look like Batman whenever I want!" Hiroshi grinned, his imagination running wild with possibilities.

With a determined nod, he decided to test his new ability immediately. He closed his eyes, focused on the image of Batman's iconic symbol, and whispered, "Supreme Pajama Summoning!"

In an instant, his plain police pajamas transformed into a black suit covered in bat symbols. He felt a rush of excitement as he examined himself in the mirror, flexing his newfound style.

Hiroshi pranced around the room, striking heroic poses, and even tried his best to mimic Batman's gravelly voice. "I'm vengeance! I'm the night! I am... Baby Batman!" he giggled.

[you have obtained the boost from your title: Baby Batman]

(+10% agility) (+10% strength)

But reality soon set in. His transformation was impressive, no doubt, but it was still just a glorified change of clothing. He couldn't help but feel a tad disappointed that he wasn't an all-powerful magician.

He pouted, waddling over to his plushie friends. "Well, my fellow heroes, it seems I'm not quite the mighty wizard I thought I'd be. But don't worry, Baby Batman is here to save the day, one stylish pajama at a time!"

Just as Hiroshi was relishing his newfound supercharged abilities as Baby Batman, he heard the sound of the front door opening. His father had returned home from work.

The moment his father stepped into the room, his eyes widened in surprise and confusion. He blinked several times, his gaze locked onto Hiroshi's attire.

"Hey there, champ," his father said, his voice tinged with bewilderment. "That's... quite the outfit you've got on."

Hiroshi tried to look innocent, but it was challenging when you were wearing a Batman-themed onesie.

"Did... did you get a new pajama?" his father asked, a puzzled expression on his face. "And where on earth did you find a Batman one? I didn't buy that for you."

Hiroshi wanted to kick himself; he hadn't been careful enough in his awesomeness. Now he had to find an excuse. But alas, he couldn't speak, and his father interpreted his silence as pure toddler mischief.

"Alright, buddy," his father chuckled, still bewildered but amused. "You're full of surprises. Maybe Mom got it for you, huh?"

Hiroshi's father reached out and ruffled his hair with an affectionate smile. "Well, you certainly know how to keep things interesting, even in your pajamas."

With that, Hiroshi's father scooped him up and held him close, unaware of the magical secrets hidden in the pajamas.

Hope you like this little twist on the magic of our little Magician.

You didn't expect that did you ;3

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