
Southern Norscan Tribes

Probably noticed there's no cover right? Well seems the automated system the site has said my cover is too 'Explicit and/or Pornographic' which beside her having large boobs under a bikini it's not explicit at all since nothing was being showed off like her nipples or vagina so I'm calling bs on that, I asked author support and they told me that that's IT's problem so I sent an email to see if they can pull back that violation.

If they don't then there won't be a new cover available until the 13th of May but I'm posting the cover here in the paragraph comments along with a new one if this isn't retracted and it 'should' comply with googles TOS that this site has to follow, also I'll try and post the image of the MC with some blurring on his bare chest that *whew* 'too sensitive' to be shown on this site obviously.

(Covers and MC)


As the days past we made our way up the eastern Coast of Lustria taking back the Altar of the Horned Rat and the Marks of the Old Ones, which helped increase Clan Opulences power in Lustria along with increasing their standing on their 'Council of 13'

So much so VelVel of Clan Opulence asked for forming a military Alliance while also offering us the Major Settlement of Kaiax 2500 gold which was a rather cheap price when it comes to offering settlements, especially major cities even if the one they were offering was a pile of rubble topside so I agreed and now I had two provinces under my direct control while Clan Oppulence also had two provinces under her clans control.

Though since the capital would need workers I sent my extra men their to help rebuild the city while sending work slaves to help with construction along with sex slaves to keep those their relatively content.

With that underway we continued our March but a delegate from Clan Spittel asked for peace from both of our factions.

"Unless you-you confederate with us-us! Then there's no deal!" VelVel said to the delegate as she wanted to take the final push on Clan Spittel personally after sending Skrats army to guard against Gor'roka and keep a look out for Nalakai the Wonderer.


"Confederate?! No-No! If you want that then we have no deal! You! Will you make peace with us yes?" The delegate made their stance clear about peace through confederation as that would result in their Clan not having any say on the Council of 13, the only time Confederation is a choice is when a opposing Clan has a large amount of both military strength, territory and food that other Clans are alright with being confederated which clearly Clan Oppulence doesn't have enough of all three so they refuse.

"Of course we can make peace, that is of course if your leader agrees to become my vassal then this war is over and your clan won't have to face destruction." I said giving my offer which made VelVel unhappy with my offer while the delegate was pensive as theirs a big difference between vassalage and confederation.

"Let me-me speak with patriarch." The delegate left leaving me and VelVel to ourselves.

"Why you do that! Their my enem-" but I hush her with but a single finger as I look into her eyes as I activate my Slaaneshy powers, one of them being called the Voice of Slaanesh allowing me to influence those who I speak to.

"Vel, my sweet, if I have them bend to my rule and dominate them completely, and if per chance a certain lovely Skaven woman became my own personal concubine, I could easily give you Clan Spittel without a second thought." I said as I moved my finger across her lips towards the side of her face and down under her chin as her breathing got heavy, her heart racing, and a tingling feeling of excess juices flowing from between her legs as her mind began to race until-

"My Lord!" Suddenly a a Chaos Marauder came into the lords tent uninvited and in a hurry.

But before he could say anything his head that was still under his horned metal helmet was suddenly grabbed and lifted into the air with one arm by his lord who didn't seem to pleased to be interrupted.

"Don't you know not to interrupt my important conversations that can decide the course of this war?!?! I SHOULD CRUSH YOUR SKULL FOR YOUR INSOLENCE?!?! GIVE ME ONE GOOD REASON I SHOULDNT AND MAYBE I'LL LET YOU LIVE!" I shouted out as I slowly began to crush his skull like a grape it is.

"Aaauuuggghhhh!!! The Southern Norscans! Their-Their raiding our lands my-my lord!" He screamed out as he squirmed within my grasp before I let him go, only for me to grab him by the throat instead as I pulled him face to face.

"Then why didn't you say that at the beginning!!!" I shouted out before throwing him out of the tent making him scurry away.

"Damnit, raiders, they will all pay!" I said sweeping back my long black hair in anger before clenching my fist.

Suddenly the sounds of laughter could be heard from afar as a never ending party of revelry marched on, hearing this I looked up as I was about to recieve a message from my lady Slaanesh, not realizing that everyone nearby me could hear her voice as well.

VelVel knelt with her head pressing to the ground in worship as her Great Lady spoke, "The Norscans of the Southern Tribes question your power and the strength you have from your goddess, go and return to your capital and destroy the raider army's, then head for the southern Chaos Wastes and subjugate their leaders in single combat to make them all follow your command, take the Southern Chaos Wastes in the Glory of My Name!" She said before slowly fading away.

Though soon after someone new entered our tent, it was none other than the leader of Clan Spittel who had heard the entire conversation between me and Lady Slaanesh.

And it seemed hearing her beautiful and soothing voice changed his original rejection of becoming my vassal before this time agreeing to it and thus the war in the north was over allowing me and my men to head southwards to deal with our unwelcome guests.

'Soon enough the Clan of Oppulence will be mine, I can taste it, but these marauders must pay for their insolence.' I think to myself as me and my men began the rapid March back towards my capital.


Update from them, in very simple terms they just said we're not changing our mind as they kept pushing the problem off to another group to fix as the customer service said talk to the IT team to which the IT team said talk to customer service and it just went back and forth like that so no cover until later on, on the 13th of May

Also I looked up the Southern Wastes and turns out their are Beastmen down their but are better known as Beastfiends who look more of a mix between animals and daemons rather than animals and men that create Beastmen so the Southern Wastes have the Southern Norscan's, Beastfiends and Lizardmen.

So remember to friend me on Discord as only a couple of you guys have so far so if you want easy access to my Dropbox by clicking the link on my profile just search up my old Username of Nameless#8598 or better yet join this apps discord as that's where the authors go to bounce ideas and stuff and get 'help' when the support team wants to be useful but you'll have easy access to see my profile that way so that's an option as well, the servers name is Webnovel Writers if you want to search for it, just look up my name Izer5, my original username on this site, and you should see my profile there.