Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound
" Thanks for coming everyone. There's so much... So much happening thank you. Kurt would want me to say thank you. He'd also want me to say that I'm a Methodist and this properly catholic... But well. We're doing the best we can. I wanted to read this. I'm going to skip around some, but I always liked this song, when I was a kid: He asked me: son can these bones come to life? Lord God I answered you alone know that. Then he said to me: Prophesy over these bone, and say to them: Dry bones, hear the word of the lord! Thus says the Lord God to these bones: See! I will bring spirit into you, that you may come to life. I prophesized as he told me, and the spirit came into them: They came alive and stood upright, a vast army. Then he said to me: Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They have been saying your bones are dried up, our hope is lost, and we are cut off. Then you shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and have you rise from them, o my people! I will put my spirit in you that you may live, and I will settle you upon your land. It's a nice thought anyway. He always made this insanity feel like an adventure."
Nathan spoke as he gave a eulogy for Kurt.
Nathan then passed the torch to the other members of the X-Men who each one by one gave their own words of goodbye to their oldest friend.
" Of all my students... I taught him the least and learned from him the most."
Charles spoke.
" Well, he made me look like a matinee doll."
Beast spoke.
" You know, they said I was once dead too. Maybe this works out okay."
Peter said in faith of seeing his friend again.
" There was never darkness in his presence. Nothing was ever so grim when he was near."
Storm spoke sadly.
" I hope he found the peace he helped so many of us seek. It's the least he deserves."
Angel spoke.
" His was the only chapel I ever set foot in."
Emma spoke.
" He was my brother. He was my friend. He was our light when we lost our way."
Scott spoke.
Every member of the original X-Men spoke until it was finally Logan's turn.
" Logan? do you... Logan?"
Nathan called out to the man as stood seething in anger.
" Yeah. Kurt was the only guy that ever looked me in my eyes like a man and spoke to me like one. And treated me like one. No matter what I did or where I was or how I felt. He was my best friend and he never treated me like a damn animal... And now he's gone... And for what?!"
Logan yelled in anger as he popped his claws. He got in Scotts face in anger before turning to Hope and Cable.
" You better be worth this, I swear to god."
Logan said threatening the little girl.
Nathan yelled at the man as he stood in front of hope.
Logan growled and left with the rest of his team.
The others quickly cremated Kurts body. Nathan and Laura finished saying their goodbyes and went to Laura's old room on Utopia to settle in for the night.
" This is crazy Laura. I still can't believe he's gone."
Nathan said to the woman as he took his gear off.
" Are you okay?"
Laura asked the man as she placed her hand on his back.
" Yeah, but still, it ain't right. Out of everyone who deserved to die in this damn battle Kurt was the last. He always gave people the benefit of the doubt. He always made sure to put the lives of his teammates and students ahead of his own. And now he's gone. It's just... Whoa!"
Nathan was in the middle of pouring his heart out to Laura until an explosion rocked the buidling.
" That was an explosion... The X-JETS! Laura let's go!"
Nathan yelled to the woman as he ran out of the room.
Nathan and Laura arrived with the rest of the X-Men to see donald pierce had trapped the mutants on the Island.
" I didn't miss the funeral, did I?"
Pierce asked the mutants.
" X-Men KILL HIM!"
Nathan yelled as he and Namor rushed Pierce.
Nathan yelled to the man as he and Namor tore him apart piece by piece, ripping his metalic body with ease.
" They've trapped us here. Get these fires out, prepare for an attack."
Scott said to the others.
Nathan and Namor returned from the fires still tearing pieces of Pierce apart.
" You're strong."
Namor said to the man.
" So, are you."
Nathan replied as he walked over to Laura.
Suddenly another Explosion rocked the island.
" No shrapnel. No fire. That wasn't us."
Logan said as he got to his feet.
" I think that was outside in the bay."
Peter stated.
" Prodigy, what's our status?"
Scott asked the boy.
" It's the rigs cyclops, they just exploded."
David explained to the man.
" Everyone outside, now! We're under attack!"
Scott ordered the group outside.
" Do we know that?"
Emma asked as she and the others ran.
" Cerebra. The teleporters. The blackbirds. He blinds us, then immobilizes us. Bastion had to be sure we'd be here when he made his move."
Scott explained as the reached the doors to building.
The group ran outside to see an unnatural red hue filling the sky.
" My god! What is that?"
Psylocke asked as she looked at the sky.
" Warren. Bobby, get up there, Now! Keep that thing from closing!"
Scott ordered.
" This is fucking crazy! I'll see if my sound can shatter it."
Nathan said to Scott.
" No! Nathan you're with me and the others. We're going into the city to stop this. Emma gets me the others and have them meet us here now."
Scott said to the woman.
" Who do you want?"
Emma asked.
" Read my mind."
Scott said to the woman
" Nathan."
Laura called out to the an as she grabbed his hand.
" Laura, you're going with Logan and the others."
Nathan said to the woman.
" You be careful okay. Bastion is dangerous."
Laura said to the man.
" i will love. You keep our people safe. And when I get back."
Nathan was saying before Laura cut him off with a kiss.
" Alright soundwave let's go!"
Scott yelled to the man.
Nathan nodded and kissed Laura one last time before joining the others.
" Alright, let's go. Namor carry Soundwave to the city."
Scott said to the man.
" No need, I might not be able to fly yet, but I can still move fast."
Nathan said to the man.
" How fast?"
Scott asked.
" Fast enough to get to the city in a few seconds if I push it."
Nathan said to the man.
" Then go, hurry! We'll meet you in the city. Do some recon and inform us of what we're facing."
Scott said to the man.
Nathan nodded and took off towards the city, running on the water
" This is some bullshit. We can't even exist in peace without some fuck robot trying to kill us."
Nathan said as he ran towards the city. However, as he ran a single bright orb caught his attention.
" Cyclops, on the bridge there's a glare coming from it and it definitely isn't from the sun. And it's not moving."
Nathan radioed to the man.
" Okay, we'll change course and meet you there to investigate. But be careful it could be a decoy, like the rig."
Cyclops radioed back.
" Could be. But I'm betting not. After all, doesn't look like he need a decoy right now."
Nathan said back to the man.
" Scott, I'm approaching! ARGH!"
Nathan was telling the man when he was suddenly attacked from the inside of the sphere, by a robot.
" Soundwave! Damnit, everyone hurry!"
Scott said to the others as they flew towards the bridge
" Ugh! Scott! It's NIMROD!"
Nathan finally radioed back as he fought the robot off destroying it with ease. His words left the others joining him in shock as they raced to help.
" Threat level Maximum. Response... Ultimate force."
The robotic killers said as they poured out of the sphere.
" Nathan!"
A familiar voice called out to the man as he fought off the invading sentinels.
Nathan turned his head to see Noriko and the rest of the X-Men arriving to help.
" Nori! Look out!"
Nathan yelled as one of the sentinels attacked the woman.
He raced towards the woman arriving in time to save her from being bisected by the robot. He drove his fist through the machine's chest killing it instantly.
" Everyone! Watch your backs! Don't stay on one of them too long. They adapt quicker the longer they face any one of you!"
Nathan explained to the others before resuming his attack.
" X-Men take them down!"
Scott yelled as he fired his optic beam.
The X-Men all began battling the sentinels openly, trying their best to survive. Some like Namor, Nathan, Colossus, Psylocke, Wolverine, and Rogue were handling their mechanical foes rather easily. However some, like Noriko, Hisako, Iceman, Cyclops, and Domino were more then struggling against the robots.
" Ugh!"
Hisako groaned in pain as she lay defenseless on the ground.
" Terminate."
One of the sentinels looming over the woman said as it reached to kill her.
" Sound Blade!"
Nathan yelled as he sliced through the robot.
Nathan looked down and helped the girl to her feet.
" You okay?"
He asked as he picked her up
" I am thank you."
Hisako said to the man.
" Keep swinging girl, we can do this."
Nathan said to the girl before running back into the action.
' This is insanity. They started this fight in a place where I couldn't use my powers to their full effect. Damnit!'
Nathan thought to himself as he forced his way through the horde of sentinels.
" Ahh!!"
Noriko yelled in pain as one of the sentinels sliced her leg.
" NORI!"
Nathan yelled in a panic. He quickly made his way to the girl and destroyed the sentinel with his sound blade.
" Fuck Nori!"
Nathan bent down to help the woman with her bleeding leg as she cried in pain.
" I got you come on."
Nathan wrapped a gauze around her leg to stop the bleeding and picked her up in his arms.
" Psylocke! Laura! What are you doing here Laura?"
Nathan asked the girl.
" Cyclops called some of us over."
Laura explained.
" Fine, here you two take her! AND MOVE! We're getting slaughtered on this bridge. Get everyone off of it."
Nathan explained to the girls.
" What are you going to do?"
Laura asked as she grabbed Noriko.
" I'm going to flatten this whole bridge. We're dropping like flies out. And something needs to change before they kill us all."
Nathan said to the girl as he ran towards the center of the bridge.
Nathan called out to all fighters on the bridge.
They all turned their attention to the man as they fought the sentinels.
Nathan ordered them in a panic.
" You heard him! Everyone off the bridge!"
Scott yelled to the others.
The X-Men heard the order and started jumping into the seas below them. Ice man used his Ice to create slides so that those who couldn't survive the fall could get off the bridge with no problems.
Once the coast was clear and the others were out of reach. Nathan took all of his energy into his body and let out one singular destructive roar.
" RAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
a large wave of destruction burst out from Nathan's mouth. The result was a massive explosion that obliterated the bridge in its entirety.
" ARgh! What power."
Colossus yelled as the ocean below thrashed him and the rest of the X-Men around violently.
Laura yelled as the man was engulfed in the explosion.
Once the smoke finally cleared Nathan's body floated lifelessly in the air where the bridge had been. He then started falling towards the sea.
" Warren he's unconscious! Catch him!"
Laura yelled to the winged man.
Warren nodded and flew into the air to stop the man from slamming headfirst into seas below. Warren brought the man slowly back down into the sea with the others.
" Nathan!"
Laura yelled as she swam over to the unconscious man.
" What's wrong with him?"
Domino asked
" He's hurt! He used too much energy in that blast! We have to get him back too base now!"
Laura yelled.
" Laura calm down, he stopped the sentinels. We have a chance."
Bobby said to the girl.
" You don't get it! The last time this happened he almost died!"
Laura yelled back.
" Namor! Get him back to base quickly!"
Scott yelled to the man.
Namor grabbed Nathan and quickly raced him back to Utopia.
" Laura, what do you mean he almost died?"
Logan asked.
" It puts too much stress on his body, his heart can't take it. His body, it's stronger than before. But it's still not strong enough to handle the full stress of his power."
Laura explained to the group.
They all listened to the girls panicked explanation.
" Damn, all right. Everyone let's get back to base. We need to put together a plan of attack and get our people treated."
Scott explained to the X-Men.
The X-Men gathered their forces and returned to Utopia in an effort to plan their counterattack against the sentinels from the future.
As the leaders of Utopia gathered and planned the injured rested down in the infirmary.
Julian Keller a.k.a. Hellion had lost his hands in the attack. And Nathan had stressed his body nearly beyond his current limits.
Laura and Noriko were sitting next to Nathan's bed as Josh used his healing powers to help take the stress off of his heart.