Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound
" Rogue, you're a sight for sore eyes. Least ways if you can really do this. Bastion's got a through-line on Cable and the kid, unlike us. All we can do is chase the carnage, and we're pretty much running on empty."
Logan said to the woman as the X-men sat outside route 66.
"Entshuldigen: We passed empty a thousand miles back. I saw it waving."
Kurt said to the man.
" Ugh! Laura sweety can I lay my head in your lap?"
Nathan asked.
Laura rubbed his head and gently laid it down into her lap, letting the man rest.
" Okay, Elf, you're up. Take Rogue and keep the Jumps tight and short and tell us in every time you land. We'll keep pace with you as far as we can. Sparky! Get up."
Logan explained to the man before yelling at Nathan.
" Ugh! Fuck you."
Nathan groaned.
" You're the fastest person here that can't teleport. You're going to be putting that speed of yours to the test. Now get up!"
Logan yelled.
Nathan leaned up and placed a wet kiss on Laura's lips before getting to his feet.
" Stay safe love."
Nathan said to the girl
" You too Nathan. Be Careful and call if you need me."
Laura replied as she got to her feet.
" Wait a second Logan. Can we not all go together using ariel's power?"
Kurt asked the man.
" Sure, as long as we only go to places with doors. Out in the wilds of where-the-hell-are-we I'm a lot less limber."
Ariel explained.
" Ariel's our backup. And she stays with me and X. Now every second we waste, these guys are stealing another yard on us."
Logan explained to the man.
Kurt sighed and took a stance with rogue.
" Ready?"
Kurt asked as Nathan took a running stance.
" Ready!"
Nathan said to the man.
Kurt nodded and started teleporting with rogue
* BOOM!*
Nathan took off with a resounding thunderclap, running as fast as he could following the two mutants to Hope's location eventually finding them hiding in a trailer park in Nebraska.
" She's in there."
Rogue said to the two men.
Nathan nodded and kicked in the door to Cable and Hope's trailer.
" Hey Summers! You owe us for ditching us."
Nathan said to the man.
" What are you doing? The enemy is outside, and you just gave away our hiding spot!"
Cable yelled.
" Don't worry about those Losers. Logan's dealing with them."
Nathan said as he heard the sudden sound of men screaming.
" Speaking of. He wants to speak with you outside. I'll go deal with our other trespassers."
Nathan said before leaving the trailer.
Nathan then quickly dispatched the remaining purifiers before returning to the group. Returning just in time to see rogue with Warren's Psylocke's, colossus's and logans powers. He watched as Kurt grabbed her and Hope and teleported.
" Okay, what the hell did I miss? And Where's Ariel?"
Nathan asked.
" She didn't make it and we've drawn decoy duty. You ready for a fight sparky?"
Logan bluntly explained to the man before getting ready for a fight.
" I see. I'll make sure to give her a proper funeral over these bastards corpses."
Nathan replied.
" They're coming everyone get ready!"
Logan yelled.
" No, leave this to me."
Nathan said to the group as he stepped towards the oncoming troopers.
" No, civilians. No buildings. No worries."
Nathan grinned as the soldiers got closer and closer.
Nathan took a deep breath and focused.
" BLAST AWAY!!!!!!"
Nathan yelled out a massive wave of destruction rushed out from the man's mouth completely blowing away every single one of Bastion's troops and clearing the deserted trailer park for miles.
" Damn kid that was something."
Logan sneered as he looked out at the devastation before him.
Suddenly Nathan stumbled and collapsed to the ground.
Laura yelled as she ran over to the man. She kneeled down and gently picked Nathan up into her arms.
" You idiot! What were you thinking using up that much power?!"
Laura yelled at the man.
" Heh! Sorry for making you worry love. But it was a necessary risk. We can't afford to spend too much time in one place."
Nathan said as he hugged the woman.
" Come on, let's get back to base. Hopefully the others will be there by the time we get there."
Nathan said to the group unaware of the tragedy that had just happened.
The group boarded the X-Jet and quickly made their way back to utopia. Upon arriving Colossus made a fit on getting his sister back from Limbo.
" Find pixie we are going to Limbo right now."
Peter said to Psylocke.
" Peter, we will get your sister back."
Psylocke replied as the team walked off the jet.
" You are not listening. Illyana's hurt, she could be dead for all we know. We have to..."
Peter was explaining before Psylocke cut him off.
" Peter."
Psylocke called out.
" Scott?"
Peter asked as he and Emma approached the group.
" What happened?"
Nathan asked seeing the look on the two's faces. He quickly put it together that someone didn't make it back from he mission. That Ariel wasn't the only one getting a funeral.
" Fuck me... Who was it?"
Nathan asked. Everyone immediately turned their attention to scott.
" Elf."
Logan called out to his long time friend.
Scott and Emma moved to show the body of Kurt lying dead on the floor with one of bastion's robotic arms jutting out from his chest.
" Fuck... Kurt. Come on man."
Nathan croaked out whimpers as he loomed over the dead body of his friend.
Laura quickly brought the man into a tight embrace as he cried.
" Nothing will ever heal this. Nothing ever can. He'll need a burial. Warren, can you prepare his body? Get him cleaned up if you can. I don't know if we'll be able to put together full catholic rites or not, but we should try. Bobby that's on you. He had a sister. Amanda Sefton. She was his foster sister. She'll need to be contacted. I do not want this man's death to be in vain. And that means getting back to work and shutting bastion down. Stay sharp. And we'll bury our dead when we can."
Scott explained to the group as they all hovered over the man's body.
" If we live, we live for the lord. And if we die, we die for the lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we belong to God. Requiescat in Pache my friend! You are in Gods loving hands now. Amen."
Nathan said as he closed Kurts eyes. Giving him a sendoff to the afterlife as best he could.