
Wind Rider and Her Siblings

The Ancestors were angry but couldn't do a thing. How do you fight with someone powerful, domineering and unforgiving?

They thought that Luy Gray had underestimated her opponent and lost in the process. What they hadn't done was ask her what had happened?

Others even felt that she was loosing her touch.

And if that's the case, then I was a like a wounded deer. My life at their fingertips.

To this time, I still hadn't gotten the gist of how these people could manipulate the spiritual energy to their bidding. Something as simple as taking flight was like eating noodles with a straw for me.

In my understanding, I just had to thing of doing something and it happens, though not everything. So I made a note to have Luy teach me everything there was to know about cultivation. If I knew the in's and outs, only then will I developed myself with better understanding and foundations.